Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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Haha, for us Brits the weather is a national pastime!:p

They explained it a little the other day, the air up high is very cold and when the storm clouds come over they cause the air temperature to drop, which means... snow. then after it's snowed it's back to 10 degrees!

It's meant to be warming up next week, 14-15 degrees.

Oh I see, hopefully they're right... I want spring, its April ffs. :o
2.4 degrees this morning, its got colder everyday this week, the roads were filthy this morning because they had gritted them again!
Springs is over, summer is cancelled..... straight back to winter.
How is it a supplier in Italy can get bits to me next day but I'm normally waiting at least 3 days for parts from within the UK!?
2.4 degrees this morning, its got colder everyday this week, the roads were filthy this morning because they had gritted them again!
Springs is over, summer is cancelled..... straight back to winter.

I spent 3 hours cleaning my bike at the weekend, used a toothbrush in parts... It's not even funny.. :(
How is it a supplier in Italy can get bits to me next day but I'm normally waiting at least 3 days for parts from within the UK!?

You are lucky! Last time I had to get a part from Italy it took 4 months!

I spent 3 hours cleaning my bike at the weekend, used a toothbrush in parts... It's not even funny.. :(

Thats why I don't bother cleaning mine... thats my excuse anyway!
I spent 3 hours cleaning my bike at the weekend, used a toothbrush in parts... It's not even funny.. :(

If you have a clean bike that does a few miles, and never really gets dirty then it's easy to keep them clean. But a dirty/old bike that does lots of miles, the dirt gets into places that are impossible to clean :(
The ride home was interesting...

It was raining really hard and I was cruising at NSL and then power was lost, the bike sounded awful and it was running on one cylinder. At 7k revs it was doing a kangaroo effect as the front cylinder was trying to fire giving extra power abruptly.

The first time I didn't enjoy riding it, getting to 50 mph was a chore.

Been reading on it, it seems to be common with SVs and the way to fix it is to get a fender extender, I was going to wait on it but I think I need one ASAP as I don't want to ride it like that again. I have two options, Carbon or non Carbon please let me know your thoughts as I'm stuck at which one to get...

Non carbon-

Carbon- (The one I previously posted and you guys liked! :))

Will get it ordered as soon as I can as soon as I can make a decision.
Get the carbon one its only a few pence more

You can buy some ignition lead/plug cap silicone spray that seals it from water/damp but it wears off after a few weeks
I ordered non-carbon, it would look out of place with a carbon extender...

BTW Something bike related came through the post, anyone can guess what? :p
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