Sprint, crouch and jump are your friend
Just checked over it and there is nothing on there, also only happens when its on full power, weird thing is, is that it worked the first time and I died going through the vent and now it doesn't work... should have saved but then again the game should work.
A wee LOL at those complaining at the ladders, you go do better and give it away for free!....with no funding.....in your own time...
Says a lot for PC gaming, you get this, for FREE, this quality, the time put into this for zero profit, and still you complain
I would like to know aswell
Sure criticise, but only if you can offer something better
Dont go whining
The blast pit bit with the tentacle monster is definitely broken.. I could only get through the area reliably by running full sprint through it.
I don't like the change they made to the tentacles behaviour. In hl1 you could lob a grenade to distract it and then sneak past whilst it calmly tapped around trying to find you.
If its free and you don't like it there's an un-install button, just move on, they owe you nothing!
Dont go whining about why this and that dont work, have some respect for the people who made this, otherwise why will they ever bother in the future
The two biggest games of the year have potential to be freebies, this and Day-Z, hope the big Devs take note
Sure criticise, but only if you can offer something better, Is the original better than this???
Mibbe someone will do a side by side walkthru on youtube, could be interesting
The two biggest games of the year have potential to be freebies, this and Day-Z, hope the big Devs take note