You've been quiet recently! Still enjoying the car? Lights look good, have you sorted out the coding to stop the flickering on start-up and error codes or just going to live with it?
Hey buddy, I've been really busy recently so not had too much of a chance to be active on here, so lurking it is for now.
Still loving the car

Have been having thoughts about changing her recently, but I'm really not sure what else there is out there to replace it with, so chances are I'll be waiting until the F30 335i comes down in price a bit. The E92 gives me everything I need and still puts a smile on my face every time I see or drive it

I coded the lights myself with NCSExpert..was only a 10 minute job once I'd done some research into what needed changing.
How's the 330 going? Are you any closer to replacing it with a 335i?