Boeing 777 shot down

Not weird at all. More of the same rubbish that will now be flooding the net, posted by Putin stooges. However in this case its too late for them. Their big mistake was to get all cocky and post on a russian forum that they had shot down a plane they thought was ukranian military, then panicking and scrubbing everything (like you can make stuff disappear on the internet). They've already implicated themselves heavily.

I think its possible that if were living in the mix of it that it could have seen inevitable if they had shot down three military planes in this week and commercial airplanes are still flying in their airspace. I think anyone could guess that this would happen and we learn that the anti air can be made to act autonomously. Even if it was automatic that does not remove responsibility. I think this guy who posted just guessed and unfortunately was right.
but I suppose on hindsight that is all well and good.
I understand how risk assessment works but in this case hindsight really is a *****:( I would have never forseen anyone being stupid enough to shoot down a Civilian flight especially at 33000ft, regardless of the conflict on the ground, before today if i was told i was flying over eastern ukraine knowing the information they had before this tragic event, i probably wouldnt have batted an eyelid.
but now we know better.
Its probably unfeasible but there should be international regulations forbidding Flight over War zones full stop regardless of capabilities and such.
I understand how risk assessment works but in this case hindsight really is a *****:( I would have never forseen anyone being stupid enough to shoot down a Civilian flight especially at 33000ft, regardless of the conflict on the ground, before today if i was told i was flying over eastern ukraine knowing the information they had before this tragic event, i probably wouldnt have batted an eyelid.
but now we know better.
Its probably unfeasible but there should be international regulations forbidding Flight over War zones full stop regardless of capabilities and such.

If a warning was issued before flight, which we are led to believe it was, then the risk had already been identified. So the fact that a 3rd party thought it was enough of an issue to raise it, suggests it should have been considered.
154 Dutch onboard. What a tragedy for Holland.

Obviously for others as well, but that is a lot from one country.
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It was most likely shot down by separatists:

Rocket trail seen north of Torez 3rd District few km from crash site:

This is how BuK is operated: radar detects target, missile is fired, first it goes in inert mode but on the approach of target there is radio correction and finally its self-targeting system adapts to the type of the target:

Same day it was seen going through Torez suburbs:

And later in adjacent town of Snizhne going south towards Russian boarder (app. 15km away):



Approximate location on Google maps

Winter is coming...
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Separatists get both nations off the hook. I am pretty sure that will be the eventual findings.

Earlier on it was supposed to be a hand held SAM, then experts said at that altitude it was not likely.

The fact is the Russians shot down a Ukrainian SU-25 on Wednesday. A day later a plane is shot down and it was nothing to do with either of them it was rebels.

I can buy the story of rebels but with what went on on Wednesday I am suspicious with the claims so far. Rebels seem to be an easy target from both sides even though they have been firing things directly at each other for at least 24 hours.
It was most likely shot down by separatists:

Rocket trail seen north of Torez 3rd District few km from crash site:

This is how BuK is operated: radar detects target, missile is fired, first it goes in inert mode but on the approach of target there is radio correction and finally its self-targeting system adapts to the type of the target:

Same day it was seen going through Torez suburbs:

And later in adjacent town of Snizhne going south towards Russian boarder (app. 15km away):

Winter is coming...

It was also suggested that the BUK didn't have the range so it could have been something else which fired the missile.
Now confirmed that 298 people were on board, up from 295 because 3 of the passengers were babies who don't have their own ticket. 3 babies :(
The plane was flying at 10,000m/30,000ft.

Dependant on the missile used, it was more than capable of shooting the liner down.

Obviously it's too early to call anything, but is it possible somebody mistook the Buk's 22,000 engagement ceiling for ft instead of meters? It wouldn't be the first time a metric/imperial transpose has downed an airliner
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