Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Just had a legendary class mod drop from a random loot midget that jumped out of a locker! What's even more awesome is that I was on my psycho and am level 35 so it fits perfectly :) Also being level 35 I had just enough talent points to unlock all of the bonuses and still get to the end of the tree, chuffed!

me and a friend have just completed first play through, last boss was easy.

im playing gunzerker, whats nest weps to use?

im currently using 2 smgs and have a sniper and shotgun in slots 3 and 4.

im going for this build. currently lvl 32

Tweaked it slightly for you:

Down not Out and No Kill Like Overkill are essential (left tree). Inconceivable is barely worth having given ammo regen on zerking, bigger mags from Filled to the brim is more valuable!

Also Double Your Fun in the middle tree is superb.

The max health/health regen is a little worthless unless you go for a full Brawn build, 1 point is enough to restore your health without buying medkits. Usually plenty of time after a fight :)
4th from a quest hand in, this is going to be awesome on my Hellborn psycho!


I'm not so sure about that. My Psycho has leveled 1 of the first skills in Hellborn and Flames of the Firehawk doesn't seem to trigger the 'self-ignite' effect which causes problems with using it to trigger 'while burning' buffs.

It doesn't really matter though because when you can run around with it blasting enemies in a huge radius for entire fights while smacking them (and yourself) in the face with a buzz axe fights tend to go your way :p
It doesn't really matter though because when you can run around with it blasting enemies in a huge radius for entire fights while smacking them (and yourself) in the face with a buzz axe fights tend to go your way :p

Your Psycho is a bit mental ;)

Just seems to kill everything around
Just getting back into Gaming after a bit of a break and have been looking at this game after enjoying the first one.

Just looked on Steam and aswell as the £19.99 for the base game the DLC is £97.86 don't think ill bother with any of that then thankyou.
Will I miss much if I don't get the DLC.
Hold out till it's on sale - coming up at about 6 - 8 quid when it does!

99% of the DLC is irrelevant too - You'll need the season pass, Gaige and Kreig character packs for the best experiences :)
me and a friend have just completed first play through, last boss was easy.

im playing gunzerker, whats nest weps to use?

im currently using 2 smgs and have a sniper and shotgun in slots 3 and 4.

im going for this build. currently lvl 32


You need 5 points in money shot plus a class mod that gives you extra points, you can get up to 1000% extra damage from the last shot in the mag. The most poular weapons to use are pistols, namely a Rubi for the healing and a DPU Harold for the damage, that way you don't need to waste points in the third tree. You can solo all the raid bosses with that combo plus a sherrifs badge or other relic that boosts pistol damage and/or fire rate.
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Mal - Have you done any of Captain Scarlett's yet? If not, farm for a Corrosive Sand Hawk, if yes, what Sand Hawk did you get?

sorry m8, i didn't even know a Sand Hawk existed, i finished her DLC two days ago..... i only ever found her 43 000 fire pistol.......the treasure loot was far less than what i already had from the Golden chest and this is the same in all the DLCs, because the only guns larger than what i have are Legendarys and even some of the Legendaries are less.

i'm after the HOMING PANDEMIC ACID grenade from Mortar and a large HOMING FIRE, finally Sledge's shotgun, these could be dropped anywhere, it is futile to go hunting for them, the drop rate is too low, just let it happen naturally

i eventually killed TREX, i used a Torgue explosive Gatling, it took ages, he is also vulnerable to an Acid sniper !
This is the end result of those drops! Madness!

yea that's good, i'm quite jealous too, because with Zero that area takes ages to get through

but i could get my Gunzerker up and running again, he's at level 50, he would be great with Firehawk on the 3rd playthrough
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i must have had a bug earlier.

i was able to tank everything that came at me, my shield would regen instantly and my hp would too.

about 20 mins later it stopped and went back to normal.
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