Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

I used sniper rifles a lot with my Siren in UVHM. Used a fast firing, high clip sl@ged Vladof and then switched to a decent fire damage sniper rifle. I play solo only and didn't find it too bad really, easier than I was expecting.

Only exception was when I reached the bit where you have to make your way back to sanctuary after it is airborne. Them Rabid Stalkers were a bit too tough lol, had to leggit past them.

Oh and that giant Thresher was really tough. Nearly didn't make it past that bit.

The Sirens phaselock comes in very handy in UVHM as you can make it so that it will jump to another enemy once they are dead. It also pulls a few enemies together and sl@gs them all, which helps a lot.
Mal_X you've got 2 problems here:
1) Playing solo in UVHM
2) Playing solo in UHVM using Zer0 sniper spec

If you want to go solo in UHVM, its pretty damn hard for any class .... its really not meant to be solo'd in UVHM TBH, those boss fights require team mates. Even if you insist on going solo and want to stick with Zer0, then go melee spec.

You are trying to fit the game into your playstyle when the odds are clearly stacked against it deliberately by the game.

at last, a fair post :D

the trouble is, the gamer might not know how hard it is before switching to UVHM, only if you knew all about it first, i didn't.

i think to have finished it as a Zero sniper ( all the DLCs/ main game too) prove that i've done quite well, but the only thing i cant tackle are the Arena Fights and the Raid Bosses.

but i do have to say that he's pretty good with the SMG too, because i did the Bar Brawl yesterday and i was fine, i didn't drop once in the bar, because if you know that you're about to do lots of melee then he's ok, because you can chuck homing fire grenades first etc etc
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I have put my zero on hold at level 55. I never once went full sniper, just the spec where you throw ninja spikes and the rest in sniper for the bore skill where you shoot through people and used smg's.
UVHM is rock hard :)

I tried using him as mele but I need to get to level 57 to get all the points I need to chuck the ninja spikes.
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Also, I struggled to kill stuff in UVHM before I got a bee shield. But that leaves you very vulnerable as it's got such a low capacity.
this game definitely does not drop any loot that makes it easier to play, it only does this below level 50!

Besides you being wrong on just about everything else - I've never read so much **** as this. If you're sniping, go get a Bee Shield and a Lyuda or something, they take no time at all to farm. It makes UVHM feel like normal, you run around instantly killing everything, you don't even need to sl@g for regular mobs with that sort of setup they die in 1-2 shots either way ... when it comes to the 'raid' bosses, they aren't really easy to solo unless you use some glitch spec that instantly kills them - otherwise 3-4 people will make it a doddle.

This game, like ARPGs, is 99% gear -- you get the gear and all of a sudden game is easy, you don't get the gear and you will struggle on even the most basic of things... then add to that, you've demonstrated in posts further up that you aren't clear on damage types and effects and how to use them and you're going to have a bad time.
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at last, a fair post :D

the trouble is, the gamer might not know how hard it is before switching to UVHM, only if you knew all about it first, i didn't.

i think to have finished it as a Zero sniper ( all the DLCs/ main game too) prove that i've done quite well, but the only thing i cant tackle are the Arena Fights and the Raid Bosses.

but i do have to say that he's pretty good with the SMG too, because i did the Bar Brawl yesterday and i was fine, i didn't drop once in the bar, because if you know that you're about to do lots of melee then he's ok, because you can chuck homing fire grenades first etc etc

Its been stated many times that sniper specced Zer0 is simply weak, you just chose to ignore it. The buffs he gets for it are ****poor. Critical Ascension would be absolutely awesome if it didn't degenerate so damn fast or gave lots more stacks per shot and a lot of his other skills just don't give enough damage to help you deal with enemies that are harder to crit (like animals or Ratmen).

Compared with the likes of Gunzerker whose Money Shot and Overkill buffs stack to absolutely ridiculous amounts of damage.
i mean the big boss fights are just plain stupid, they're unwinnable with normal gear !!!!!

With Zero you can kill Pyro Pete in 3 and a half minutes with Law and order and a Kitten or a Rubi (all quest rewards), you can kill Hyperius in the same time with a Pimpernel (Quest reward).

There is nothing hard about the game and you don't need any legendary weapons, all you need is to spend some time to understand the game and learn how to use the right combination of weapons and skill points.
Also, I struggled to kill stuff in UVHM before I got a bee shield. But that leaves you very vulnerable as it's got such a low capacity.

i couldn't use my Bee in UVHM, it would not go into the shield slot the game rejected it, finally; it had far too low a capacity
With Zero you can kill Pyro Pete in 3 and a half minutes with Law and order and a Kitten or a Rubi (all quest rewards), you can kill Hyperius in the same time with a Pimpernel (Quest reward).

There is nothing hard about the game and you don't need any legendary weapons, all you need is to spend some time to understand the game and learn how to use the right combination of weapons and skill points.

i cant get thse guns, i already did the missions, the pistol looked rubbish so i dropped it and i went for the sniper rifle instead.. not Rubi, the only one i can get is Kitten

Pyro pete goes down in 3 mins ? no he wont because Zero is too weak regardless of how powerful his guns are...Hyperious ? not a hope in hell, he can hardly get out the gate without dropping and that was back at level 50, Zero only takes one hit or a near miss to drop, not two or three, only one, a bandit will take me out with one Elemental shock hit from a pistol, or 3 normal bullets, the shield really does deplete instantly as does the health bar....i might have the wrong gear.

i might need one of you to take a look at him, i might go online soon, because i switch from game to game, so i dont know BL that well and i think i'm missing something.

it's like the Tiny Tina mission....``tea party``, i cant do it at all, he cant stay up/ do enough damage quickly enough, it's so annoying, they just run past me and the generator goes down very quickly, they dont even shoot at me, every mission is like this, i have about 8 failed side missions where guns were the reward.

you know he cant do it so you have to walk away, but for the game to be this hard tells me i'm missing something fundamental, i think i have the wrong shield, i use a large Amp shield but it drains instantly, plus i've been ignoring all the pistols that i've been given ....just selling them.... because i i definitely sold Tina's pink pistol last time....without even firing it.
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Downloaded the "NVidia GeForce Experience" last night and installed, after it optimised BL2 I can actually notice an improvement, think that's the first time I've downloaded an NVidia product and noticed it doing what it said it would :D

took it a few minutes to find my steam games mind..
i might need one of you to take a look at him, i might go online soon, because i switch from game to game, so i dont know BL that well and i think i'm missing something..

I'll play with you if you want, get some of those missions done; do a few quick farms to get you some shinies etc.
I'll play with you if you want, get some of those missions done; do a few quick farms to get you some shinies etc.

hi thanks

i seem to be doing much better now, i've done some side missions and have started a collection of rapid fire pistols, but i need quite a few before returning to Tinas tea party..... i also got an SMG that fires bullets out of its empty mag as you throw it, it spins in the air, this is worth 850 000 so i've kept it.
i never knew these pistols were so powerful, i just used to throw them on the floor..because some of these are much more powerful than the SMG, I found a 35 000 x 2 fire x 22 magazine, which with the pistol mod is an additional 40% faster !!!!! flipping heck :D.....i also found a 50 000 rapid fire shock by 72 mag.

i can kill them easily in the bar fights because here i can take my time, but in Tinas i have to kill them very quickly; before they get anywhere near the generator. last time i threw homing fire grenades when they were all at the entrance, now this makes a massive difference, but this time i dont have it..... so i need this next.

my fire SMG Castor is mega powerful but wont kill 3 badasses quickly enough, one of them always gets to the the new pistols will be better, but maybe still too slow, so i deffo need that grenade.

i think Zero can eventually kill everything in the game, because i killed TREX in 5 min yesterday, last week it took 25 mins !!!!!.....(TREX spawns all the time in Torgue), but to do so means that i might have switch him away from sniper rifles and leave the guns i dont require back in Sanctuary, because right now he carries 10 sniper rifles, this is not needed for Tina's tea party..... he only needs 2 fire snipers!
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i've been on the Gearbox forum, there's a tread about the 1st game being better, it isn't, but it does have better sniper rifles and AR

i might replay the 1st game later on, i've got it all on Steam only, so it'll have to be a fresh download
I've been curious about Borderlands ever since the 1st game came out but I ignored both as I am not a fan of the visual art style. Bugger me, having purchased B2 during the summer sales and only just getting around to playing it I have to say I couldn't have been more wrong.

The humour is just awesome (McShotty!) and I love the whole Diablo with guns this game has going on. My Zerk is only a Lv26 atm but I am playing co-op most of the time with friends and we all have a blast. Normal difficulty can be a bit chaotic though in 4P mode.

So far I've only seen one legendary item drop and that was a great Lv21 shield named Transformer. Outleveled the thing now though.

I <3 Tina! :o
That was an amazingly successful trip to the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve on my lvl60 Psycho. 3 legendaries 1 pearlescent 2 e-tech Did 3 rounds in the Creature arena, got a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot shield, a Quasar grenade mod, a Skullmasher sniper rifle, a Butcher pearlescent shotgun, a shock plasma caster and a relic with shock resistance, shield capacity and rate boosts.

Also very nearly hit lvl61.

Hit lvl61.... then realised the Firehawk quest had been blocked because I'd started the BNK-3R quest so I've gotta wait till the end to get my damn shield :p
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