Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

i gamed quite well yesterday, i'm hanging around ``beatdown`` in Torgues.

i found a tripple burst fire Dahl ``fire sniper``, it's very good, you aim at the neck and all 3 shots strike the head, but if you aim between the eyes, the next 2 shots go over the head....this is because the gun recoils upwards slightly, this gun kills every time, the other snipers dont, i combine this with 30% fire damage.
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If you're struggling that much even with a big level advantage either your guns are terrible or your style of play just isn't suitable with a) your gear, b) your skill choice or c) the enemies you're facing.

Been the same points that have given me trouble in the 2 characters I've taken through the game. The most recent was a melee Zero and I couldn't even get close to the a Constructer to finish it. Ended up staying out of it's missile range and sniping it in the end....

I do keep forgetting to keep moving for the bonus damage too :/

Still used to my high DPS Gunzerker though :D
@Sundance - Rocket pods and sl@g turret deal a lot of damage even in UVHM. I've never actually tried his other lines but I can't see how 2 turrets with basically no special mods is any good, nor am I expecting the Nuke to actually do much damage so really there is only one choice imo.

Yeh that's the tree I originally went down, but I was getting bored letting the turret kill everything for me. So now I'm trying a low tier build across all three trees, not maxing out any skill tree or putting any points into turret. Purely putting points on gun/nade damage, weapon switching, recoil and shield recharging etc. Now I only use the turrent to distract enemies while I res my mate. It feels good but I don't know how it'll hold up in UVHM.

Soon I'll be able to throw about 18 nades :D If I use MIRVs that's about 126 explosions! Mr Torgue would be proud of me.

Edit: Another reason I'm trying this is to improve my badass tokens my getting kills myself with different types of weapons. Am I correct in thinking this is the way it works?
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Been the same points that have given me trouble in the 2 characters I've taken through the game. The most recent was a melee Zero and I couldn't even get close to the a Constructer to finish it. Ended up staying out of it's missile range and sniping it in the end....

I do keep forgetting to keep moving for the bonus damage too :/

Still used to my high DPS Gunzerker though :D

I find it hard to believe you couldn't get close to an enemy when you have a skill that renders you invisible (and possibly also gives you a dash execute skill to gap close ><).

Constructors aren't exactly melee friendly with that stupid little 'bounce' that does massive damage and knocks you back, but so long as its alone you can easily Law n Order yourself back to full hp before it hits again. Failing that if you die in front of it you've basically been gifted a kill.

Yeh that's the tree I originally went down, but I was getting bored letting the turret kill everything for me. So now I'm trying a low tier build across all three trees, not maxing out any skill tree or putting any points into turret. Purely putting points on gun/nade damage, weapon switching, recoil and shield recharging etc. Now I only use the turrent to distract enemies while I res my mate. It feels good but I don't know how it'll hold up in UVHM.

Soon I'll be able to throw about 18 nades :D If I use MIRVs that's about 126 explosions! Mr Torgue would be proud of me.

Edit: Another reason I'm trying this is to improve my badass tokens my getting kills myself with different types of weapons. Am I correct in thinking this is the way it works?

Its an even better distraction when it blows **** up. You'll be thankful for it when you come up against Ultimate Badass Nomads. Combined with a decent elemental weapon or grenade it lets you destroy stuff.
I find it hard to believe you couldn't get close to an enemy when you have a skill that renders you invisible (and possibly also gives you a dash execute skill to gap close ><).

Constructors aren't exactly melee friendly with that stupid little 'bounce' that does massive damage and knocks you back, but so long as its alone you can easily Law n Order yourself back to full hp before it hits again. Failing that if you die in front of it you've basically been gifted a kill.

Ahhh this is PT1 though so Law & Order are rubbishy low level things :(

The spot in particular was the constructor on the ledge after the drop barge gets taken out. Killed all the bots but there was 3 Hyperion Hawks who kept knocking me into FFYL whilst trying to get close.

Not to worry - PT2 starts in....oooo 30 mins :D
Ahhh this is PT1 though so Law & Order are rubbishy low level things :(

The spot in particular was the constructor on the ledge after the drop barge gets taken out. Killed all the bots but there was 3 Hyperion Hawks who kept knocking me into FFYL whilst trying to get close.

Not to worry - PT2 starts in....oooo 30 mins :D

with the constructors etc, you really do need a fast fire Corrosive sniper, just for them and them only, it's a 22 round drum magazine, fire rate'll need it for Opportunity as well, it's a Vladoff i think.

you blast at them from semi cover but you must kill all flying bots first, all Constructors are generally speaking ``easy kills``, you target their arms or the Camera on its head.
If anyone wants a level 50 Legendary Mechromancer class mod just let me know. Two legendary class mods in a row I've had now that I can't use!

Evilsod would most likely want the Mecromancer mod, if not I'll gladly have it.

What he said :D

I'll gladly take it off your hands.

with the constructors etc, you really do need a fast fire Corrosive sniper, just for them and them only, it's a 22 round drum magazine, fire rate'll need it for Opportunity as well, it's a Vladoff i think.

you blast at them from semi cover but you must kill all flying bots first, all Constructors are generally speaking ``easy kills``, you target their arms or the Camera on its head.

No, you really don't. You are pretty much only scoring critical hits on a constructor so crit damage boosts will make a hell of a difference, regardless of weapon choice.
This game is great... but there is still somethng about it, that sometimes makes me want to stop playing it.

I think it's becuase im struggling at the moment, due to having crappy weapons. I have only just found two weapons which are worth 3-4k comapred to the previous weaopns I have been using worth only up to 300-400 credits.

At the moment, my only gauge if how good a weapon is, is price.
What he said :D

I'll gladly take it off your hands.

No, you really don't. You are pretty much only scoring critical hits on a constructor so crit damage boosts will make a hell of a difference, regardless of weapon choice.

maybe true because my gunfire tends to be very accurate at range, so their arms fall off virtually instantly...even the Badass bosses, but the corrosive still makes a difference, it must an extent !

the only Constructor that's a pain to kill is Saturn, but even he is far easier now......the Worst of all is TREX, but it'll be some time until i'm ready to take him on again, because i need something special for him.

in the 2nd playthrough, i got him with Conference Call and the homing Corrosive legendary grenade off Mortar, but this time i aint got nothing !!!

this 3rd playthrough is much harder than the 2nd, and flipping miles harder without CC and Sledge's
This game is great... but there is still somethng about it, that sometimes makes me want to stop playing it.

I think it's becuase im struggling at the moment, due to having crappy weapons. I have only just found two weapons which are worth 3-4k comapred to the previous weaopns I have been using worth only up to 300-400 credits.

At the moment, my only gauge if how good a weapon is, is price.

yes price, BL2 has this spot on, because you might not know from the specs if the weapon is any good, but the price tells you everything.. if it's mega expensive it'll be good....ALWAYS

Borderlands will always be hard to play, because this is not a semi- realistic shooter like FAR CRY 3, because in this game you have to kill them 10 times too much until they finally drop.
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I just got my psycho to level 31 and it was a bit of a grind getting here. The level 31 skill in the mania tree is a game changer though, I'm rampaging through packs of mobs like a loony :)
Haha! Zero is so much more powerful simply by starting PT2. Staying in deception until and area is pretty much cleared is easy :D

i've never used melee/ deception ( right hand tree), i think playing Dishonored is the best game for this.

i farmed Warrior last's a total waste of time, because when i do find Legendarys they're usually only dropped after hours of gaming, but CC is not dropped anywhere else, so it looks like i've had it, i cant afford Harold, because farming the Bar Brawl is also useless, you only get about 5 coins and an extra 10 if you beat it, but Zero always drops about once; so there you go FAILED !!!:(

so for TREX i might try a Torgue pistol and a switch to those large magazine Machine guns, the belt feed ones that hold 250 round, but i expect these will be useless too...not sure

he has dark red drums on the side for crit hit damage, but these are very hard to hit from behind the barrier, because you can only really see its head and once you get careless and move too close, he kills you !..... killing him is going to be really hard, because you deffo cant enter the arena, Zero goes down instantly

Bloodwing was miles easier, because he has Skags to kill; to rescue your sorry Arse once you're in 2nd wind
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