Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

So started on UVHM and wow that's not even remotely fun! It's clear my old strategies and weapon loadouts won't work anymore but even taking that into account the enemies do seem a little tough.

I do lack a decent slaag weapon (8% & 18% being my best) which is severely limiting my damage potential.

One to save for co-op though I feel.....soon :D
So started on UVHM and wow that's not even remotely fun! It's clear my old strategies and weapon loadouts won't work anymore but even taking that into account the enemies do seem a little tough.

I do lack a decent slaag weapon (8% & 18% being my best) which is severely limiting my damage potential.

One to save for co-op though I feel.....soon :D

Snipers usually have between 30 to 50%, but for a closer range look for a rapid fire pistol to **** before quickly changing to your next weapon.
So started on UVHM and wow that's not even remotely fun! It's clear my old strategies and weapon loadouts won't work anymore but even taking that into account the enemies do seem a little tough.

I do lack a decent slaag weapon (8% & 18% being my best) which is severely limiting my damage potential.

One to save for co-op though I feel.....soon :D

Borderlands have definitely killed the fun element, basically UVHM is a slog fest !!!

why they have made UVHM so hard to play; is maybe because level 50 was too easy...because the 2nd playthrough was deffo easy once you had levelled up and raided the golden Chest, but this UVHM isn't, it's still very hard; even with all the mega sniper rifles that i have.

e.g the Sheriff of Lynchwood was one a two shot head kill, but she now takes about 6 !!!!
Snipers usually have between 30 to 50%, but for a closer range look for a rapid fire pistol to **** before quickly changing to your next weapon.

the Sl*g rapid fire sniper generally wallops everything with a quick 5 round burst. (bandits only i mean)

because the fire sniper used to be by far the best against flesh, but the Sl@g is better now, but this means you use one heck of a lot of Ammo.
Completed all but Tiny Tina's DLC now (waiting for a friend to find some free time to play it as it's the only one he hasn't done) and have to say I really enjoyed them all, more so than the DLC in BL1. My only major gripe was that they all seemed rather short, particularly Sir Hammerlock's :(.
why they have made UVHM so hard to play; is maybe because level 50 was too easy...because the 2nd playthrough was deffo easy once you had levelled up and raided the golden Chest, but this UVHM isn't, it's still very hard; even with all the mega sniper rifles that i have.

Imagine that, you cheat yourself infinite golden keys and get a great selection of strong purple equipment and the game became quite easy :rolleyes:

the Sl*g rapid fire sniper generally wallops everything with a quick 5 round burst. (bandits only i mean)

because the fire sniper used to be by far the best against flesh, but the Sl@g is better now, but this means you use one heck of a lot of Ammo.

Not sure if you're just talking rubbish again or don't understand the sl@g mechanic at all... sl@g damage does not gain the damage boost from the effect. So how the hell can a sl@g sniper be better than an incendiary against flesh?
Doc Mercy's (Infinity), Savage Lee's (Unkempt Harold), McNally's (Hammer Buster) and Mad Dog's (Madhaus!) drop rates have been fixed in a recent hotfix.

Got a Baby Maker from Madame Von Bartlesby but it's level 48 :(.
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Unless the red text does something pretty devastating that gun still looks crap...

Single shot AR with no elemental mod or a sniper rifle with a +120% crit mod, more base damage and a fire/corrosive element? Its simply no contest since non-elemental weapons plain suck without critical hits.
Imagine that, you cheat yourself infinite golden keys and get a great selection of strong purple equipment and the game became quite easy :rolleyes:

....Evil you dont need the Golden keys do you, no; because you trade online instead, i dont !!!! you'll say you dont but it's pretty obvious you do....because you mentioned it above !!!
if you find this 3rd playthrough easy, then you and your M8s from the Gearbox forum will be trading online for the best gear, because you read about this on every thread over there, this game definitely does not drop any loot that makes it easier to play, it only does this below level 50!

Evil, if anyone is bias in favour of BL2 it's you, you never accept its faults, it's pretty much a waste of time talking to you

BUT EVEN YOU cant dodge the fact that this 3rd playthrough is far too hard, because there are loads of other complaints here, the game is no longer ``FUN``

unfortunately i'm the only sucker that's stupid enough to keep complaining, eveyone else just briefly mentions it
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....Evil you dont need the Golden keys do you, no; because you trade online instead, i dont !!!! you'll say you dont but it's pretty obvious you do....because you mentioned it above !!!
if you find this 3rd playthrough easy, then you'll be cheating in some way, because this game definitely does not drop any loot that makes it easier to play !

Yes because I did it once in this thread a few days ago it must mean I trade everything constantly :rolleyes: Think that was actually the first trade I've done. I do actually have 64 golden keys atm that I've not used because I've got by on the drops I've had so far, swapping em between characters. Psycho is level 56 and has the advantage of not giving a flying **** what drops because I only really need to update my grenade mods.

Evil, if anyone is bias in favour of BL2 it's you, you never accept its faults, it's pretty much a waste of time talking to you

Er... wut? Coming from you thats a laugh.

BUT EVEN YOU cant dodge the fact that this 3rd playthrough is far too hard, because there are loads of other complaints here.

No, there have been a few comments that say UVHM was a serious step up to what they were expecting. The only one who actually complains about it regularly is you (and given that you've been complaining about the game since day one that is hardly surprising). Yes, it is hard. Yes, some aspects are a little bit unfair if you play solo. Yes, you may need to adjust your play style to take into account the changes in enemy hp and the importance of sl@g.

Go play Far Cry 3 if you want something with no challenge.

1.... no decent loot drop at all, the drop rate is far too low for farming and their damage rating is far too low for level 61, the drop rate ranges from 0.8 to 1%
2.....AI has far too much health compared to the 1st game, or any other shooter i've played, it's rediculously hard is no fun, it's a grind

1. Yes, the drop rate on legendaries is pathetic. Everyone knows this.
2. The first game didn't even have a UVHM so that point is completely moot.
3. So play somet else and stop whining about it endlessly.
well at least that's a slightly better reply than what i was expecting from you.

a challenge ?..... no it's not a challenge at all, that's the whole point, they've made the game hard because without the increased AI health/ shield it would be far too easy.

you try BL2 on Vault Hunter mode, it's krap, it's even worst than FAR CRY 3, they know this, so they ramped up the health/ shield to hide this.

a challenge is a game like Dishonored, it's a far superior game in every single way

Borderlands is a plain game/ no tactics at all/ it's run and gun, but what makes it appear like a challenge, is that it has far too much health.

i mean the big boss fights are just plain stupid, they're unwinnable with normal gear !!!!!
Mal_X you've got 2 problems here:
1) Playing solo in UVHM
2) Playing solo in UHVM using Zer0 sniper spec

If you want to go solo in UHVM, its pretty damn hard for any class .... its really not meant to be solo'd in UVHM TBH, those boss fights require team mates. Even if you insist on going solo and want to stick with Zer0, then go melee spec.

You are trying to fit the game into your playstyle when the odds are clearly stacked against it deliberately by the game.
Even I can see that Sniper Zero is totally underpowered for uvhm, especially solo.

My commando + turret barely manages to put out enough damage to cope.
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