Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Hit lvl61.... then realised the Firehawk quest had been blocked because I'd started the BNK-3R quest so I've gotta wait till the end to get my damn shield :p

I did that with Mordicai, started the 'This just in' quest and before turning in started 'The Talon of God' so I couldn't farm a Bee before the final boss :o.
This game plain sucks single player.

Infinitely respawning enemies that gang-rape you can kiss my ass.

And I hate player respawning in single player games too.

What a waste of money :(
This game plain sucks single player.

Infinitely respawning enemies that gang-rape you can kiss my ass.

And I hate player respawning in single player games too.

What a waste of money :(

Working out preferred class and play style will help.

By respawning If you mean mobs that walk out of doors and appear while fighting, that's normal. They do dry up and you can clean an area that will remain so until you save and quit, or wait a long time.

Once you level up a bit and get a better shield you can easily run past mobs in old area's. And once you activate the fast travel system you can skip those areas.

I'm enjoying single player at the moment as noticing little touches that I didn't have time to notice during multiplayer.
The one boss fight that is always awesome no matter the difficulty has to be the BNK3R. Had an epic fight against it with the Psycho at level 61.

Also at one point my Butcher shotgun glitched and gave me infinite ammo :p Only lasted for about 60 seconds (and didn't do all that much damage really) before I had to BAR or die and it never happened after that.

Certainly a better fight than that stupid Badass Constructor before it. In the end I just hit behind a post and shot it in the eye and it sat there and did nothing while I unloaded all my shotgun, rocket launcher and half my pistol ammo to kill it. Its so ridiculously powerful and once you go down, that's it, there is nothing to revive off.
The one boss fight that is always awesome no matter the difficulty has to be the BNK3R. Had an epic fight against it with the Psycho at level 61.

BNK3R is useless for me, he gets stuck in the air well away from the platform, the game has a glitch, so he drops all his loot miles's just a total joke !

that Badass Constructor before it goes down from about 25 rounds of Acid sniper, it's as weak as hell......TREX is quite weak now too, but he does drop good loot, i was farming him most of last night, the garage door you shoot under has lifted right up, so you can open fire miles away, right near the vending machines.... he cant even scratch you.

Zero's new pistols didn't work, only the SMGs work at Tina's tea party, but the bloody generator has sod all health so it just keeps going down, never mind !

luckily, as a sniper i'd say that Zero is very powerful, and he's definitely improved in the last week but i dont know why, because i've only upped my guns by about 3000, plus the Crit hit damage by 2%.....but i have found a much faster Amp shield re-generator, it regenerates every time i'm ready to fire again after running off for cover..... the last shield i had to wait ages.
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This game plain sucks single player.

Infinitely respawning enemies that gang-rape you can kiss my ass.

And I hate player respawning in single player games too.

What a waste of money :(

it isn't really a solo game, it's right on the limit, it's now close to MP only, esp in Ultra mode.

the game bullies the living Krap out of you if you're on your own, because if i had an m8 with me this game would be easy, because i'm almost able to kill them all on my own as it is.

it's now time to replay the 1st game, because i'm convinced that it had the better guns
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Finally got my level 50 Legendary Hunter mod! Thanks Pete :p.

And a second :p. Anyone want it?

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it isn't really a solo game, it's right on the limit, it's now close to MP only, esp in Ultra mode.

the game bullies the living Krap out of you if you're on your own, because if i had an m8 with me this game would be easy, because i'm almost able to kill them all on my own as it is.

it's now time to replay the 1st game, because i'm convinced that it had the better guns

I've started to have a bit of fun with it now. Got a sniper rifle and I'm cautiously edging forwards, taking pot shots and letting my turret soak up the damage.

There are some places which just chew you up and spit you out, however. Last night came up against a guy call 'Mad Mike' or somesuch, and despite being a level or two below me, he could cut through my shields in one shot, and another shot would kill me. And he has rapid fire :p

Fortunately the AI is such that they will attack the turret first, and the turret is a lot more hardy than I am. But I found if he got the drop on me, then I'd be dead before I knew he was there :p

Also I've found that in most areas enemies don't spawn infinitely, but I still think they do in some boss fights. The midget riding a bully-**** spawned infinite enemies, I'm sure of it.
I'll take that off your hands mate! I've been looking for a decent one for my level 50 for ages!

Same, been rocking a level 24 since the first playthrough (got it randomly) and only just got the first level 50 one today and the second shortly after. Had Mechromancer and Bezerker mods before getting myself one :p.

My steam name is moothead, so just add me and drop in anytime :).

Just got a double legendary drop from Pete :D.
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Has anyone got a level 50 legendary sniper rifle they'd like to trade?

Also big thanks to Moothead, very kind of you mate.
BNK3R is useless for me, he gets stuck in the air well away from the platform, the game has a glitch, so he drops all his loot miles's just a total joke !

that Badass Constructor before it goes down from about 25 rounds of Acid sniper, it's as weak as hell......TREX is quite weak now too, but he does drop good loot, i was farming him most of last night, the garage door you shoot under has lifted right up, so you can open fire miles away, right near the vending machines.... he cant even scratch you.

Zero's new pistols didn't work, only the SMGs work at Tina's tea party, but the bloody generator has sod all health so it just keeps going down, never mind !

luckily, as a sniper i'd say that Zero is very powerful, and he's definitely improved in the last week but i dont know why, because i've only upped my guns by about 3000, plus the Crit hit damage by 2%.....but i have found a much faster Amp shield re-generator, it regenerates every time i'm ready to fire again after running off for cover..... the last shield i had to wait ages.

So... you kill the BNK3R in the open... when it has a scripted death scene that prevents it dieing anywhere but over the front of the battle ground?

And lvl62 Badass Constructors are killed in 25 shots from your sniper rifle? If you'd said 25 magazines I might've believed you.

And to top it off, you gloat about the Badassasaurus being weak when you kill it by glitching it?

I mean really...
i cant get thse guns, i already did the missions, the pistol looked rubbish so i dropped it and i went for the sniper rifle instead.. not Rubi, the only one i can get is Kitten

The Rubi is probably the best weapon in the game. it heals you for 12.5% of all damage you do whilst holding it, if your shield is down and you are losing health throw out a grenade and switch to the Rubi and your health will be back to 100% in a a split second, it usually comes in the sl*g version too so you can use it to **** them first. With the Rubi you shouldn't die ever although you sometimes get caught out. :o.

The Kitten does the same but only heals you for 2% although being more powerful to start with makes up for that somewhat.

Pyro pete goes down in 3 mins ? no he wont because Zero is too weak regardless of how powerful his guns are...Hyperious ? not a hope in hell, he can hardly get out the gate without dropping and that was back at level 50,

Zero is the most powerful character by far, just requires more skill than Salvador, the max melee strike possible is over 4 billion. Against Pete you use the Rubi or Kitten to keep your health up in the Nova's and then back stab him in deception.

Against Hyperius you use singularity grenades to bunch the minions round Hyperius and shoot Hyperius through the minions with a pimpernel, the b0re skill multiplies the damage to serious levels.
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