Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

I’m having a bit of trouble farming the treasure room. I started in TVHM, began the pirate DLC at some point, killed the leviathan at level 39, continued with main story, finished the main story in TVHM yesterday (now level 50), went back to the treasure room using the glitch expecting the loot to have scaled to level 50, but it isn’t! It’s still at level 39! How do you get it to scale to your level? I thought once you’ve defeated warrior, the loot scaled? Do I have to play the pirate DLC again?

Anyway, having such fun playing this. Probably the best steam sales game I’ve bought. Played for about 7 hours straight yesterday lol. I was hungover though so it’s allowed. With two other guys, one at my level, another starting at level 8! He went from level 8 to 27 in the time he was playing :D
So... you kill the BNK3R in the open... when it has a scripted death scene that prevents it dieing anywhere but over the front of the battle ground?

And lvl62 Badass Constructors are killed in 25 shots from your sniper rifle? If you'd said 25 magazines I might've believed you.

And to top it off, you gloat about the Badassasaurus being weak when you kill it by glitching it?

I mean really...

no i'm serious, the constructor dies in about 22 to 25 rounds....rapid fire acid sniper, 65 000 damage, they also died easily in the 2nd playthrough as well... the only one that's still tricky is Saturn, he takes about 5 mins.

when you return to the bunker BNK 3R is already flying; he's on his own, i shoot at him, he drops his nose and stays there until he dies, he's about 1/4 a mile away.....TREX isn't glitched by me, i wouldn't know how to.... it's the game that's glitched him.

sooner or later Evil, you will have to believe what you're being told :cool:
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Zero is the most powerful character by far, just requires more skill than Salvador, the max melee strike possible is over 4 billion. Against Pete you use the Rubi or Kitten to keep your health up in the Nova's and then back stab him in deception.

Against Hyperius you use singularity grenades to bunch the minions round Hyperius and shoot Hyperius through the minions with a pimpernel, the b0re skill multiplies the damage to serious levels.

smart thinking !!!! :D

i found a Flakker legendary shotgun, it's useless, it wont kill wont even wound.... but i farmed 2 Sledge shotguns off Smash head, i got one after the other, and then on the 3rd go; a really good fire pistol with 98% accuracy.

Zero is a pretty good sniper now and he's staying on his feet far longer too, because i've switched to 30 000 extra shield plus 900 health regeneration, i've only lost a tiny amount of gun power. Tina's DLC is miles easier, but the Knights in the tower are still very hard.

to kill HANDSOME SORCERER just throw out the decoy, run towards the tower on the right hand side and jump onto the ledge, then run around the side of the tower and wait, from here he's an easy kill, because all he does is just look at you while you blast the living hell out of him..

start with 70 000 rapid fire **** sniper.... and then 75 000 rapid fire Shock and that's about it.... but being on that ledge makes me feel seriously sick, it took me 2 hours to notice that ledge !!!! :eek:

but on that ledge you mustn't move, or the game defaults him back to max health, you have to move close to him and then stand still whilst shooting....Bloodwing is the same, if you shoot at him from outside the arena, you can not move.... it's like you're standing in a Sweet spot !!!

i did the Tiny Tina DLC three weeks ago.... i dont know why i had to repeat it, my game is a bit odd, it has some very strange things going on
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Sundance - you can't start missions you want to be level 50 until you finish the story unfortunately so your loot in stuck at level 39 since the chests are connected to the quest level. At least I think this is the case as they are unique chests compared to regular chests.

Evil sod/Quark - Pyro Pete just loves dropping legendaries! Pretty sure I've gotten half the legendary shields from him (no friggin' Sham though :mad:). I got 3 legendary hunter mods from him yesterday which made a difference from finding mods I couldn't use :p. If Squark wants it I'll give him the first offer as I gave you the Mechromancer mod Evilsod but if not, its yours :).
sooner or later Evil, you will have to believe what you're being told :cool:

I do, just not when its you telling me it because its mostly incoherent gibberish with an undertone of a complete lack of understanding of game mechanics.

Your rate of fire is meaningless as far as killing a Badass Constructor in 25 shots goes. Had you said it was a named legendary known to be crazy powerful or had a +120% critical damage modifier on it you might have been remotely believable. What damage does said sniper rifle hit for? Because I happen to have a 42k damage corrosive +120% damage sniper rifle on my Psycho and I hit it for about 250k damage per shot and barely even scratch its health bar. Sure I don't have the crit buffs Zer0 has but that will only amount to maybe 2-3x damage, 4x at the most. Still not even close to taking it down in '25 shots'.

The BNK3R has a scripted death sequence. Unless your cheating has completely broken your game (which wouldn't be entirely unsurprising), it can't die anywhere but over the arena. (Edit: Not quite true, wiki page says the Bore exploit can kill it in unreachable places).

You're shooting the boss in an area that it can't hit you. I think thats the definition of a glitch, whether it was initiated by you or not. You seem to think it makes you good because you've said the same thing about Bloodwing and now Handsome Sorcerer...

Doesn't exactly give you much credibility. Oh and you can't actually sl@g Constructors... which makes your statements even less believable.
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Yours if you still want one, Squark :p.

I do, just not when its you telling me it because its mostly incoherent gibberish with an undertone of a complete lack of understanding of game mechanics.

Your rate of fire is meaningless as far as killing a Badass Constructor in 25 shots goes. Had you said it was a named legendary known to be crazy powerful or had a +120% critical damage modifier on it you might have been remotely believable. What damage does said sniper rifle hit for? Because I happen to have a 42k damage corrosive +120% damage sniper rifle on my Psycho and I hit it for about 250k damage per shot and barely even scratch its health bar. Sure I don't have the crit buffs Zer0 has but that will only amount to maybe 2-3x damage, 4x at the most. Still not even close to taking it down in '25 shots'.

The BNK3R has a scripted death sequence. Unless your cheating has completely broken your game (which wouldn't be entirely unsurprising), it can't die anywhere but over the arena. (Edit: Not quite true, wiki page says the Bore exploit can kill it in unreachable places).

You're shooting the boss in an area that it can't hit you. I think thats the definition of a glitch, whether it was initiated by you or not. You seem to think it makes you good because you've said the same thing about Bloodwing and now Handsome Sorcerer...

Doesn't exactly give you much credibility. Oh and you can't actually sl@g Constructors... which makes your statements even less believable.

BNK3R has died out of the arena many times since killing it the 1st time

your 42 000 Sniper rifle is very low, my 65 000 has far greater than 250 k, more like 500k at its lowest to over 1250k/ 1600k, but it's hard to say because the figures just fly out the screen...but as i said before, the longer you wait the more like 1600k that it is

42 000 is a very low sniper rifle for level 61, even the ones on the ground are far more than 42 000, i couldn't use a 42 000 it's far too weak now, i had that gun back at level 55

my 65 000 is the smallest i've got, the shock is 75 000, the fire is 66 000, 70 000 or 72 000, the Jakobs is 120 000 and the useless rail guns about 110 000

if you're having trouble with the constructor then this is why.

if you weren't so bloody Awkward and arrogant, then i'd join you online and drop all these guns for you.... i have flipping loads of snipers, because i wont touch anything less than 65 000... the GOLDEN CHEST is full of them !
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Sundance - you can't start missions you want to be level 50 until you finish the story unfortunately so your loot in stuck at level 39 since the chests are connected to the quest level. At least I think this is the case as they are unique chests compared to regular chests.

OK thanks, I might just leave it then. Not sure I can be bothered playing the pirate DLC again.

So, I’ve completed the main story, pirate, torgue DLC in TVHM. What do people recommend I do next? Hammerlock and Tina DLC or jump into UVHM first?
BNK3R has died out of the arena many times since killing it the 1st time

your 42 000 Sniper rifle is very low, my 65 000 has far greater than 250 k, more like 500k at its lowest to over 1250k/ 1600k, but it's hard to say because the figures just fly out the screen...but as i said before, the longer you wait the more like 1600k that it is

42 000 is a very low sniper rifle for level 61, even the ones on the ground are far more than 42 000, i couldn't use a 42 000 it's far too weak now, i had that gun back at level 55

my 65 000 is the smallest i've got, the shock is 75 000, the fire is 66 000, 70 000 or 72 000, the Jakobs is 120 000 and the useless rail guns about 110 000

if you're having trouble with the constructor then this is why.

if you weren't so bloody Awkward and arrogant, then i'd join you online and drop all these guns for you.... i have flipping loads of snipers, because i wont touch anything less than 65 000... the GOLDEN CHEST is full of them !

Lol. You've hacked yourself infinite golden keys so you can open the chest until you get the best quality purples available. Please stop thinking that makes you good at the game when you demonstrate repeatedly you haven't got a clue. I wouldn't touch your exploited gear with a 10ft pole.

And yet again you seem to have missed the most important stat. Still no mention of the +120% critical damage mod.

You also seem completely ignorant of your own skill tree. You know, the skill that gives you bonus Critical Hit Damage the longer you scope up for?
Lol. You've hacked yourself infinite golden keys so you can open the chest until you get the best quality purples available. Please stop thinking that makes you good at the game when you demonstrate repeatedly you haven't got a clue. I wouldn't touch your exploited gear with a 10ft pole.

And yet again you seem to have missed the most important stat. Still no mention of the +120% critical damage mod.

You also seem completely ignorant of your own skill tree. You know, the skill that gives you bonus Critical Hit Damage the longer you scope up for?

it seems like you need to get out more often, it's like talking to a bitchy child, so i cheat the golden chest, who gives a toss

i dont know what you mean about the 120% crit damage mod, i havent seen it... so i dont know what you're talking's gibberish unless you explain more

i've had snipers with 120% crit hit damage before but they are still no match for a sniper with 20 000 extra damage ( if that's what you mean)

finally i've never said i'm good at the game, in fact i keep saying i'm crap, because only i complain how hard this game is, so again you're wrong

yes, pure snipering only is easy in BL2...but it's not you or i that's bad at this game is it, because it's the game itself that's bad... the 1st BL was a far superior/ better balanced game/ way better loot than this one, just you read all the posts on Gearbox, because there are hundreds over there that agree with me

BL2 is a mess, Ultra mode is a pure grind fest, it's flipping horrible compared to the 1st game; if this continues up to level 72 and then the 3rd game as well, then Borderlands will probably die, this game is popular now yes, but there are a huge amount of gamers complaining right now and the list is growing it's too hard for Joe Average to play.... and everyone is starting to notice
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it seems like you need to get out more often, it's like talking to a bitchy child, so i cheat the golden chest, who gives a toss

i dont know what you mean about the 120% crit damage mod, i havent seen it... so i dont know what you're talking's gibberish unless you explain more

i've had snipers with 120% crit hit damage before but they are still no match for a sniper with 20 000 extra damage ( if that's what you mean) THE DIFFERENCE IS MASSIVE !!!!

i only have a legendary assassin mod, but it's no better than my existing 40% crit hit damage mod, because most of it is melee based.

finally i've never said i'm good at the game, in fact i keep saying i'm crap, because only i complain how hard this game is, so again you're wrong

yes, pure snipering only is easy in BL2...but it's not you or i that's bad at this game is it, because it's the game itself that's bad... the 1st BL was a far superior/ better balanced game/ way better loot than this one, just you read all the posts on Gearbox, because there are hundreds over there that agree with me

BL2 is a mess, Ultra mode is a pure grind fest, it's flipping horrible compared to the 1st game; or even ``normal vault hunter mode``

Wheres that tactical facepalm jpeg when you need it...
yes, pure snipering only is easy in BL2...but it's not you or i the 1st BL was a far superior/ better balanced game/ way better loot than this one, j

I would 100% completely disagree with this. I finished the first game with about 3 white weapons and 1 green because I rarely got any rarer loot that was worth taking. In BL2 I've rarely had to use the golden chest for weapons. In fact the only time I felt I actually needed to use it because my weapons were so sub-par was the first time I did 'The Talon of God' which gave me good corrosive weapons that made Hero's Pass a breeze.
I would 100% completely disagree with this. I finished the first game with about 3 white weapons and 1 green because I rarely got any rarer loot that was worth taking. In BL2 I've rarely had to use the golden chest for weapons. In fact the only time I felt I actually needed to use it because my weapons were so sub-par was the first time I did 'The Talon of God' which gave me good corrosive weapons that made Hero's Pass a breeze.

I think peoples main complaint about the loot system is BL2 is that Legendaries are so rare you barely ever see them (outside of Pyro Pete ;)).

There really isn't anything wrong with the blue/purples you can find, hell even the greens can be good. Its just people were used to finding things like the Hellfire or Volcano 5x in a playthrough instead of once in a blue moon.
you cant compare the 2 games, because i used to find legendary gear every night, (esp Crawmerax.....but Warrior drops nothing, not a thing) it's a known fact that the 1st game is way better for loot/ better cant really argue this

the guns that used to drop all the time (as a sniper), are now legendary and impossible to get, e.g the Volcano/ detonating cobra....and if you do find them, will not be as powerful as they once were...fact !..even CC is virtually impossible now too

the volcano now is less than 60 000 damage (Youtube level 61), my Gentleman's sneider is about 72 000 and with the 30% fire relic will be way more powerful than a gun, that used to be 1100 x 4 fire..... that same damage in BL2 equates to about 140 000 !!!!!!! so Warrior's Volcano is a waste of time farming for....Conference Call also looked low too, but i'm not sure about this one

the 2nd game is better for maps/ variety, but the 1st is still a far better shooter
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I think peoples main complaint about the loot system is BL2 is that Legendaries are so rare you barely ever see them (outside of Pyro Pete ;)).

There really isn't anything wrong with the blue/purples you can find, hell even the greens can be good. Its just people were used to finding things like the Hellfire or Volcano 5x in a playthrough instead of once in a blue moon.

yes but Pyro pete is virtually impossible for me to kill, ( 2nd time around) so it's a waste of time to keep trying

what i hate is, i brought the game thinking it was good old fashioned Borderlands with loads of great loot...but it aint, it's not the same game at all, it's MP only

i'm very frustrated with the game, i'm too old to play it now, it's for a much younger gamer, i'm going to return to the 1st game, because i need something to play regularly until DOOM 4 comes out !!!!!!!

i'm so desperate for these guns that i'm farming ``Butt stallion's `` arse all bad is this ?
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I'll give joining you another go tonight. Dunno why it wouldn't work yesterday.

I am a bit tempted to try leveling my Zer0 again. He's lvl51 atm and fully specced for melee (44% damage Ninja class mod ftw) but after playing the walking tank known as Krieg I suspect the change of playstyle will get me killed a few times :p

Trying for a bit of min/max on Krieg atm. The maximum stats for a Firehawk shield at lvl61 is around 420k Nova damage (or 460k if Inflammable which I wouldn't want on Krieg). Most of the ones I've been getting are ~200-250k which is quite a lot loss. It may take a while to get with the randomly generated rewards :(
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