Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Mal your problem is you keep comparing it to the first game. Seriously if you knew what the drop rate and damage rate of the legendary weapons were before you bought the game would you still have got it? It sounds like you care more about that than the actual game play.

I'm seriously trying not to be offensive here but do you read what you write sometimes? I cringe just looking at some of your posts and especially the last comment you made about worrying about BL3 just because you don't like the weapon damage or legendary drop rate.
Seriously dude take a step back and play the game for the fun of it.

Also to answer your question Zer0 is more than powerful enough to complete Tiny Tina's as I've done it at 72 OP1, just use the correct damage types and have decent gear. Remember sl@g is your friend and the magic missile grenade is a godsend.
to be honest i'm sick of playing it, i've been grinding for so long that i regard the game with a lot of frustration now, i'm totally washed out with it.

what was my mistake ?.... resetting all of it at level 72, it's one playthrough too much and it was last time as well !!!!!

i'm going to give BL2 a big break now.
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the correct balance would be about 10% of what the first game dropped...i.e you find a Volcano every 3 days, rather than 4 times a night :eek:....especially down in Claptraps revolution DLC.

Aaaaand back to the basic misunderstanding of mathematics we goooooooo! :D

//edit: Well technically probability....
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Killed Savage Lee ~140 times now, over three nights.

Drops: 0.

I'm beginning to understand why duping/gibbing is so common. The only legendaries I've ever seen were grenade mods from the Warrior.
I've picked up legendaries in solo but they have been rare, the majority of the drops I get are in co-op.
Savage Lee is a weird one, I killed him the first time and I got Harold, I then tried to farm him at a higher level and must have killed him over a 100 times and he didn't drop it once, I then went back to kill him at 54 and he dropped it first time. Go figure.
Solo or coop? I'm wondering if there's more chance to drop rare stuff in coop...

My solo games just do not drop legendaries, at all, ever. Except from the Warrior.

i killed Bloodwing very easily last night, so Zero is miles better now...last night i gamed very well, but i didn't start gaming till 8pm.

if you're doing a standard playthrough, the game might not drop a legendary at all... this is quite common... you only get about one per playthrough, (unless you know the side missions via GOOGLE)

this game tends to drop legendaries when you're not looking for them, but it's worst of all if you start farming and get frustrated with it.

i've seen bandits drop legendaries at my feet, and according to Google they shouldn't... so there you go, it's totally random and when you least expect it.
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I've picked up legendaries in solo but they have been rare, the majority of the drops I get are in co-op.

The only coop I have played was with randoms, and all the drops are looted within 0.000001 seconds of touching the ground :p

The only things that don't get instantly ninja'd are white/green items that nobody wants :p
The only coop I have played was with randoms, and all the drops are looted within 0.000001 seconds of touching the ground :p

The only things that don't get instantly ninja'd are white/green items that nobody wants :p

i can imagine :D

it's hard to know what to do when it's like that, because the guaranteed way is to get the Torgue DLC and to get the Harold from its vending will cost you 613 tokens, but to get this much money means that you will have to win Bar Brawl loads of times :eek::eek:
i can imagine :D

it's hard to know what to do when it's like that, because the guaranteed way is to get the Torgue DLC and to get the Harold from its vending will cost you 613 tokens, but to get this much money means that you will have to win Bar Brawl loads of times :eek::eek:

For anyone that can't be bothered to do the bar brawl loads of times, you can use the Torgue token fruit machines to sort of dupe tokens (providing you have a trustworthy partner). Then you can buy items from the vending machine, drop item, Alt-F4 and your mate has all the Torgue legendarys (which you can dupe if you wish).

So, you can go from about 30 Torgue tokens to Unkempt Harold, kerblaster, Nukem etc in an hour no problems. It's pretty lame trick though. Killing everything with harold gets a bit boring, so only done it once. If I was struggling I'd do it again I imagine.
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