Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Nope, they are full independent self contained blocks of content so just pick one and enjoy (PS Tiny Tina's is my personal fav :);) )

Cool cheers for that. Might start with hammerlock as i like him and save tina for last. Do they all let you level above 50? It doesn't say on steam.
Yeah, I try and put any keys up as soon as they pop up on my facebook just in case anyone hasn't got them. If you are after golden keys I would suggest liking Borderlands 2 Shift Codes on facebook as they seem to put them up including these more obscure sets very quickly.
Been farming loot midgets in Wildlife Preserve for a few days (evenings) solid. Wow, is this much more efficient than what I was doing. I now have legendaries coming out my wazzoo :p

It has to be said tho, about 50-75% of the legendaries are... pretty useless :p They mostly have some neat side-effects, but often have drawbacks that make them highly situational at best, or likely to kill you at worst.

But the Slaaga, KerBlaster, and Binary Thunderball Fists are awesome :D

My favourite at the moment tho is the Jacobs shotty (Rustler's Striker). Accurate like a sniper, makes getting those Badass ranks much easier :)

Oh and the Fire Bee... is epic :D

It's just a shame that getting any of these legendaries requires a specific farming location, and a method of farming which borders on being an exploit. But if you didn't use it, you'd never see most of these items.
Been farming loot midgets in Wildlife Preserve for a few days (evenings) solid. Wow, is this much more efficient than what I was doing. I now have legendaries coming out my wazzoo :p

It has to be said tho, about 50-75% of the legendaries are... pretty useless :p They mostly have some neat side-effects, but often have drawbacks that make them highly situational at best, or likely to kill you at worst.

But the Slaaga, KerBlaster, and Binary Thunderball Fists are awesome :D

My favourite at the moment tho is the Jacobs shotty (Rustler's Striker). Accurate like a sniper, makes getting those Badass ranks much easier :)

Oh and the Fire Bee... is epic :D

It's just a shame that getting any of these legendaries requires a specific farming location, and a method of farming which borders on being an exploit. But if you didn't use it, you'd never see most of these items.

When I tried that I got a couple the first few times but the next 10 or 12 times nothing, I thought they sort of ran out but obviously not?
Is this game any good for single player? reading around the net it seems most people struggle with single and recommend coop but i haven't really got the time for coop.
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