Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

I recently start this (about a week ago) and I'm currently lvl 18 playing as a Commando. I played the first Borderlands on PS3 and absolutely loved it, BL2 is just as good, the comedy is still there and the stories brilliant. I've only got the basic game but once I've completed it I'll definitely be looking into buying soe of the DLC packs :)
Respectfully disagree about Scarlets. It's really not very good.

Most of the zones are super boring. Imagine The Dust cut & pasted three or four times ;) The hovercraft are dire... nah, everything about Scarlet's is awful. Feels like an intern was given the game toolset and a month to cobble something together. And so they did, badly.

only Tinas and Torgue are anything like good enough, the rest are meaningless, they're just boring rubbish!

the best DLC is right there staring at you all the travel to that Hyperion orbiting space station and to destroy it...a really big DLC, because if Borderlands 2 was real life; the very next thing you'd do after killing Jack, is to destroy that space station orbiting you :cool:

that space station would've given you a massive variation in map design/ interest, because Borderlands desperately needs this variation.

they didn't do it !!!!.....well no, because most space stations would be linear corridor shooters and as you know; linear old school shooters are very hard to get right...BUT strangely enough, ``steam and power`` is a very good map, so Gearbox are quite good at linear old fact, all their Bandit corridor areas are extremely good; including Beatdown :eek:....yea' now this is very interesting.

Alien Rage haven't got a clue what they're doing, but Gearbox know how to do it very well, because in a shooter, this is quite a talent.

maybe Gearbox dont realise how good they are at this, because in comparison, their openworld areas are quite poor, Borderlands is a bit like ``Mad max`` it's a desolate semi- openworld shooter....yea and this is the problem, because Openworld is Borderland's Achilles Heel....
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I played BL2 quite a bit. Seriously, like 200+ hours. I loved the first game and so was obviously excited to play its sequel. My first playthrough up to level 50 was the most fun I had with it. All the weapons felt adequately powerful and you were able to be competitive with most of the enemies in the game.

UVHM was where it went wroung for me, though... From the very start, I felt that the scaling was bad. Enemies felt much more powerful when compared to me, even as I leveled up. I was only able to reach level 61 because I had a stockpile of Lv50 gear from before UVHM was released. Even gibbing to sync my gear levels didn't help. Even basic enemies one-shot your shield and then down you even quicker, it just wasn't fun.

And THEN, they release another DLC with MORE levels. I watched some videos and decided not to bother. At Lv72, there are only a select few builds which allow you to put out enough damage to kill even the most basic of enemies, let alone bosses. (Money Shot + Harold and BeeHawk, I'm looking at you). It seems like they lost the plot slightly. Surely the point of the game is to be able to spec your character a variety of ways, not being stuck with few niche sets.

In my opinion, where BL2 went wrong compared to the first game was that BL1 let you become OP. By Lv61, you were smashing through basic mobs! Sure, they could take you down, but only if you were reckless or did something stupid. You felt powerfull, and that was FUN! In BL2, you're forced to crouch behind rocks waiting for your Bee to recharge before finding a spot where your enemies don't move and can't hit you and then just unload on them. Any wrong move and you're dead. You feel weak. It just doesn't work for me...

I also prefered the weapon generation system in BL1. I feel like there was a greater variety of models and submodels. I'll never forget using my Cobra, Thanatos or Pestilent Defiler. Not a single gun stands out in BL2 apart from the select blatantly OP weapons.

Also, don't even get me started on drop rates. They were stupidly low for the Legendaries, which are the main draw of the game for most people. To bet the most out of the game, you have to experience all of the Legendary and Unique guns and, unfortunately, it just wasn't feasible to do without gibbed...

Still, BL2 is a great game. Certaintly better than a good deal of the rubbish that's being pushed by big games companies. I'd just reccomend that you stick with Lv50, unless you're some kind of masochist!
Prawn, I don't want to get personal... But, each difficulty increase is a difficulty increase. Plenty of us got through UVHM absolutely fine. I had more fun later game than I did earlier on, when it was a case of steamrolling all enemies.

I don't think BL2 went wrong with that. The drop rates, on the other hand...
Yeah the way you can go entire playthroughs without a legendary dropping is a little extreme...

Particularly when you can guarantee the first legendary you do get is probably a crap one ><
People seem to not understand that UVHM is the equivalent of "very hard" in other games.
If it was as easy as normal mode, there would be no challenge to play through it. The game is exactly the same, so if it wasn't more of a challenge why would you bother?

I am loving UVHM and am currently level 65.
i would have stopped at level 30 ( one playthrough) and released two further, much bigger DLCs than we have now

1.....operation Hyperion Orbitor

2.....Halloween Zombie Island.... but much better than the 1st game

because most shooters only have one or two DLCs, there's no need for 5; plus a further 3 mini DLCs to come.....because you must admit that it does look a bit stupid.

but most shooters have DLCs that are way too short :(, so these would be much bigger than Tinas, this would make this version of BL2 only slightly smaller than it is right now....but far tidier and less hap hazzard.

UVHM ?.....well put it this way, BL2 is way too easy on normal mode because i tried it the other day, this is because the Bandits are way too Dumbass, so it does need to be quite hard, they have no tactics whatsoever, they just charge at you; or even worst, just walk towards you......BL2 is rubbish on normal mode !!!!
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Prawn, I don't want to get personal... But, each difficulty increase is a difficulty increase. Plenty of us got through UVHM absolutely fine. I had more fun later game than I did earlier on, when it was a case of steamrolling all enemies.

I don't think BL2 went wrong with that. The drop rates, on the other hand...

I totally agree with you! I realise it's supposed to be a challenge but there's a difference between being challenged by good enemy AI and level design and having the enemies do 100x any damage you can dish out and having four times the health!

You have to concede that the Bee is a neccecity for the later stages of the game ie. Lv61+. If the only way you can avoid spending 30 seconds shooting each individual enemy to kill them is to use one particular (debatably OP) item, then I think there's something wrong.

I like the game, it's just I think they missed the point slightly, endgame-wise.
Tbh, I kind of wish I hadn't bought the DLC. The main campaign was excellent. And the characters were fun and engaging. I really liked Jack's continual taunting throughout, even if others felt it grated. The zones were generally great, and there were nice little touches everywhere which tied it all together.

The DLC, as well as being generally less polished, just feel flippant and ... wrong!

After not being impressed by Scarlets, I can't say that I like Torgue's much either. Think I'll speed through it and start Tina's instead. Torgues doesn't seem at all balanced, there are a few bugs (like bikes and player vehicles exploding all the time), and all the enemies are just tweaked versions of bandits and loaders. Given that the loaders were a Hyperion design, it doesn't make too much sense for Torgue to be using the same ones.

All in all Torgues is a bit like a poor-mans Fallout. Destroyed city, robots, bandits... Just none of the appeal of the main campaign.

It's a shame that I really, really enjoyed BL2 but can't seem to stomach the DLC at all.
I totally agree with you! I realise it's supposed to be a challenge but there's a difference between being challenged by good enemy AI and level design and having the enemies do 100x any damage you can dish out and having four times the health!

You have to concede that the Bee is a neccecity for the later stages of the game ie. Lv61+. If the only way you can avoid spending 30 seconds shooting each individual enemy to kill them is to use one particular (debatably OP) item, then I think there's something wrong.

I like the game, it's just I think they missed the point slightly, endgame-wise.

My 61 Commando doesn't have the Bee. He can kill stuff in pretty good time, but you have to use sl*g and fire or corrosive.

You're correct about dying in 2-hits, however. In the end I specced for maximum damage in FFYL, and just accept that FFYL is part of playing the game, and you're going to see it *often* in UVHM.

My main frustration in UVHM is how deadly status effects are. Unshielded, a fire DOT will kill in about 4 ticks, from full health to dead.

This means it's often better to kill a fire-using enemy in FFYL mode. If you kill him before going into FFYL, there's a very good chance that the DOT will kill you, and you'll have no way to recover. Seems pretty counter intuitive to deliberately drop into FFYL, but it's safer that way.
I totally agree with you! I realise it's supposed to be a challenge but there's a difference between being challenged by good enemy AI and level design and having the enemies do 100x any damage you can dish out and having four times the health!

You have to concede that the Bee is a neccecity for the later stages of the game ie. Lv61+. If the only way you can avoid spending 30 seconds shooting each individual enemy to kill them is to use one particular (debatably OP) item, then I think there's something wrong.

I like the game, it's just I think they missed the point slightly, endgame-wise.

the problem is, to combat the poor AI they've had to raise their health/ damage way over yours, otherwise BL2 would be like the 1st Doom from flipping years ago, way too easy !!!!!

their health/shield is way too high.... nothing else, everything else is fine, but to reduce this to a normal shooter requires a massive change to the whole game...especially the AI.

finally, in some areas of the game you dont notice their high health, i.e you dont notice it in Beatdown/ bandit camps etc.... they die quite easily here... BL2 is best against bandits, it's brilliant.... maybe the best shooter there is !!!!!!! it's all the rest that's not quite right.

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My 61 Commando doesn't have the Bee. He can kill stuff in pretty good time, but you have to use sl*g and fire or corrosive.

Yeah, I don't want to be awkward, but as a hybrid siren I never used The Bee.

Prawn, I can somewhat see your point, definitely. But the enemies are smarter, hit harder and soak up more damage. That constitutes higher difficulty for me! It's supposed to force you to really swap between weapons and techniques, even builds! Rather than simply having a cookie-cutter approach to everything.

I'd leave it alone, but it does frustrate me when people attack Borderlands for being 'too hard' at later levels. It's fun and casual. With a team of four, I'd even cheekily call UVHM easy.
My Kreig doesn't have The Bee either. Then again his shield is only up for the first 0.5 seconds of a fight, the rest of it I'm usually running around like a nutjob exploding and hacking things apart.
the problem is using Bee !!! because it has such a low shield....mine is only 300 000 :eek: Turtle is miles better at about 1.3 million, but the guns loose loads of power; so it's a trade off.

in Bar Brawl i use BEE :eek: so i drop often, but because i use ``Slow hand Fire elemental`` i get up straight away...this Moxxi Splat shotgun kills them easily, so it doesn't matter if you's the best gun in the game for bandits.
I'd leave it alone, but it does frustrate me when people attack Borderlands for being 'too hard' at later levels. It's fun and casual. With a team of four, I'd even cheekily call UVHM easy.

of course it's easy with 4 ..... but you're supposed to be gaming on your own, UVHM is very hard on your own, but of course you wouldn't know that would you.

posters like you really annoy me, because it's the likes of you that have caused Gearbox to make the game too hard for solo gamers like me.

you can never describe BL2 as fun and casual..... because in Solo mode it's way harder than any other shooter around, try taking on the Raid bosses on your own; with no idea and no clues what to do..... it's impossible, the only way to do it is to research online and to gear up......this is not the way to game !!!!!
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but you're supposed to be gaming on your own,
Um... No? BL and BL2 are co-op central games. They're class based, and you can only play one class at a time. A team is supposed to work together to bring all the benefits of each character together. Christ, it's marketed as a co-op game!

You do understand how co-op scaling works? The more of you in the game, the more difficult the mobs become.

UVHM is very hard on your own, but of course you wouldn't know would you.

I've played plenty of single player. You're right, it's more difficult than co-op. But with a proper build, knowledge of the game, it's by no means 'too hard for solo gamers'. I'm trying to be careful not to insult you here, but you've posted (often, may I add) about some very misinformed playstyles, and I'm hinting that perhaps this is why you're finding it difficult.

you can never describe BL2 as fun and casual..... because in Solo mode, it's way harder than any other shooter around, nothing personal here m8, but this really bugs me.

Not sure if being trolled.
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