Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Torgue DLC was funny just because you had Torgue screaming ridiculous things frequently :D

I'm still yet to beat the Badassasaurus though :( Zer0 gets wrecked by it and Krieg even more so.

That sounds good. There were plenty of funny quotes in the main game, I like that. Might get this and Tina's so but they're too expensive on steam.
I know I'm a bit anal, but I kept thinking to myself, "How the hell does this guy run a company? One that actually makes things?"

I guess you really shouldn't think too hard about such things :p

Considering Handsome Jack was described as a 'hideous code monkey' by the then Hyperion boss in 1 of the echo recordings and somehow managed to force his way to the top, strangle someone for mentioning his wife and whose sole business plan for Hyperion was apparently "Make guns with smart sounding names like Projectile Diversification". I think you're reading too much into this :p
I know I'm a bit anal, but I kept thinking to myself, "How the hell does this guy run a company? One that actually makes things?"

I guess you really shouldn't think too hard about such things :p

yea me too, he probably murdered everyone senior to him........... because somewhere in the game there's a recording of him argueing with a senior director, but he suddenly looses his cool and strangles him :eek:..... it's next to Arid Badlands..... it's quite funny actually :D

but the funniest of all is that bloke in Sanctuary...``i can make you a Star, i see great potential in you, you and i can go places``....whenever i hear him nearby, i always go over to him for a good laugh...

``names like Ezikeil, that's a big name you know, like 14 sylabols, yes a really big name``:D:D:D:D

but the most awesome of all is the psycho bandits that quote ``Shakespear``....Borderlands is the best game for dialogue .....easily
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Torgue DLC was funny just because you had Torgue screaming ridiculous things frequently :D

I'm still yet to beat the Badassasaurus though :( Zer0 gets wrecked by it and Krieg even more so.

if you can beat the Raid bosses; how come you cant beat him....i'm not trolling you M8; because this sounds very odd :confused:

you dont stay inside the Arena to fight him :eek:, you run back out and kill him from behind the barrier, Harold whacks him in about 20 seconds.

i think but i'm not sure, that this is the only Arena in the whole game that you can escape from and stop and think what to do next:eek:
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FFS you two:p Youve been arguing about BL2 for the best part of a year now. A YEAR.

Give it a rest, put each other on ignore. Do something but I think we're all fed up with it now.

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if you can beat the Raid bosses; how come you cant beat him....i'm not trolling you M8; because this sounds very odd :confused:

you dont stay inside the Arena to fight him :eek:, you run back out and kill him from behind the barrier, Harold whacks him in about 20 seconds.

but you're going to say that i'm cheating aren't you, because i can see your reply tomorrow right now :p.... but you're supposed to use your brains, because that garage door stays up for a very good reason !

i think but i'm not sure, that this is the only Arena in the whole game that you can escape from and stop and think what to do next:eek:

I already told you you're glitching it the last time you started bragging about how easy the boss is to fight without actually fighting it. But you're too much of an idiot to understand. After all, you also justify infinite golden keys :rolleyes:

Nah, the best sort of dialogue is the Gyrocopter pilots who do the Apocalypse Now music

First time they came swooping down on me with Ride of the Valkyries. Epic :D
I already told you you're glitching it the last time you started bragging about how easy the boss is to fight without actually fighting it. But you're too much of an idiot to understand. After all, you also justify infinite golden keys :rolleyes:

no.....the garage door stays up the 1st time too :rolleyes: it leaves a 5ft gap; just enough to kill Trex.

i've replayed Torgue 3 times and there's a gap every time....the glitch appeared later on in the 3rd playthrough
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I added him to my ignore list ages ago. Too much rambling with poor typing/english skills.

Ah I completely forgot to do that, it's like talking to a brick wall with him.
For someone that plays the game so much he doesn't understand a whole lot, seriously his comment about not being able to beat a raid boss solo and then saying "beating the game with your friends" is a cheat just makes me want to cry.
Anyway ignore list you have a new friend.
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