the problem is using Bee !!! because it has such a low shield....mine is only 300 000Turtle is miles better at about 1.3 million, but the guns loose loads of power; so it's a trade off.
in Bar Brawl i use BEEso i drop often, but because i use ``Slow hand Fire elemental`` i get up straight away...this Moxxi Splat shotgun kills them easily, so it doesn't matter if you's the best gun in the game for bandits.
I really don't understand your logic. Yes, the Bee has low shield capacity to make you easier to kill to offset its huge power. But even if the Bee had 10 million shield capacity, if you are taking damage, IT IS USELESS! Its amp effect only applies at full capacity. If you can't avoid damage why in gods name would you use a shield which requires you to avoid damage? Using the Bee in the Bar Room Brawl is beyond stupid as it is practically impossible to avoid taking hits.
of course it's easy with 4 ..... but you're supposed to be gaming on your own, UVHM is very hard on your own, but of course you wouldn't know that would you.
posters like you really annoy me, because it's the likes of you that have caused Gearbox to make the game too hard for solo gamers like me.
you can never describe BL2 as fun and casual..... because in Solo mode, it's way harder than any other shooter around, i read this type of rubbish on Gearbox all the time, you might not mean what you said, but you must be careful what you write, because Gearbox will deffo make the game too hard for the rest of us, if online fans like you keep posting in that it's too easy, nothing personal here, but this really bugs me.
You were the one who bought the DLC pack that upped the game to level 72. They said it was going to be extremely hard, wtf were you expecting? As said, BL/BL2 are marketed as Co-op games even if a lot of people do choose to play them solo.
Its been said many times and Outline has said it again. Pretty much everything you post demonstrates your complete lack of understanding of the game and your refusal to adapt to anything. While it is a clear cut FPS game, it is also an RPG. Build is important, as is adapting to the situation. Have you ever even tried swapping to a melee orientated Zer0 build and using the Law + Order combo?