Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

the problem is using Bee !!! because it has such a low shield....mine is only 300 000 :eek: Turtle is miles better at about 1.3 million, but the guns loose loads of power; so it's a trade off.

in Bar Brawl i use BEE :eek: so i drop often, but because i use ``Slow hand Fire elemental`` i get up straight away...this Moxxi Splat shotgun kills them easily, so it doesn't matter if you's the best gun in the game for bandits.

I really don't understand your logic. Yes, the Bee has low shield capacity to make you easier to kill to offset its huge power. But even if the Bee had 10 million shield capacity, if you are taking damage, IT IS USELESS! Its amp effect only applies at full capacity. If you can't avoid damage why in gods name would you use a shield which requires you to avoid damage? Using the Bee in the Bar Room Brawl is beyond stupid as it is practically impossible to avoid taking hits.

of course it's easy with 4 ..... but you're supposed to be gaming on your own, UVHM is very hard on your own, but of course you wouldn't know that would you.

posters like you really annoy me, because it's the likes of you that have caused Gearbox to make the game too hard for solo gamers like me.

you can never describe BL2 as fun and casual..... because in Solo mode, it's way harder than any other shooter around, i read this type of rubbish on Gearbox all the time, you might not mean what you said, but you must be careful what you write, because Gearbox will deffo make the game too hard for the rest of us, if online fans like you keep posting in that it's too easy, nothing personal here, but this really bugs me.

You were the one who bought the DLC pack that upped the game to level 72. They said it was going to be extremely hard, wtf were you expecting? As said, BL/BL2 are marketed as Co-op games even if a lot of people do choose to play them solo.

Its been said many times and Outline has said it again. Pretty much everything you post demonstrates your complete lack of understanding of the game and your refusal to adapt to anything. While it is a clear cut FPS game, it is also an RPG. Build is important, as is adapting to the situation. Have you ever even tried swapping to a melee orientated Zer0 build and using the Law + Order combo?
What's the general consensus on the DLC? Are Tiny Tina's and Torgue's the best?

I'm not paying €30 for the season pass but I might get one or two of the best DLCs. Also, am I right in saying you have to buy the level upgrade pack separately to go above level 50? i.e. you can't go above 50 with Tiny Tina's DLC alone?
What's the general consensus on the DLC? Are Tiny Tina's and Torgue's the best?

I'm not paying €30 for the season pass but I might get one or two of the best DLCs. Also, am I right in saying you have to buy the level upgrade pack separately to go above level 50? i.e. you can't go above 50 with Tiny Tina's DLC alone?

The season pass was £8 in the Steam sale ;) I'd wait for another sale deal, tbh. Or the GOTY version, depending on pricing (it#s not out yet).
I got this at the weekend, and so far I'm having a lot of fun, I'm only about level 13/14 or so, and I am so very glad to have not read this thread previously.

Think I'll stick to solo play mind you, sounds like far too much gittery in multiplayer.
I know the feeling.
YEA i know.

i said BL2 is too hard because it has to be, this is because the AI is too dumb compared to other games....just take a very close look at their tactics, it's non existant.....they would die instantly in R6 Vegas; or any other decent shooter

BL2 on ``normal vault hunter mode`` is easily the dumbest game i've ever played, it's similar to Painkiller....but you add all this health/shield to them and it suddenly becomes virtually impossible.....because i've never played a game that requires so many hits to kill them....even with the correct elemental type.

my advise to you is to play favourite areas of BL2 instead, because it is only any good against the bandits/ bandit strongholds/ stream and power etc...dont bother grinding your way up to level 72, because it's the same tired old ****, just a different day.

who wants to switch guns and shields all the time, every time you see a different enemy type, it's so bloody tiresome to keep going back into the menu....i cant be bothered with it anymore.

believe me:- this game is rubbish compared to my others, it only seemed good when i was addicted to it 3 weeks ago.

the developers probably made BL2, but suddenly noticed that their AI was rubbish and way too easy to kill...all of it and thus decided that the only way around this, was to add more health/ shield/ s**g etc to disguise it all.

the game was then marketed as competive/ a Coop challenge etc. :rolleyes: is it hell !!! they just run straight at you with way too much health, it's pathetic

ban me ? why, i've not insulted anyone....only expressed a view, you think i'm the only one?...... no, loads of people complain about it
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^ The game isn't hard at all, just get a decent weapon for your level and it's fine?
Or play with friends.

I've completed it with my GF on Xbox and currently playing it on PC.

Anyone want to team up? Drop me a message on Steam, haven't progressed far yet on PC, but completed it twice on Xbox so can memorise the missions pretty much aha.
I got this at the weekend, and so far I'm having a lot of fun, I'm only about level 13/14 or so, and I am so very glad to have not read this thread previously.

Think I'll stick to solo play mind you, sounds like far too much gittery in multiplayer.

Play with OcUK peeps! We ain't gits! :D

(I even gave away an orange weapon! :D)

ThaReaperGuy - what's your Steam ID? :D (I'll guess for now :p)
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the AI is too dumb
BL2 on ``normal vault hunter mode`` is easily the dumbest game i've ever played
it's similar to Painkiller
virtually impossible
i've never played a game that requires so many hits to kill them
it is only any good against the bandits/ bandit strongholds/ stream and power etc
who wants to switch guns and shields all the time
i cant be bothered with it anymore.
this game is rubbish compared to my others
it only seemed good when i was addicted to it 3 weeks ago.
is it hell !!!
it's pathetic

Confirmed 100% for troll.
I got this at the weekend, and so far I'm having a lot of fun, I'm only about level 13/14 or so, and I am so very glad to have not read this thread previously.

Think I'll stick to solo play mind you, sounds like far too much gittery in multiplayer.

Multiplayer is fun, but you're right, you won't see any drops. There will always be someone who runs ahead to open (and loot) all the chests, and grabs every drop the second it hits the floor.

And once you realise this, and realise that the drops in SP are just as powerful as the drops in MP, it makes you less inclined to play MP to be honest.
And once you realise this, and realise that the drops in SP are just as powerful as the drops in MP, it makes you less inclined to play MP to be honest.

Lower drop rate though :)

I can't say I've ever had problems playing with randoms... Especially at max level, people will ask before taking something, or ask if anyone needs before grabbing it.

Playing with close friends is obviously ideal.
Do try Multiplayer. It's a lot of fun, and you will find people who share who you can game with without worrying about not getting loot.
Lower drop rate though :)

I can't say I've ever had problems playing with randoms... Especially at max level, people will ask before taking something, or ask if anyone needs before grabbing it.

Playing with close friends is obviously ideal.

That's not been my experience. Every single random game I've ever joined, there is at least one person who will pick up everything. Doesn't matter if it's a class mod he can't use, he'll take it.

I don't think I can just be unlucky to this degree. I think it's far more likely that the majority of games have a55hats in them.
Can't believe people are saying UVHM is hard on your own.
I'm a Siren so my Bee shield regenerates in 1 second instead of the usual 6 and I seem to just wonder around kerb stomping everything.

I played normal & TVHM in multiplayer (3 of us).
UVHM I'm playing alone as my friends couldn't be bothered anymore.

You just have to adapt your play style a bit more in UVHM
Assign your stats into areas that will help you the most. Things that boost your gun damage and get you as much health & shield recharge as possible. Grenades are almost pointless unless you have a legendary mod, so use transfusion grenades for some instant health regen. make sure you have a good rocket launcher so you can quickly kill something if you're about to die.

Borderlands is rpg/fps so instead of crying that it's too hard on the hardest difficulty try thinking outside the box... Instead of just thinking you can easily gun everything down because it's an fps take time to remember it is rpg as well, reset your stats to better skills & swap between weapon types. That's all UVHM is forcing you to do. You need to change loadouts etc on the fly, you can't use the same loadout for every mission anymore.
Regarding multiplayer games and players hoovering up all the loot before you get a sniff, it's annoying I agree with you. The thing is, you out level gear quite quickly and what used to do is use golden keys to open the chest in sanctuary every 5 or so levels and re-gear myself. That way you don't actually need much of the loot that drops anyway. When you get to max level, things seem to change with the looting as a lot of people already have farmed a load of legendary stuff and are not too bothered by drops, so you get more of a look in.
Also it would be almost criminal not to play some of the multiplayer as it's where the game comes alive!! Have had some awesome games with randoms although I have had some bad ones as well, but on the whole it has been a positive fun experience :)
What's the general consensus on the DLC? Are Tiny Tina's and Torgue's the best?

I'm not paying €30 for the season pass but I might get one or two of the best DLCs. Also, am I right in saying you have to buy the level upgrade pack separately to go above level 50? i.e. you can't go above 50 with Tiny Tina's DLC alone?

I personally thought Tiny Tina's was the best (and largest), then Scarlett was a little bit better than Torgue. Torgue is a more disjointed series of separate missions, Scarlett just seems to flow together better, though I enjoyed them both.
Torgue DLC was funny just because you had Torgue screaming ridiculous things frequently :D

I'm still yet to beat the Badassasaurus though :( Zer0 gets wrecked by it and Krieg even more so.
Torgue DLC was funny just because you had Torgue screaming ridiculous things frequently :D

I'm still yet to beat the Badassasaurus though :( Zer0 gets wrecked by it and Krieg even more so.

I know I'm a bit anal, but I kept thinking to myself, "How the hell does this guy run a company? One that actually makes things?"

I guess you really shouldn't think too hard about such things :p
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