Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

What's the fastest levelling method for second play though when just doing main quest line?

Currently stuck after getting past Hyperion death at level 41, but mobs now too hard being at least 3 levels above commando. And probably only got this far due to using a level 30 Bee shield that allowed me to take down harder mobs than intended.
Argh! Can't redeem till I drop out of session but need help to clear the area....anyone? :D

Level 40 - 45 would be ideal! Might even be some legendaries in it! :D
^ The game isn't hard at all, just get a decent weapon for your level and it's fine?
Or play with friends.

I've completed it with my GF on Xbox and currently playing it on PC.

Anyone want to team up? Drop me a message on Steam, haven't progressed far yet on PC, but completed it twice on Xbox so can memorise the missions pretty much aha.

Is this a base game zone or DLC?

Base game, wildlife preserve. Just run into an enemy 5 levels higher than me. Ouch! :eek:
Even if you're avoiding certain quests for higher level rewards there are plenty more to choose from. You can safely do the first 3 from the Firehawk line for example.
OK got Tiny Tina DLC, bit darker than I was expecting but the atmosphere is good and the dialogue is great. See what people mean about the difficulty though, just fought this ork, duke of orc, near the start and he had a silly amount of hit points - took about 4 turrets, all my nades and I still would have lost if the trees hadn't started attacking him for me! They must have been feeling sorry for me. All my level 50 weapons feel suddenly puny.
The duke of orc is a pain in the butt! Fast and hits hard plus he levels up 5 times really, really quickly!

Still rewarding when you finish him off!
Does anyone have a Jack's mask they can clone for me? Either Assassin or class independent?

My GF ninja'd the mask from my playthrough and then accidentally accepted the 'skip missions' option on hers. :(

Can trade a L29 Alkaline Bee if it's any use.
Oof! Stuck again! level 46 Constructor in Thousand Cuts? Came || <---- that close to killing him and he just didn't drop. As I died I saw a Super Badass Loader join him....levelled 48! No chance! :(

Oh - I'm 43 :p

The duke of orc is a pain in the butt! Fast and hits hard plus he levels up 5 times really, really quickly!

Still rewarding when you finish him off!

He was nuts, his health started going down at first but when it got to about a third left, shooting him didn’t seem to remove any of his health! I had to employ diversionary tactics (run away!) until I had another two rocket turrets to throw at him, he chewed though them and then this big tree stopped him in his tracks for ages and me and the forest finally got him down. Blasting him with my best fire weapon and it seemed to be doing nothing near the end! Savage! Great loot though, finally got The Bee that I’ve been hearing so much about.
Yeah the Bee is cool. I killed hunter hellquist a few times to get mine. With the sl4gga (bloody filter...) it's awesome at chewing stuff up. Pretty sweet with snipers too.
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