Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Don't know if it's because first class I played was Siren, but playing as Commando was pretty underwhelming.

Turrets had too short a range, so trying to kill Terramorphous the Invincible meant turrets sat idle most of the time. And in TVHM they didn't last long when attacked.
Don't know if it's because first class I played was Siren, but playing as Commando was pretty underwhelming.

Turrets had too short a range, so trying to kill Terramorphous the Invincible meant turrets sat idle most of the time. And in TVHM they didn't last long when attacked.

Didn't find turret survivability too bad in Normal or TVHM. But in UVHM, you *need* the perk that gives them 2x HP and Longbow delivery, if you're going to use them at all.

I maxed Guerilla for the 2x slaag barrel turrets too, which are tres useful.
OK, I'm done with the Psycho. He sucks compared to the Commando. Sucks donkey balls.

The Commando has, by fairly low level:
Health regen by level 6!
Faster weapon reload & swap. This is a big deal.
Faster shield regen, lower delay.
20% more base damage as a passive skill, so you don't have to be on fire to get it!
A turret for the AI to attack instead of yourself.
More survivability - my Psycho on Normal dies (literally) 20x more often than my Commando on UVHM.
Better able to get out of FFYL - can throw grenades, move faster, swap weapons faster, etc.

The Psycho has crap abilities, which always hurt you as much as they help you.
Being on fire means you die fast.
Having no shield up means you die fast.
Having less damage and no way to deflect attention - you die fast.

Psycho is just plain stupid as a class, and I'm done with him. Got to level 26, and really hated him (I don't use that word lightly), from about level 20, when dying just became stupidly common. Was dying just taking out a single enemy.

Commando never had problems on Normal, except when I was new to the game. Past level 5, death was manageable. Psycho just sets fire to himself, barely puts a dent in the enemy, then keels over and dies.

Not a fun class.

Respec! Hellborn seems like the hardest route to start. Mania can be tough but epic power is available on gaining Release the Beast!

Weapon swap is hardly a concern at all once you've got used to the playstyle!
If you're having trouble with the Psycho, don't bother with the Bloodlust tree; it's way too difficult to power up. The final perk of Mania is ridiculously good. BuzzAR regens so quickly you rarely have to use guns and you deal enormous melee damage. With the right perks in Hellborn, you basically become invincible when you're on fire as well as dealing even more ridiculous melee damage. It also buffs fire rate and reload nicely.

Krieg's all about melee.
As we said earlier, Kriegs Mania tree is really harsh before you hit level 31.

I've not tried his other tree's at all but surely his Bloodlust tree is suitable for lower level? He was extremely frustrating pre-31 just because of how his Mania tree works. Sometimes it would work like a charm and I'd demolish enemies, sometimes I'd be respawning at least once every fight.

But once you hit 31 the Mania playstyle just takes a turn for the awesome and you utterly destroy stuff. The moment I hit 31 and took the final skill in the Mania tree it was immediately worth all the hassle of getting there.
Finally level 72 with my Siren :)

I found a level 69 or 70 (cant remember right now) Legendary Titan Gunzerker mod if anyone wants it.
A legendary loot midget dropped it.
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OK, I'm done with the Psycho. He sucks compared to the Commando. Sucks donkey balls.

The Commando has, by fairly low level:
Health regen by level 6!
Faster weapon reload & swap. This is a big deal.
Faster shield regen, lower delay.
20% more base damage as a passive skill, so you don't have to be on fire to get it!
A turret for the AI to attack instead of yourself.
More survivability - my Psycho on Normal dies (literally) 20x more often than my Commando on UVHM.
Better able to get out of FFYL - can throw grenades, move faster, swap weapons faster, etc.

The Psycho has crap abilities, which always hurt you as much as they help you.
Being on fire means you die fast.
Having no shield up means you die fast.
Having less damage and no way to deflect attention - you die fast.

Psycho is just plain stupid as a class, and I'm done with him. Got to level 26, and really hated him (I don't use that word lightly), from about level 20, when dying just became stupidly common. Was dying just taking out a single enemy.

Commando never had problems on Normal, except when I was new to the game. Past level 5, death was manageable. Psycho just sets fire to himself, barely puts a dent in the enemy, then keels over and dies.

Not a fun class.

Krieg.. you're doing it wrong :)

Krieg can be spit into 2 or 3 different effective styles:

1. Fire damage krieg
2. Blast damage krieg
3. Melee krieg (+ choice of going down the fire damage or blast damage routes)

What level do you have your krieg at? Ive got 3 kriegs with different specs you can try them out to see if you like em.

1. fire damage krieg:

this build is used for clearing out rooms with a high damage over time rate.

Gear to use:
weapons - fire Norfleet, fire butcher, fire interfacer, enkempt harrold, grog nozzle, fire kitten, fire slow hand, fire emperer
grenade - magic missle, chain lightning, fire storm
relics - fire bone of the ancients
shield - flame of the firehawk
class mod legendary torch

2. blast damage krieg:

Gear to use:
weapons - fire/blast Norfleet, butcher, interfacer, enkempt harrold, grog nozzle, fire kitten, fire slow hand, ogre, rapier, nasty seeker, carnage, nasty kerblaster, casual swordsplosion, orphan maker
grenade - magic missle, chain lightning, bonus package, meteor shower
relics - fire bone of the ancients, explosive
shield - flame of the firehawk, deadly bloom
any legendary class mod

3 melee krieg (with blast damage):

melee krieg (with fire damage):
Try them all out! The game encourages multiple characters and play-throughs. Alternatively, there's a lot of videos demonstrating the skills of each class.

He said he was like level 26 and you've just rattled off the most ridiculous list of legendaries/pearlescents I have ever seen? You really expect that is going to be helpful advice? Even if he was higher level.

I don't know what it takes for the Raid bosses but you don't need anywhere NEAR that level of gear to actually play the game. Flames of the Firehawk is basically the Krieg Hellborn/Mania shield and is pretty straight forward to get hold of. Grog Nozzle goes with it brilliantly but takes a bit of time to get and you obviously won't get it before you get a long way through Tiny Tina's DLC past several quite difficult fights.

The rest? Really not required. I went through basically all of UVHM with a lvl50 Firehawk shield and once I got the Grog Nozzle it didn't really matter what weapons I had for the most part as melee > all. I've come across a Butcher and a Quasar, 2 things I've never seen before and am never likely to find again.
^ good point, most of the Kreig builds I've seen are end game or level 61. anyone got any recommendations for levelling, say to the end of normal and into TVHM?

on a related note, i found a utility on the gearbox forums that lets you run 2 chars split screen, ostensibly for multiplayer I guess, but also happily works for local coop. means I can load Kreig and join my main in a lan game and park him at the entrance and lvl him that way. (Note: this involves no hacks, no modification or cracked exe files, and works on my legit steam copy of bl2).
He said he was like level 26 and you've just rattled off the most ridiculous list of legendaries/pearlescents I have ever seen? You really expect that is going to be helpful advice? Even if he was higher level.

I don't know what it takes for the Raid bosses but you don't need anywhere NEAR that level of gear to actually play the game. Flames of the Firehawk is basically the Krieg Hellborn/Mania shield and is pretty straight forward to get hold of. Grog Nozzle goes with it brilliantly but takes a bit of time to get and you obviously won't get it before you get a long way through Tiny Tina's DLC past several quite difficult fights.

The rest? Really not required. I went through basically all of UVHM with a lvl50 Firehawk shield and once I got the Grog Nozzle it didn't really matter what weapons I had for the most part as melee > all. I've come across a Butcher and a Quasar, 2 things I've never seen before and am never likely to find again.

You've never seen them??... you must be new to the game. Do you know that you can farm certain characters to get these 'ridiculous' items... but im sure you know that already. Dont worry if you havnt seen em I can point you in the right direction... or show you some of my gear... once you get up to a high enough level.

Here's a lvl 26 build for a start:

He needs to pick a build to go with and needs to focus on his fire/melee/blast damage.
Use torgue weapons: shotguns and pistols
he can get the lascaux (good smg from frostburn canyon) or moxxis good touch (smg) from sanctuary.
get a decent rocket launcher for when you go down,
use the golden chest in sanctuary to get some purple gear.
With a level 26 he must be near the end of the game he can look up some easy characters to farm legendary's/rare/unique items from.
^ good point, most of the Kreig builds I've seen are end game or level 61. anyone got any recommendations for levelling, say to the end of normal and into TVHM?

on a related note, i found a utility on the gearbox forums that lets you run 2 chars split screen, ostensibly for multiplayer I guess, but also happily works for local coop. means I can load Kreig and join my main in a lan game and park him at the entrance and lvl him that way. (Note: this involves no hacks, no modification or cracked exe files, and works on my legit steam copy of bl2).

fastest way of leveling usually is to kill the bunker, get some guys to help you with pyro petes bar....or you can ask someone to edit a copy of your save if you want to go down that route.
You've never seen them??... you must be new to the game. Do you know that you can farm certain characters to get these 'ridiculous' items... but im sure you know that already. Dont worry if you havnt seen em I can point you in the right direction... or show you some of my gear... once you get up to a high enough level.

Here's a lvl 26 build for a start:

He needs to pick a build to go with and needs to focus on his fire/melee/blast damage.
Use torgue weapons: shotguns and pistols
he can get the lascaux (good smg from frostburn canyon) or moxxis good touch (smg) from sanctuary.
get a decent rocket launcher for when you go down,
use the golden chest in sanctuary to get some purple gear.
With a level 26 he must be near the end of the game he can look up some easy characters to farm legendary's/rare/unique items from.

Yeah I know exactly where to get the legendaries from, I just don't really care because the droprates are so bad. I imagine most people aren't all that interested in farming for a low level legendary that will in most circumstances, become obsolete within 3-5 levels (if the item even drops at a usable level in the first place).

Since you clearly misunderstood the context of 'ridiculous', it was related to your list, not the weapons. Telling someone to go pick up a legendary/pearlescent in every available is dumb advice at any level, never mind at low level. The actual gear you require at that level isn't really any different to what any other character needs. Standard incendiary weapon for the bandits, standard corrosive weapon for the loaders, complete the Lady Fist quest for the Warrior and an appropriate playstyle for what gear you have available.
Don't know if it's because first class I played was Siren, but playing as Commando was pretty underwhelming.

Turrets had too short a range, so trying to kill Terramorphous the Invincible meant turrets sat idle most of the time. And in TVHM they didn't last long when attacked.

My turrets are kicking A$$. particularly once I got the rocket pods: two turrets firing bullets and rockets takes down most enemies quick enough. Badly needed on TVHM too.
Started UVHM last night with my teammate.. 2 commandos, one with twin longbow turrets with rockets, and the other with a single shielded doubleturret spitting purple balls of doom.. makes for quite a killing field (especially with me hiding behind the turrets, using an electrical infinity and the bee )

Will be even more fun when I reach 57 (54 now) and can double up my turret and then we'll have.. quad turrets.. which means... EXPLOOOOOOOOOOOSIONS!!
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