Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Started UVHM last night with my teammate.. 2 commandos, one with twin longbow turrets with rockets, and the other with a single shielded doubleturret spitting purple balls of doom.. makes for quite a killing field (especially with me hiding behind the turrets, using an electrical infinity and the bee )

Will be even more fun when I reach 57 (54 now) and can double up my turret and then we'll have.. quad turrets.. which means... EXPLOOOOOOOOOOOSIONS!!

The survival tree is pants for UVHM tho ;) Double turrets isn't worth all the damage perks you have to miss out on from the Gunpowder tree.

On UVHM, turrets do a small % of your damage, most of it is coming from you...

Personally I took the double-barreled slaag turret, a lot of Gunpowder (but not going as far as the final skill), and about 7 points in Survival, for the extra healing.

Nuke turret was funny but not useful, and too many of the mid-tree survival skills are plain horrid for UVHM.

Just me opinion tho :p You're better off being a glass cannon in UVHM.
Yoteslaya, one of the most popular Borderlands 2 YouTubers, was killed this morning in an accident involving his truck and a train. 2 other people also died.

Apparently the pickup truck he was in tried to beat a train and got hit by it, killing all three people instantly. Don't know if anyone here watched his videos but he had some great guides and gameplay videos which definitely improved my enjoyment of the game.

News Source 1 / News Source 2
I watch his videos every now and again as they're great for BL2 tips. It's such a tragic way to lose life knowing it could have been prevented and over something so stupid but from that news report it looks like alcohol was involved as well.
Seriously such a foolish way to go and all because the driver couldn't wait a few extra minutes to let a train pass and knowing he took 2 other people with him.
Bad times.
Finally managed to get Duke of Orc down last night! I hid behind a cart in a tunnel in the mines of Avarice and guess what he dropped?!

Some shotgun ammo that I didn't need and a white quality shield :(
Finally managed to get Duke of Orc down last night! I hid behind a cart in a tunnel in the mines of Avarice and guess what he dropped?!

Some shotgun ammo that I didn't need and a white quality shield :(

4 times I tried taking that NO down the other day, using the cheesy method of running up the ramp back to the area at the start of the mines with the vendors, jumping off the ledge (at which point he'd come back down the ramp), shooting him as he came down the ramp then looping round the big rock thing and back up the ramp again, rinse and repeat.

It took me forever because one lucky shot by him and I'd be down with no way to revive. The last time I did it I got him to within a sliver of life and some sniping black widow sod got me at range (didn't even know he was there) and then I got owned.

I rage quit after that.

The next time I tried I took him out easily though an equally cheesy place I found where I could shoot him but he couldn't get me (on a little drop down cliff thing).

Seriously, screw that guy...
I tried that method the other night but I'm/my weapons are just not that good and I ended up wasting about £400,000 in ammo and respawning.

Did it by hiding in the tunnel last night and got him 1st go.

But like you said screw that guy.
I tried that method the other night but I'm/my weapons are just not that good and I ended up wasting about £400,000 in ammo and respawning.

Did it by hiding in the tunnel last night and got him 1st go.

But like you said screw that guy.

Is that all?
It costs me about 4,500,000 just to respawn :(

I completed the new halloween DLC yesterday.
The pumpkin king boss is a nightmare. He kept leveling up. Even with the Bee shield I couldn't do much damage, it didn't help that I wasn't getting much of a chance for the Bee to recharge even though through skills the recharge delay is only 1 second.
The secret boss by completing the trials was so easy compared to the pumpkin king.
Anyone here got a L40-50 bee going spare (totally not duped honest)? Mine's a L29 Corrosive one I got in normal and it's showing its age. I'm L43 at the moment but if it's a few levels above me I can make do until I can use it.
[Damien];25173320 said:
Anyone here got a L40-50 bee going spare (totally not duped honest)? Mine's a L29 Corrosive one I got in normal and it's showing its age. I'm L43 at the moment but if it's a few levels above me I can make do until I can use it.

I have a level 45 shock resistant one you can have.
Add me to steam - xtrem3x
Is that all?
It costs me about 4,500,000 just to respawn :(

I completed the new halloween DLC yesterday.
The pumpkin king boss is a nightmare. He kept leveling up. Even with the Bee shield I couldn't do much damage, it didn't help that I wasn't getting much of a chance for the Bee to recharge even though through skills the recharge delay is only 1 second.
The secret boss by completing the trials was so easy compared to the pumpkin king.

Wowser, and I thought it was bad having to pay half a million (which is why I keep transferring funds off to a friend).

My only gripe with the headhunter dlc, was the amount of respawning that occurred, seemed that everytime I turned around, all them dratted skeletons had respawned, and with the unfailing aim of those archers.. it hurts..

I found with Jaque, the best tactic for me, involved a lot of strafing, jumping, and shotgun use, while my turret did most of the work. The secret boss, was a lot easier in comparison though.

Finally got a level 50 bee last night, get the feeling I may have to replace it sooner rather than later though.. but still, Bee+Infinity does make a good walking turret while my co-op teammate does the gruntwork.
Finally got a level 50 bee last night, get the feeling I may have to replace it sooner rather than later though.. but still, Bee+Infinity does make a good walking turret while my co-op teammate does the gruntwork.

I've been after an infinity for a while and was determined to get one when I started TVHM, but like a fool I let it save once after killing Doc Mercy so now I'm screwed. Is it as good as it sounds?
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