Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Are you playing solo or co-op? What playstyle do you prefer?

For the latter: All guns blazing, melee, sniping, elemental?

DLC wise I'd say Tiny Tina's (DLC 4) is a must but I liked all of the season pass bar Sir Hammerlock (DLC 3)

Are you playing solo or co-op? What playstyle do you prefer?

Single player. I dont really have a play style, i just want the best way to enjoy the game. Probably the most fun class.

For the latter: All guns blazing, melee, sniping, elemental?

Which ever is the most fun, sniping is too easy iirc.

DLC wise I'd say Tiny Tina's (DLC 4) is a must but I liked all of the season pass bar Sir Hammerlock (DLC 3)


Thanks, getting TT's DLC now.
Most fun will be either Gunzerker or Siren.

Gunzerker can double up on his guns for a short time and so massive DPS

Siren can lock one enemy in place and deal elemental damage or even turn enemies agasint each other!

If you have access to Krieg the Psycho and you are patient you'll find him very powerful!
Bought the game on the Xmas sale and I have a lvl 45 Zero, on the second playthrough. A few questions:

- I have all DLC's what level do I have to be to check them out? Do they scale with my level or? Are the rewards only given once?
- To access a DLC, do I just fast travel to it's location on the map?
- Does the experience gain slow down significantly if I stay in TVHM once I completed it?
- If I finish TVHM at level 50 and then do some farming for lvl 55, do the quest rewards(that I haven't completed) and boss drops scale with my level? Or do I have to move to UVHM for higher level rewards?
- Is there any way to get more golden keys other than special promotions and such?

DLC's scale to your level within limits, and are available in each play through.

In normal I believe pirate booty / torgue scales from 8 -> 30 and the tina / hammerlock goes up to 35 (since they were supposed to be played after the playthrough of the main campaign)

You access the DLC by going to the fast travel point. Oasis -> Pirate Booty, Hunting Grotto -> Hammerlock, Badass Crater -> torgue, Unassuming docks for Tina.

Experience depends on your level compared to if your too overleveled you'll only be getting 1xp per kill. Once you complete tvhm though all the mobs will scale to your level, until they get to the cap for that playthrough.

tvhm rewards will be capped, so you'll need to move on to uvhm if you want items for your level. However be warned that if you go into uvhm at a higher lvl (after leveling too much in tvhm) the mobs will be at this new level too, and there is a big difference between your lvl 50 gear and the mob dmg and health at lvl 55.

You can get a load of golden keys from this steam guide

Also if you don't mind cheating a bit you can just
Set your profile.bin in your save game folder to be "read only". Shared storage and key info gets put here so if you lock the file and use a few keys... quit the game and restart, you key usage won't have been recorded. then just remove the read only flag on the profile.bin. You just need to be remember that when your profile.bin is read only, don't put stuff in the shared stash or enter any shift codes as it won't be recorded and you will lose the items/keys.

edit: Worth noting that quest rewards in tvhm will only scale up after your playthrough if you START the quest afterwards. If you started the quest at a lower level, the quest reward will still be at that lower level.
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I'm experiencing massive lag when playing online with one of my friends (strangely, playing with others is OK). T'internet suggests that connecting using hamachi would fix this. Has anyone experienced this too or found a workable fix?

Yep, I've had this with a friend who lives only 30 miles away... huge, unplayable lag. As soon as I installed Hamachi and setup a VPN through it and got him connected, it's fine. You don't even need to close the game if you forget to get Hamachi up first, you can alt-tab, sort Hamachi and return to game and your lag will be gone!

Tried 3 times to get into this game, but for some reason i'm struggling.

Whats the best class to play?

Depends on what playstyle you like. I found Salvador to be fairly weak/uninteresting to play solo, mainly as his 'power' doesn't really work too well without support from other players.

Zer0 is great if you like ranged combat and sniping, and then if people get too close give them the old 'disappear and stabby-stabby' :D He does have a tendancy to get knocked into 'Fight for your life' mode frequently.

Axton is probably the best 'generalist' class to play, you can build him however you want and he has nice health regen and shield improve bonuses, and the turret starts off as more of a distraction to enemies, yet when you've upgraded it to fire more bullets, last longer and fire multiple rockets it really does become like a best friend :p
Axton is probably the best 'generalist' class to play, you can build him however you want and he has nice health regen and shield improve bonuses, and the turret starts off as more of a distraction to enemies, yet when you've upgraded it to fire more bullets, last longer and fire multiple rockets it really does become like a best friend :p

I've now racked up 59hrs for this game (playing it on and off), which for me is a reasonably big deal as I don't have the time I used to. Even if there's still loads to do.

Tried Siren to begin with but struggled in the early part of the game and found her special skill not that useful. I know she gets very powerful later on particularly with some of the SMG bonuses but I found that the skill wasn't that great when I had multiple enemies on screen.

Whereas even if he's a bit bland, as a BL1 Soldier player, I felt immediately at home with the Commando. Even in the early stages the turret is a useful distraction and you can deploy and not worry about it. As a level-25 (first run through) the turret has become even more useful with some upgrades.

Wouldn't mind trying the Mechromancer but realistically need to see more of the game and DLC first.
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Hey guys, just hit level 8 on my Siren, using a sniper rifle as its the most powerful weapon i have and I'm popping off 1 shot head shots without even breaking a sweat.

Now I'm not boasting, but does it get harder? Or is there a method to turn up the difficulty? Because using a Sniper Rifle just seems like I'm cheating its so easy.
Hey guys, just hit level 8 on my Siren, using a sniper rifle as its the most powerful weapon i have and I'm popping off 1 shot head shots without even breaking a sweat.

Now I'm not boasting, but does it get harder? Or is there a method to turn up the difficulty? Because using a Sniper Rifle just seems like I'm cheating its so easy.

are you joking or what....Borderlands 2 is the hardest shooter to play; esp at level 70, you'll find out later on !!!!!!!! :eek:

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are you joking or what....Borderlands 2 is one of the hardest shooters to play; esp at level 70, these guys have loads of health, you'll find out later on !!!!!!!! :eek:

i played Borderlands 2 last night, for the first time in about 3 months, yea i'm right ! :D:D:D

Sorry i have no idea if your being sarcastic or not! :D

I'm hoping its because I'm low level and the game starts you off easy, but I'm 1 shot killing everything but badass's and bosses and even then it only takes a couple more headshots and there dead.
Sorry i have no idea if your being sarcastic or not! :D

I'm hoping its because I'm low level and the game starts you off easy, but I'm 1 shot killing everything but badass's and bosses and even then it only takes a couple more headshots and there dead.

yea it starts easy but gets very much harder, so to combat this you need to know what Elemental weapons to use, because the AI is vulnerable to different Elemental types, you have to get this right or you'll die constantly.

how much harder? just wait till you meet someone like Pyro Pete :D because above level 50, BL2 is the hardest game i've ever played, FC3/ Dishonored are dead easy in fact, BL2 is the hardest game above level 20 as well, let alone level 50
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yea it starts easy but gets very much harder, so to combat this you need to know what Elemental weapons to use, because the AI is vulnerable to different Elemental types, you have to get this right or you'll die constantly.

how much harder? just wait till you meet someone like Pyro Pete :D because above level 50, BL2 is the hardest game i've ever played, FC3/ Dishonored are dead easy in fact, BL2 is the hardest game above level 20 as well, let alone level 50

Ok thanks for the reassurance :D
Wouldn't mind trying the Mechromancer but realistically need to see more of the game and DLC first.

Gaige the Mechromancer is awesome! Probably my favourite character :p

Deathtrap is a badass just as himself / a moving turret / distraction, but when you improve him with a laser beam and the ability to repair your turrets he's even more awesome!

Plus Gaige herself is a great all-rounder, I prefer to stand-off and snipe a little, then while DT is drawing fire I'll wade in with shotguns and go blasting close-range.

Some of her quips are brill too "I should build you another arm, JUST for high-fives!"
Borderlands 2, easy? Wait until you meet your first rabid stalker or your first Duke of Ork in Tina's DLC. Even running for your life will be anything but easy.
Borderlands 2, easy? Wait until you meet your first rabid stalker or your first Duke of Ork in Tina's DLC. Even running for your life will be anything but easy.

That Duke of Ork was funny, I thought it was just a normal mob and then he handed me my ass :p Was ok after that first meeting since I know he is a bit tougher, was just a surprise.
That Duke of Ork was funny, I thought it was just a normal mob and then he handed me my ass :p Was ok after that first meeting since I know he is a bit tougher, was just a surprise.

Well, I first played Tina's at lvl 50 and every Duke I've met was lvl 54, meaning it was basically impossible to defeat him without doing hit n runs for an hour or glitching him somewhere (I did the latter, killed him after he got stuck in a fence as he was trying to jump squash me - EDIT, after dying 20+ times).
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