Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Currently rocking an HD5850 and it's running everything super smooth at 1920x1080 with everything on max (autodetected as well, not tweaked) but obviously, no PhysX.

What cards would you recommend in terms of:

a) single-card upgrade to Nvidia platform for 1080p gaming WITH PhysX
b) alternatively, a dedicated card for PhysX and keeping my current HD5850 as primary


Well im running on a 560ti, with full graphics and full Physx. Usually around 50fps.
Loving Zero as well, think my highest crit has been 135k now (Not sure how exactly, probably a s-lagged [They need to allow us to say s-lag, for this game] enemy and other stuff on him), regularily critting for 50k, with not even that great of a weapon, my damage on it is like 1400 I think, or around that. Some of the high level 50 green snipers are 10k+ damage, which gives you an idea of how much power he will be packing late game.

Nice. Have you tried out a melee type build at all? I can't see it working particularly well until you have enough levels behind you to reach the end of the skill tree so I've not really been able to try it since early game where you can't really say much about its effectiveness.

:eek: where did you get that?

In the area behind Ellie's scrapyard there is a Spiderant boss called the Black Queen (I think that was it) who drops it.
Got an old 8800GT I recently retired into a cupboard, how useful are the 8800 series as a dedicated physX card with modern physX effects? Anyone tried recently?

Don't bother, I have a 560ti and it was stuttering a bit so I hooked in my old 8800GTS and set it as a dedicated PhysX card, it made zero difference and having reverted my odd stutter has gone now too.
I have i5 @ 4.2ghz and gtx 460 on 1080p. When i set pgysx to more than low the game ran stuttery at like 30 fps. When i set back to low i get about 60fps with most settings on high !
Played throgh the first few hours. Doing some messing and adventuring along the way. Have to say I've really enjoyed it so far. Playing as Salvador I wasn't too sure about him to start off with but I think he is a character that's difficult to play to begin with and the real benefits of gunzerking will come later into the game once some points have been allocated and have two complimentary weapons to gunzerk with.
Nice. Have you tried out a melee type build at all? I can't see it working particularly well until you have enough levels behind you to reach the end of the skill tree so I've not really been able to try it since early game where you can't really say much about its effectiveness.

Not tried it yet. But i did start the new game+ and 1 hit from a bolly thing knocked out 4k+ shields, so if you get caught, you're going to drop.
Currently rocking an HD5850 and it's running everything super smooth at 1920x1080 with everything on max (autodetected as well, not tweaked) but obviously, no PhysX.

What cards would you recommend in terms of:

a) single-card upgrade to Nvidia platform for 1080p gaming WITH PhysX
b) alternatively, a dedicated card for PhysX and keeping my current HD5850 as primary


I'm currently running PhysX on full on my HD4870 (It must be running through the CPU). Everything is silky smooth. No idea if there's particular features missing but so far it looks like the demo videos.

There's a thread here:

Although I was able to enable it from within the game menu.
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Not tried it yet. But i did start the new game+ and 1 hit from a bolly thing knocked out 4k+ shields, so if you get caught, you're going to drop.


I guess gear has quite a big upward trend then. Picked up a 'Fine Law' yesterday from one of the quests on Sanctuary with a +100% melee damage mod so I'm guessing something like that would be very handy. Not to mention you can unload it pretty fast before stealthing to finish something off.

keep photos online

take a look at my GPU usage.

that's with everything maxed apart form HBAO, including physx.

GPU usage is all over the place.

indicates to me a CPU bottleneck but my cpu isn't being maxed out on the physical cores.

(click image to view high res)
Same I play everything maxed with no problems, I even need v-sync still because im getting well above 60fps :p

I have the fps cap on as well to stop tearing on my 50" plasma lol.

Very odd indeed, I am really impressed with how this game runs!!!
Having a graphical dilemma with this game.

I either have vsync off, but cap the frames to smoothed between 22-62 and suffer some screen tearing but the game runs smoothly with no noticeable fps drops, or have vsync on and suffer occasional framerate drops in certain areas. This can drop as low as 30.

Both are completely playable, but both are ridiculously annoying.
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