Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

wtf happens if you can't kill the constructor when saving Roland, or are you meant to not kill him?

think he gets moved elsewhere but not too sure, remember him seeing the machine go off with him though. Though myself I managed to free him (with use of a trusty rocket launcher :D)

That was fun, especially the part where he took me down from half HP and full shields to 130HP in 1 hit.

Hehe, I was playing with a Fatal GOD-liath in the scrapyard behind Ellie's. Got a regular Goliath to lvl23 and kept trying to level it more thinking it had only gone up 3 levels so it wound up beating half the Spiderants in the area to death before I killed it and got the achievement ^^
well i have skipped to many side missions (only because i have been following the story) and i am now abit low . Have arrived to meet the sniper and head into the harbour where the nature reserve is and have died 20+ times and its costing me 2k a time so enough is enough and gonna tele back and do some earlier side missions to lvl up abit and get some better gear
My new favourite game is leveling Goliaths, I've found the Caustic ones to be the most effective.

I've seen the achievement for levelling them up, but how exactly do you do it?

The first time is easy, just cant seem to make it happen a second time.
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