Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

I've seen the achievement for levelling them up, but how exactly do you do it?

The first time is easy, just cant seem to make it happen a second time.

You ideally need to find them melee type enemies and you should really avoid letting them fight other Goliaths as there dual wielded guns rip them a new one. You can always lend them a hand and nearly kill enemies too.
You can always lend them a hand and nearly kill enemies too.

This is what I do, just pop a Goliaths helmet and start reducing enemy health, the Goliath will 1-2 shot them and level up.

The only enemies that cause problems are other Goliaths and the guys with the big shields.
Im sooo tempted to buy the on gmg tnite!

Just moved out so each game i buy needs to be right lol

Is it addictive and fun even solo playing it? I found borderlands 1 to feel rather empty when running around how does this differ? Is it running well in xfire?
This is what I do, just pop a Goliaths helmet and start reducing enemy health, the Goliath will 1-2 shot them and level up.

The only enemies that cause problems are other Goliaths and the guys with the big shields.

Any Badass tends to do quite a bit of damage too if you can't whittle it down first. I find it best if you can lure them towards the local monster population like Skags or Spiderants. North of Ellie's Scrapyard I had 1 chasing me around for the best part of 5-10 minutes just wiping out most Spiderants in 1 or 2 hits. Also had him chase me that Truxican Standoff location and while I was whittling one down he beat the other guy to death on his own :D
I have to say that the best tactic for bad asses before NG+ is shock and incendiary thorns. When you get hit, it'll stun (shock) or make them spaz out (incendiary) for a good 5 seconds, a decent shotgun/sniper will mop them up with crits in about 3 seconds. It does involve getting hit though, hence why it'll not work on NG+, but for the first playthrough there are very few enemies that can one shot your shield.
just wound the Goliath and watch him go beserk and kill all his mates... it's so funny, especially if you can hide.

but i do have quite a few complaints:-

1... the menu is awkward especially to select weapons quickly, it keeps zooming up the column on the right, or going full page weapon inspection.

2....when i exit the menu, he's stuck fast and then goes into reverse before stopping and going forward again..odd bug!

3....the ammo/ gun icons aren't very bright, as well as hard to spot

4....far too many guns of similar performance, especially the pistols

5... it takes ages to level up and it's very slow to get skill points, Zero is useless right now with the sword and he gets killed all the time, i'm on level 11and i only have 5 skill points.'s easy to get lost via the compass, i was lost for about 2 hours !

7....Scooter isn't as good and nor is the fat Russian guy, mind you; Scooter's sister looks horny :D !!!

great points:-

1..... AI is better than 1st game

2.....more fights

3.....better graphics

4....the goliath guy is a master stroke, i cant understand why his head is so small and that long thin neck, i'll google him right now
just wound the Goliath and watch him go beserk and kill all his mates... it's so funny, especially if you can hide.

but i do have quite a few complaints:-

1... the menu is awkward especially to select weapons quickly, it keeps zooming up the column on the right, or going full page weapon inspection.

2....when i exit the menu, he's stuck fast and then goes into reverse before stopping and going forward again..odd bug!

3....the ammo/ gun icons aren't very bright, as well as hard to spot

4....far too many guns of similar performance, especially the pistols

5... it takes ages to level up and it's very slow to get skill points, Zero is useless right now with the sword and he gets killed all the time, i'm on level 11and i only have 5 skill points.'s easy to get lost via the compass, i was lost for about 2 hours !

1. Its definitely an improvement over the first game but does seem a little clunky sometimes when trying to swap items.

2. Huh? :confused:

3. You mean you can't see the loot easily? How can you possibly miss the big glowy line? :confused:

4. That was always the case. At least there are some awesome new mods this time.

5. I do agree that you get skill points very slowly to begin with so you never really notice much change. Especially with the class mods where most of them don't have attached skills and those that do are never any use. The levelling isnt' exactly something that can be changed though.

6. What do you think your map is for...?
i got stuck in the snowy mountain section in level 10.

i think it's just a case of getting used to it, but i deffo prefer the menu in the 1st game, i imagine it'll take ages to level up, i'm doing the sniper column only
I have to say that the best tactic for bad asses before NG+ is shock and incendiary thorns. When you get hit, it'll stun (shock) or make them spaz out (incendiary) for a good 5 seconds, a decent shotgun/sniper will mop them up with crits in about 3 seconds. It does involve getting hit though, hence why it'll not work on NG+, but for the first playthrough there are very few enemies that can one shot your shield.

i really have to disagree with that last bit, my shield has been taken off AND my health reduced to near zero ine one shot. not just by bosses either, its usually the 'elite' type enemies that do it. i dont think normal mobs have done it though.

the game certainly feels much more difficult than the first game to me, now whether thats because ive had no luck getting decent weapons i dont know yet, but ive died a lot compared to starting out in the first game!
I do wonder why you don't get skill points for the first few levels, makes the game start really slowly (and harder to try out the different characters as well)
i really have to disagree with that last bit, my shield has been taken off AND my health reduced to near zero ine one shot. not just by bosses either, its usually the 'elite' type enemies that do it. i dont think normal mobs have done it though.

the game certainly feels much more difficult than the first game to me, now whether thats because ive had no luck getting decent weapons i dont know yet, but ive died a lot compared to starting out in the first game!

Really? Most things barely even damage me, including bad ass enemies. must have lucked out with a strong shield or something. I am pretty early in the game though.
Really? Most things barely even damage me, including bad ass enemies. must have lucked out with a strong shield or something. I am pretty early in the game though.

yeah, i often think what just hit me, and its usually some big thing thats done it. dont think its happened with regular mobs.
and there isnt any barrels around me etc, its purely from getting hit by them which like i say is taking off the shield and taking my HP bar down to 1% :(
it also takes me an age to kill these mobs which makes it more frustrating, coupled with some of them being faster than Usain Bolt gives you no time to react or run away to shoot them.

i thought the first enemies in BL1 were annoying but BL2's are a lot worse imo. im also wuite early on in the game, only lvl 11.
I'm currently running PhysX on full on my HD4870 (It must be running through the CPU). Everything is silky smooth. No idea if there's particular features missing but so far it looks like the demo videos.

There's a thread here:

Although I was able to enable it from within the game menu.

So this isnt using your 4870, but the CPU? Ive been reading about the physx with ATI cards patches and stuff on another website but apparently its stopped development. Ive got a psare 4870 so might give it a go.
all enemies respawn in Borderlands if you hang around the camps too long, i quite like this, because it means you can replay a favourite area over and over again in 3 months time !

the trouble is right now, i'm not enjoying this game like i did the 1st, i think Zero was the wrong character to pick, his sword is useless right now, i might replay tonight as Gunzerker.

because to get his sword working really well, will take at least another 12 skill points... no way man, that'll be at level 22 and i want those skill points going towards a sniper.... it's taken me 8 hours to get to level 10

it might be best to play as gunzerker but use sniper rifles as well.

it always was a huge problem with Borderlands, because the guy you play is pretty useless until you get close to the end of the game, it's the same in Deux Ex as well.... you get all the skills, game suddenly ends :(

i'm not a fan of this leveling up like i once was, because half the reason i'm dieing right now is that Zero takes ages to reload when wounded, to put this right is 4 skill points, about 3 hours gameplay ! :eek:

because he's not reloading at a normal shooter rate, it's been slowed down on purpose, just so that you can level it back up to what it should have been in the 1st place

i'm not a happy bunny right now, i regret getting this game.... sorry to moan so much
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