all enemies respawn in Borderlands if you hang around the camps too long, i quite like this, because it means you can replay a favourite area over and over again in 3 months time !
the trouble is right now, i'm not enjoying this game like i did the 1st, i think Zero was the wrong character to pick, his sword is useless right now, i might replay tonight as Gunzerker.
because to get his sword working really well, will take at least another 12 skill points... no way man, that'll be at level 22 and i want those skill points going towards a sniper.... it's taken me 8 hours to get to level 10
it might be best to play as gunzerker but use sniper rifles as well.
it always was a huge problem with Borderlands, because the guy you play is pretty useless until you get close to the end of the game, it's the same in Deux Ex as well.... you get all the skills, game suddenly ends
i'm not a fan of this leveling up like i once was, because half the reason i'm dieing right now is that Zero takes ages to reload when wounded, to put this right is 4 skill points, about 3 hours gameplay !
because he's not reloading at a normal shooter rate, it's been slowed down on purpose, just so that you can level it back up to what it should have been in the 1st place
i'm not a happy bunny right now, i regret getting this game.... sorry to moan so much