Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

I would go as far as to say this is my favourite game ever.

I cant put it down, some of the battles are breathtaking, the loot makes me want to keep progressing, and the slot machines... well, they've turned me into a borderline gambling addict.
yeah, i often think what just hit me, and its usually some big thing thats done it. dont think its happened with regular mobs.
and there isnt any barrels around me etc, its purely from getting hit by them which like i say is taking off the shield and taking my HP bar down to 1% :(
it also takes me an age to kill these mobs which makes it more frustrating, coupled with some of them being faster than Usain Bolt gives you no time to react or run away to shoot them.

i thought the first enemies in BL1 were annoying but BL2's are a lot worse imo. im also wuite early on in the game, only lvl 11.

Exactly the same level as me, I just completed the quest where you have to rename the Bullymong's to Bonerfarts (had me in stitches) and I'll admit that I'm using Zero and speccing as the Sniper class, so naturally I'm safe most of the time but my best strategy for bad ass mobs is to whip out my magnum and go in like John Wayne and rely on my shields thorns ability to stun them ones and give em a clip to the noggin'. Hasn't failed me yet, and I only have like 290 shield aswell. Are there difficulties in this? I'm probably on easy or something. :p

I wish I had Dxtory on more often, I blew two Goliath' heads off the other day and their A.I. just went to ****. They were chasing each other like some bad Laurel and Hardy film and occasionally fighting while shouting out all sorts of weird stuff, they'd genuinely run after one another for a good solid minute and then reverse like it was a game of tag. :D
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Is there anywhere where you can buy the premium version and download it right away?

I've been round all the local shops and none seem to have it or are sold out.
Russian version is now multi-language and region-free. It can be had for £14.

I think I'd rather pay £7-10 more and get a copy that isn't likely to be removed from my account with no refund... call me crazy but that's just me.

all enemies respawn in Borderlands if you hang around the camps too long, i quite like this, because it means you can replay a favourite area over and over again in 3 months time !

the trouble is right now, i'm not enjoying this game like i did the 1st, i think Zero was the wrong character to pick, his sword is useless right now, i might replay tonight as Gunzerker.

because to get his sword working really well, will take at least another 12 skill points... no way man, that'll be at level 22 and i want those skill points going towards a sniper.... it's taken me 8 hours to get to level 10

it might be best to play as gunzerker but use sniper rifles as well.

it always was a huge problem with Borderlands, because the guy you play is pretty useless until you get close to the end of the game, it's the same in Deux Ex as well.... you get all the skills, game suddenly ends :(

i'm not a fan of this leveling up like i once was, because half the reason i'm dieing right now is that Zero takes ages to reload when wounded, to put this right is 4 skill points, about 3 hours gameplay ! :eek:

because he's not reloading at a normal shooter rate, it's been slowed down on purpose, just so that you can level it back up to what it should have been in the 1st place

i'm not a happy bunny right now, i regret getting this game.... sorry to moan so much

... you do realise there is a 'reload speed' stat on the weapons right? Its called trade-off. Some weapons reload quickly, some have larger clips, some hit harder, some fire faster, some have attached blades, some have elemental mods and so on and so forth. My biggest gripe with the early game (pre level 10ish) is that you almost never find Sniper Rifles.

Given your complaint about powering up only for the game to end, I think you don't understand RPGs and should probably avoid them.
i'm not a fan of this leveling up like i once was, because half the reason i'm dieing right now is that Zero takes ages to reload when wounded, to put this right is 4 skill points, about 3 hours gameplay ! :eek:

because he's not reloading at a normal shooter rate, it's been slowed down on purpose, just so that you can level it back up to what it should have been in the 1st place

Just to make sure (haven't checked back through thread) - have you been spending your badass tokens? In the achivements tab.

One of the things you can boost is reload speed, and it's for all your characters.

It also means you could level an alt for a bit and use THEIR badass credits to boost the reload speed, then go back to your Zer0 and enjoy the benefits without grinding on a character that's not currently working for you.

I've been playing Zer0 so far, and have found the only thing that REALLY annoys me is the gun tooltips not showing zoom level any more - there's a point where I find a zoom is sufficient for any of the open areas I've found, and above which it becomes unhelpful and harder to use at medium ranges. I really wish I could tell from the weapon cards instead of having to equip and test out every rifle I find.

Currently specced for Sniper (crits in tier 1, just starting tier 2, really looking forward to the piercing shots skill).

... you do realise there is a 'reload speed' stat on the weapons right? Its called trade-off. Some weapons reload quickly, some have larger clips, some hit harder, some fire faster, some have attached blades, some have elemental mods and so on and so forth. My biggest gripe with the early game (pre level 10ish) is that you almost never find Sniper Rifles.

Given your complaint about powering up only for the game to end, I think you don't understand RPGs and should probably avoid them.

The loot's random (apart from launchers, which I think are deliberately introduced late). I get loads of pistols and snipers, occasional shotguns and assault rifles and very, very occasional SMG's so far.

Incidentally, I don't think your jibe about understanding RPGs was particularly needed. I read his complaint as more about the pacing of the upgrades, rather than the entire idea of it. One possible option, for example, is having the early upgrades have more of a significant effect on the play style of a character, then refine it with the later upgrades (though keeping something with a nice bit of flavour for the end of the tree). Which in some ways encourages some of the RP elements of the RPG.

A few extra percentage points in crit for the first 5 points invested doesn't always feel that cool or character defining, you know?
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I doubt that would be making much difference. I now have around 3000 Badass ranks and I've not really boosted anything above 5-6%. A small bonus so not something that would have a noticeable effect.

The 'Bore' skill is a nice bonus for the penetration but I actually prefer it mostly for the critical hit locations. The penetration rarely happens (funny when you shoot a Rakk and take out the 2 behind it though) but the critical hit locations are very helpful when your ally is a Siren as the Phaselock can make it difficult to see where the enemies head is.

Jibe? Please read his post again. He clearly states that he didn't like how in Deus Ex, you get uberpowerful at the end and then its over and is saying something similar about this. To me that says "RPGs are not for me". That is not a jibe, that is a conclusion based on the evidence at hand.

I have already said that I felt the early levels seemed to go slowly because your skills don't seem to have much effect and the available class mods seem quite weak and most of the skills they boost (if any) are ones you aren't using.
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Build for my sniping Zero I cant decide whether to go for:

Depends how good two fang is, I think. The last skill in the sniping tree has potential to be good, but the fact is the skill decays way too fast to be useful, and it's likely you'll max out around 6-15 stacks on average, because there simply isn't enough enemies to keep the stacks up, would rather get some skills in cunning which are more reliable and would average out to be better apart from the few times when you get a streak of crits with the sniper.
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Build for my sniping Zero I cant decide whether to go for:

Depends how good two fang is, I think. The last skill in the sniping tree has potential to be good, but the fact is the skill decays way too fast to be useful, and it's likely you'll max out around 6-15 stacks on average, because there simply isn't enough enemies to keep the stacks up, would rather get some skills in cunning which are more reliable and would average out to be better apart from the few times when you get a streak of crits with the sniper.

Oh, I was hoping it wouldn't decay too quickly. Still, for a single point its surely better than any point elsewhere?
Well you don't want two fang as a sniper surely? It's better for assualt rifles/smgs and shotguns. With snipers the recoil will mean the 2nd bullet will be less accurate (either missing the crit zone or the target completely)
Oh, I was hoping it wouldn't decay too quickly. Still, for a single point its surely better than any point elsewhere?

I guess so, the decay really is a killer on it though.

Well you don't want two fang as a sniper surely? It's better for assualt rifles/smgs and shotguns. With snipers the recoil will mean the 2nd bullet will be less accurate (either missing the crit zone or the target completely)

Wasn't sure how 2fang works with a sniper tbh, never tried it.

More like this then, I guess:
This game seems to have a massive immersive atmosphere, the music is great too. I am playing the siren who I think is pretty decent. What are the other chars like?
My computer crashed when playing, booted back up to play and my character is corrupted. From Googling, there is nothing I can do :( was level 35, had just started the 2nd playthrough.

Anyone per chance have a Siren around level 35 or so that has completed the first playthrough that they could e-mail me?

Edit: Oh god, it's deleted all my Badass ranks I unlocked and all my unlocked skins. Shared storage is also now empty and I had a few bits in it for twinks.
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If I didn't think much of the original borderlands, am I likely to enjoy this game?

I didn't quite get what the appeal of it was, just seemed boring, dry and repetetive.

I also would have to play with randoms since I doubt any of my mates would be interested in this game.

I am so ****ed. :D

If I didn't think much of the original borderlands, am I likely to enjoy this game?

I didn't quite get what the appeal of it was, just seemed boring, dry and repetetive.

I also would have to play with randoms since I doubt any of my mates would be interested in this game.


Probably not, it's pretty much more of the same only louder.
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