Botched execution in the US

30 Sep 2005
if technology advanced to the point we could rewire someones brain (ie, rewire a rapists brain) would that be considered acceptable?

it's a very difficult question to answer, who are we to take the place of god
18 Jul 2013
The mother of the murdered baby in the article doesn't support the death penalty....

In Warner’s case, the victim’s mother asked for clemency. In a video at Warner’s pardon and parole board hearing, Adrianna’s mother Shonda Waller said she morally opposed the death penalty.

“That would dishonor my daughter,” she said. “It would dishonor me and everything I believe in. I wouldn’t want to have to know about something like that, because I wouldn’t want to know that my hand or what I went through personally is the reason why he is no longer living. When he dies I want it to be because it’s his time, not because he’s been executed because due to what happened to me and my child.”
2 Nov 2013
There are a few reasons why I called views in this thread archaic. I'm referring to those in favour of capital punishment. There are a whole load of reasons why capital punishment is moronic, hypocritical, and an insufficient punishment. Crimes should not be judged based on emotion, and I consider capital punishment a purely emotion driven punishment, and this is archaic, in my opinion.
Interestingly though, several have said that they don't support the death penalty because they believe that an entire life incarcerated is a worse punishment to the criminal. So they're back to the aim being as much retribution as possible.

Is that more or less archaic? I can't decide!

For clarity, I am anti-death penalty. But more for the sake of what we should hold society up to be, rather than for the sake of the punished. On the basis of that same standpoint, I can't agree with the idea of keeping people alive specifically so they can suffer more.
27 Apr 2013
Rehabilitation isn't about reconciling your debt to society. Plenty of people take more from society than they give, even without killing or raping babies.

You seem to be talking about a material debt, I am not.

There is no material value for human life; it is both worthless and priceless all at once. So when you kill someone, I am not concerned about the material or economic costs of this crime. Money is not everything.

"hanged" is the word you're looking for.

Yes, you're quite right. Do you want a gold star or something?
24 Mar 2014
Fortunately here in Europe we have evolved to appreciate that capital punishment is barbaric and outdated.

well, I suppose they think turnabout is fair play ! I am however glad they dont do an eye for an eye and give the guy a return on all of the crimes hes dont.

I cant believe I just thought of that, I am however against the death penalty. But agree that out justice system is terrible. I also agree that our prisone are far too comfortable as they have more in their cells than I do in my house.
30 Sep 2005
well it's not for her to say

he broke the law, and the law states for certain crimes the death penalty is applicable

I'm not sure I agree with the death penalty though. I used to, but now I'm getting older not so much
21 Aug 2010
Because I consider it to be a just punishment.

I don't believe there is any value in rehabilitating someone who commits the most heinous of crimes. How can they ever repay society for the rape and murder of an infant?

So the only possible reason to place them in prison is to torture them, which I do not approve of. It is more humane for them to just be hung and more just for society and the victims.

I don't agree with the deterrence angle, although the source posted earlier about how there are less murders in the north east USA is fairly chuckle-worthy. The north east of the USA is the richest region of the country with the lowest ethnic diversity. Of course it has a lower murder rate.

Nice thinly veiled racist post :rolleyes:

So you are O.K with the state executing the mentally ill, the poor and individuals who have both the mental and intellectual age of young child :confused:

Capital punishment allows the criminals in your society to dictate your morality, it has no place in an evolved and civilized country!
Violence begets violence!!
Luckily most of America is beginning to understand this and it's only the more backward southern states that cling onto this barbaric and uncivilized practice !
26 Jun 2010
I used to think this but I think there could be a death penalty for people and that type of crime like the 2 in the article.

Indisputable guilt and total lack of remorse.

The death penalty isn't about justice, it's about retribution and I do not agree that retribution should be underpinning any objective and fair justice simply isn't necessary to kill someone, they can be effectively removed from society and doing more harm in other ways without the need to kill them. Even in cases of indisputable guilt and lack of remorse doesn't mean that the lack thereof is permanent or that society should have the ability to take the life of someone simply as revenge against someone who took the life of someone else. Death should only be advocated when all other avenues and solutions are exhausted and even then we should think twice.
2 Nov 2013
Unless you've stayed in one you have no place to say that. People who work in them and who have been in them say they are dreadful. You're basing our prisons on word of mouth and hollywood.
I know someone who has worked in one and says it's a holiday camp.

He is an utter tit though, so I give little credence to his opinion.
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