Seller has responded to my message:
Oh god if he classes the phone as excellent what condition is a Grade A a..wipe gonna be in, shudder to think.
Seller has responded to my message:
He's broken the rules by using a stock image anyway.
And me wasted his time? Ha! He knows he's at fault, hence why he has accepted the return.
Shall I leave negative feedback now or wait until later?
On feedback ; Be sure to put "Grade A time waster, using stock images and lying. Everything that is bad with eBay". That will no down send him into full spaz out.
Can I report the seller so he isn't able to rip people off again?
Shall I leave negative feedback now or wait until later?
On feedback ; Be sure to put "Grade A time waster, using stock images and lying. Everything that is bad with eBay". That will no down send him into full spaz out.
your not insured to send phones through the post.
Since when?