It reminds me heavily of Timesplitters 2 mixed with TF2, chuck in some Borderlands - should be a laugh for the money :)

Yeah defo reminds me of Timespliters 2, I liked TF2 but im thinking why pay for this when I still have TF2? Gutted its not what I thought it was, never mind they; get enough money for it from the overly excited people wanting a new game to play until BF3/Gears3 so theyl probably make a Brink2 which should be what this was meant to have been
8/10 is generous for this. Its a TF2 clone with the SMART thing as a gimmick which you dont really need to use. The maps are too small and your forced to stck together as squads because of it. Might rent it.

Sounds like you've played it? Looks little like TF2 btw - more like their previous games.

I'm not a fan of upgrading your character or earning perks/weapons/items in multiplayer fps - it's all fluff often used to hide a shallow game underneath (I'm looking at you CoD) and couldn't care less that everything can be unlocked quickly.
Nothing I've seen about this game makes me want go and buy it, and I don't really know why tbh.

that's what i was saying yesterday, it's pretty obvious why it'll fail.

Everything about the game is wrong wrong wrong, it is not a stand alone FPS, it is a squad based online multiplayer spray and prey, it has no lasting apppeal as an offline shooter, like Borderlands, because in the videos it looks extremely repetative.

IGN have got it right.
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Sounds like you've played it? Looks little like TF2 btw - more like their previous games.

I'm not a fan of upgrading your character or earning perks/weapons/items in multiplayer fps - it's all fluff often used to hide a shallow game underneath (I'm looking at you CoD) and couldn't care less that everything can be unlocked quickly.

each to their own but why would you come back and play this more if here are only 8 smallish maps, you've already unlocked everything and played each class to death.

The reason BC2 is still being played by thousands is because of extremely diverse game play, well made maps, loads of unlockables, different game types (in Brink your forced to do the in game missions, theres no CTF, deahmatch etc..). Its 2011 ffs lets have some depth to our games, not just market the crap out of them and use a unique art style.
I like the idea of the mirrors edge style multilayer FPS but seems they didn't hit the nail on the head with the SMARTS and the level design to make it that interesting
that's what i was saying yesterday, it's pretty obvious why it'll fail.

Everything about the game is wrong wrong wrong, it is not a stand alone FPS, it is a squad based online multiplayer spray and prey, it has no lasting apppeal as an offline shooter, like Borderlands, because in the videos it looks extremely repetative.

IGN have got it right.

Mal, everything you've said so far in this thread has been a load of uninformed ********.

Don't know if you've noticed but CS/CS:S have no real offline mode either and are 2 of the most popular online shooters a LONG time after release. CoD and BF have no offline mode either unlses you count a SP campaign which isn't the same thing.

This game is NOTHING like Borderlands and Borderlands was far from perfect too.
each to their own but why would you come back and play this more if here are only 8 smallish maps, you've already unlocked everything and played each class to death.

I can't speak for Brink yet, but in RTCW and ET we played a similar number of maps in matches over and over again for years and years. Even after 2 or 3 years tactics were changing, as were our skills - the game, as with any decent online shooter, got better with age. In contrast - once i'd unlcoked everything in BC2 there was no reason to go back. Why bother? The only thing keeping me playing in the first place was seeing what the next weapon/item was like - the gameplay on its own wasn't strong enough. This is even more the case with CoD:MW. A decent shooter doesn't need all this extra fluff.
I brought my copy from D2D but have yet to receive my key has anyone else received theirs?

I think some have, but due to some mix up or problems with EU not being able to register keys over Steam and getting errors they pulled them and will replace later with working ones.
Eurogamer 8/10
CVG: 8/10
IGN: 6/10
IGN got it right by saying 'Lasting Appeal - Maxing out a character in a matter of days is just too quick. While you can adjust your skills, the repetition of objectives and the fight don’t make this a game you can really hang on to.

Thats why Im not getting it

Ask yourself: Do they mean several days of play? As in 40+ hrs of total gameplay time, or 3 days of 4hrs per day?

I wouldn't let that put you off.
time splitters 2 is one off the best fps ever even though it was on ps 2 :D

Damn right. I'd love a game like Time Splitters/Golden Eye/Perfect Dark on the PC. No messing around with vehicles and big maps - tiny teams facing off face with victory going to the strongest!
8/10 is generous for this. Its a TF2 clone with the SMART thing as a gimmick which you dont really need to use. The maps are too small and your forced to stck together as squads because of it. Might rent it.

It's not a TF2 clone, but I can see why you'd think that if you haven't played any games before 2007. Don't forget;

Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2001
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2003
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars 2007 (Before TF2)

All of which follow the same gameplay as Brink, who are also the same people who made the previous games.

Forced to stick together as squads is a bad thing? Seems like team play isn't your suit. It's a tried and tested gameplay mechanic, 10 years shows this and it works, it did in the previous games and they were very popular back then.

Also, I doubt SMART will end up a gimmick, a lot of games lack the contextual and 3rd dimenson controls, there's nothing wrong with being able to leap over walls, or up to a higher location to grab. It stimulates people to think differently and try new tactics. Even saying you don't really need to use it is showing you'd rather just stick to the carrot on a stick path. While the rest of us will use it as an advantage.
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Look at the time frame they released this, theres nothing out there to compete with it. If this came out when Crysis 2 came out it would have been a lot less popular. Theyve marketed the hell out of it.

Yes team work FPS are great, but whats so special about this one? Just coz its worked for the last 10 years doesnt mean we want the same thing for the next 10 years. I mean couldnt they have included different game modes at the very least!
It's the main reason Shadowrun failed IIR was because there was no single player, people were put off by the reviews yet imo it was one of the greatest FPS of all time.
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