Nothing I've seen about this game makes me want go and buy it, and I don't really know why tbh.
It reminds me heavily of Timesplitters 2 mixed with TF2, chuck in some Borderlands - should be a laugh for the money
8/10 is generous for this. Its a TF2 clone with the SMART thing as a gimmick which you dont really need to use. The maps are too small and your forced to stck together as squads because of it. Might rent it.
Nothing I've seen about this game makes me want go and buy it, and I don't really know why tbh.
Sounds like you've played it? Looks little like TF2 btw - more like their previous games.
I'm not a fan of upgrading your character or earning perks/weapons/items in multiplayer fps - it's all fluff often used to hide a shallow game underneath (I'm looking at you CoD) and couldn't care less that everything can be unlocked quickly.
that's what i was saying yesterday, it's pretty obvious why it'll fail.
Everything about the game is wrong wrong wrong, it is not a stand alone FPS, it is a squad based online multiplayer spray and prey, it has no lasting apppeal as an offline shooter, like Borderlands, because in the videos it looks extremely repetative.
IGN have got it right.
each to their own but why would you come back and play this more if here are only 8 smallish maps, you've already unlocked everything and played each class to death.
I brought my copy from D2D but have yet to receive my key has anyone else received theirs?
Eurogamer 8/10
CVG: 8/10
IGN: 6/10
IGN got it right by saying 'Lasting Appeal - Maxing out a character in a matter of days is just too quick. While you can adjust your skills, the repetition of objectives and the fight don’t make this a game you can really hang on to.
Thats why Im not getting it
time splitters 2 is one off the best fps ever even though it was on ps 2
8/10 is generous for this. Its a TF2 clone with the SMART thing as a gimmick which you dont really need to use. The maps are too small and your forced to stck together as squads because of it. Might rent it.
guys the game flopped get it over with. it's not a big deal it happens very often.
It's not even released yet?