Are you getting yours buffed, also firing from the hip as you know aiming down any sights, gives way more recoil? Basic stuff I know, though I felt the same as you for a while, I seemed to be getting taken out, whilst causing no damage. Now if my weapon and health are buffed, I rarely feel that way. Plus once your weapon is buffed, it stays that way till you die.
Try it in SP, they go down in half the time.
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Argh, hate you can't filter bots and doubly hate admins who have reserved spots making you unable to join, but that spot is filled by a bot. So one team has to be a human down.

Try old school filter, removes all the bot slots.

I think the games fun and has potential but tbh it has a lot of things wrong with it and elements which have been designed for consoles. Take medic class for example, f does everything and is on "autopilot" you actually lose control when you hold the button. Reminded me totally of wolfenstein(the shocking 2009 one) just that you could throw syringe.

Also graphics options very limited and I'm sure if they unlocked some of the cvars online or put advanced graphics options quake wars had then people could get a lot more fps. Add in sound bugs, CTDs, bad performance on ati cards etc it just feels more like a port, although we wer promised different....
Are you getting yours buffed, also firing from the hip as you know aiming down any sights, gives way more recoil? Basic stuff I know, though I felt the same as you for a while, I seemed to be getting taken out, whilst causing no damage. Now if my weapon and health are buffed, I rarely feel that way. Plus once your weapon is buffed, it stays that way till you die.
Try it in SP, they go down in half the time.

Eh? Aiming down the sights makes only the first few shots hit, rest miss miserably and burst fire doesn't seem to work at all. Aiming down the sights I seem to get killed before I can inflict any real damage. Guess it helps if your team buffs.

Its stupid though how much easier it is for higher levels. I'm really not sure the Operative has any use at all tbh. Comms Hack is great... except once people get Downed Fire you get killed trying to use it and Cortex Bomb is retarded, it gives you about half a second warning from him saying it to blowing up. Silent Running as well... honestly I don't know why they included melee in this game, its absolutely worthless. By the time you've melee'd someone they've killed you and even if you do, they shoot you while being knocked over. By the time you've found someone after sliding under them they've shot you ><
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Eh? Aiming down the sights makes only the first few shots miss miserably and burst fire doesn't seem to work at all. Aiming down the sights I seem to get killed before I can inflict any real damage. Guess it helps if your team buffs.

Its stupid though how much easier it is for higher levels. I'm really not sure the Operative has any use at all tbh. Comms Hack is great... except once people get Downed Fire you get killed trying to use it and Cortex Bomb is retarded, it gives you about half a second warning from him saying it to blowing up. Silent Running as well... honestly I don't know why they included melee in this game, its absolutely worthless. By the time you've melee'd someone they've killed you and even if you do, they shoot you while being knocked over. By the time you've found someone after sliding under them they've shot you ><

The levels don't make that much difference - it's more the weapon choice and loadout.
Eh? Aiming down the sights makes only the first few shots hit, rest miss miserably and burst fire doesn't seem to work at all. Aiming down the sights I seem to get killed before I can inflict any real damage. Guess it helps if your team buffs.

Its stupid though how much easier it is for higher levels. I'm really not sure the Operative has any use at all tbh. Comms Hack is great... except once people get Downed Fire you get killed trying to use it and Cortex Bomb is retarded, it gives you about half a second warning from him saying it to blowing up. Silent Running as well... honestly I don't know why they included melee in this game, its absolutely worthless. By the time you've melee'd someone they've killed you and even if you do, they shoot you while being knocked over. By the time you've found someone after sliding under them they've shot you ><

comms hack prevents downed players from shooting while you are hacking. Try playing a light body if you have not done so yet, its crazy fast and hard to actually shoot you if you're running (small hitbox) also you can slide and knock people over.

I use light body, sniper rifle as main and automatic pistol as secondary wpn. Using light body's agility I get into special places for snipers which are only accessable with light body and snipe people, while on the move i use that gun (which seems to be better than most automatic guns) combine it with very fast running, knife melee and sliding to knock people over its very effective.

You just need to find out the best addons and composition for each class. That composition complements my play style.
You really do need to find what suits your play best, once you find that you should start powning. At first when you can't really make your mind up between body type and loadout, you find yourself wondering wtf is the best option as none of them seem to work lol :p
I swapped to Light body with a Barret sniper-style or 1 of the SMGs when things got closer with the machine pistol. Definitely went better than this morning, though considering this morning was played on a random server, always on offence, against a team who were blatantly higher ranked and simply working together better... it was **** from start to finish. Went on Hampshire Heavies and was on Defence and things seemed much better though that could be more down to the fact we were defending on a decent team and not getting massacred constantly.

I really can't decide about the machine pistol... i really don't get the cries of it being powerful, it ran out of ammo in no time. You have to use it really if you've taken a sniper rifle but I think i may as well swap to Revolver once they get close.
That is why I said shoot from the hip, sorry if you misunderstood what I said.

I wasn't quite sure which way you were saying but I was actually referring to hipfire then (i epic failed with that sentence :p).

Seemed to be the case with the ARs i was using. Not so much an issue with the SMGs but then they do a fraction of the damage.
I found that while aiming through ironsight weapons seem to do more damage. Its odd. I always use the ironsight, otherwise it seems to take a lot more bullets to take anything down. May be placebo :o
Personally I don't get on well with sniper rifles. The damage output of the SMGs seems quite decent to me (though lower than the rapid firing pistols, amusingly). What SMG setup were you using?

They don't seem to hit properly on moving targets, could just be my aim fails but they rarely seem to hit. I have had some 'moments' with them where I nicely nailed some guy in the head and dropped him.

I thought it was the other way around. Problem with the pistols is they need reloading after about a second and they barely have any spare clips. SMG just seems more reliable.

Can't remember which 1. They all have stupid names. I mostly go for some 'venting' or nothing, not bothered with a silencer yet, think I'm using a red dot sight, speed sling and a regular magazine.

Anyone tried the Shotguns or GLs much? I tried 1 of the GLs but it seems pretty worthless. All it was good at was knocking down the enemy with the shot, the grenade usually bounced well out of damage range then... May as well just take an AR with the underbarrel attachment. Shotguns were very 'meh'. The autoshotgun was terrible. Its recoil is so high the second shot misses completely. Mossington had its moments but the instant it fails to 1 hit kill someone (which happens anywhere beyond absolute point blank) you get killed instantly. I'm sure its great for strafing past doorways and the like to quickly blast someone but its so ineffective elsewhere its not worth taking, even if it is capable of 1 shotting everyone once buffed up.
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