but the point of the video was just to show how to move around the maps quickly and enjoy getting kills whilst doing it. All the clips are from clan pub servers, so these are the kinds of players you'll get if you're just pubbing the game - which I have been - and the level of players most people will play against.
If I were to join a clan and make a video of 5v5 clan matches, then the video would be very different and I wouldn't have been able to pull off some of what I did because the players would be more aware and I would indeed have to play the game as it's meant to be played, closely, with my team. That video would likely show a close game but with plenty of respawns and slow play.
However, the videos made purely for fun and lols, showing fast movment around the map and many kills done quickly - surely thats easy to understand?
I actually had plenty of clips where I dominated the other players even more prominently than shown in the video, but didn't include them, for the simple fact that it was beyond ridiculous how easy to run around they were - this is actually a collection of clips where the other players played best. It's just that most players, just aren't very good.