Bruce Lee vs Modern Martial Arts

vonhelmet said:
If we somehow resurrected him and put him in the ring with them, he'd get caned.

If he was at his prime in this day and age it's fair to say he'd probably be keeping an eye on MMA, as it was pretty much his game to begin with, so he may actually stand a pretty good chance.
That's pretty much what I was thinking. :)
Assuming he'd continued studying different forms and picking out techniques then he'd be aware of this and would incorporate anything good. In which case we'd see a very good display of speed vs. strength IMO.

I'd like to think Bruce would win though ;)
Bit ,ore effective technique than a roundhouse though. Isn't Seagal the most senior practitioner of Aikido outside of Japan? I'm sure I read that somewhere. Plus there's the stories of his activities with the CIA which he refuses to discuss.

Lewis Collins could kick all their asses!
elroberto said:
Bit ,ore effective technique than a roundhouse though. Isn't Seagal the most senior practitioner of Aikido outside of Japan? I'm sure I read that somewhere. Plus there's the stories of his activities with the CIA which he refuses to discuss.

Lewis Collins could kick all their asses!

Segal is proably the most lethal of the movie martial artists alive. He has real skill, not showmen skilsl. He has some deep talents that few in the western world could even imagine.
Phnom_Penh said:
What the ****? segals fat. Chan would probaby be better, although Segal is good at aikido, he is in no state to fight anyone tbh.

I, hes piled on the punds a bit, but tbh, he doesn't need the extreme fitness of the Bruce lee style etc. Think of him as a ball of water, punch/kick it as hard as you can and it just absorbs and surround the fist/foot/leg, absorbing the energy. For that is the style of Aikedo.

But Chan is pretty good, but very mutch more into the cool tricks than the lethal grace of Aikido.
D.P. said:
Think of him as a ball of water, punch/kick it as hard as you can and it just absorbs and surround the fist/foot/leg, absorbing the energy. For that is the style of Aikedo.

But Chan is pretty good, but very mutch more into the cool tricks than the lethal grace of Aikido.
By that suggestion Johnny Vegas would be a very tough man. ;)

Chan was trained by various people including Leung Ting, who is no trickster. The fact that Chan does all his own stunts, whereas Segal uses stuntmen, shows that Chan is tougher, he also got hit in the head by a nunchaku of Lee's on some films set, and is still alive.
D.P. said:
I, hes piled on the punds a bit, but tbh, he doesn't need the extreme fitness of the Bruce lee style etc. Think of him as a ball of water, punch/kick it as hard as you can and it just absorbs and surround the fist/foot/leg, absorbing the energy. For that is the style of Aikedo.

But Chan is pretty good, but very mutch more into the cool tricks than the lethal grace of Aikido.

Reading angry white pajamas i'm inclined to agree with you there, torture prisoners are treated better than people training in akido. :p
Before MMA was Bushido but I doubt many on here saw it.
Bushido had fights between fighters of totally different styles and weights and there wasn't any real cross training.
The fighter who won every match was a Sumo wrestler and it was quite funny watching tiny Bruce Lee lookalikes being swatted like flies by this guy.
They'd kick him as hard as they could and his fat would just shudder.
Eventually he'd grab them, turn them around (doggy style), fall on his back and bring them over on their heads knocking them out.
I'm 100% certain that Bushido was eventually turned into UFC changing the rules, the ring, the weight categories etc.

So in my opinion after watching hundreds of these Bushido fights, if Bruce Lee got in a ring with a MMA above his weight then he would get beat.
If he fought in his own weight class then he probably would have been a champ.
By flinging Bruce or other 'traditional' martial artists into UFC is just asking for them to be beat...because it's UFC rules. a lot of UFC rules prohibit many proper traditional stylists fighting weapons, let's make a list shall we:

UFC rules (generally)

Thou shalt not:

eye jab
open hand strike
pressure points
nerve clusters
finger locks
talk to them (major biggy this one)

Some people hype UFC far far too much. Just like 'traditional' competition based arts that have lost the way. Yeah sure, the fights look good but ultimately a well trained streetfighter will knock them out, why, because he won't wait for a bell or referee or stop after a point is gained and also pull punches.
The streetfighter on the other hand will lure you into conversation, set you up with a question, wham, eye jab, bite etc.

Bruce lee and other proper traditionalists, without UFC imposed rules would probably dominate.

Oh and as for the muscles do tradtional martial arts properly, you don't need musclepower. ;)
I think if Lee was to get in the ring he would loose but if Lee was just walking down the street and got into a fight with no rules he would stand a better chance.

I am no expert and am crap at fighting but martial arts sems to be about killing 10 people at once, with this UFC stuff they roll around and hug each other, I mean come on if it was 2v1 you couldn't afford to do this as the other one would kick the poo out of you.

If you tense the bicep (which is very difficult NOT to do if it is huge and toned) you take the 'edge' off the punch.

Put it this way, a proper punch should start with knuckles up and close to body, you extend with the arm and turn the wrist and make contact punching through the person. If you tense the bicep, you curl the arm in too much. Power comes from the lats, shoulders, hips and triceps. Look at bruce lee's lats.

Biceps are mainly costmetic.... but I don't have any muscles so I'm screwed.

iamgud said:
I think if Lee was to get in the ring he would loose but if Lee was just walking down the street and got into a fight with no rules he would stand a better chance.

I am no expert and am crap at fighting but martial arts sems to be about killing 10 people at once, with this UFC stuff they roll around and hug each other, I mean come on if it was 2v1 you couldn't afford to do this as the other one would kick the poo out of you.

The reason they roll around the floor with 1v1 is that they are mostly complete fighters and hence arent going to let someone get the full mount and destroy their face.

2v1 is completely different to 1v1 and even the best martial artist is going to struggle against people who are well trained (but not the best in their field). Hell even 2 big rugby forwards (if they are fairly strong) would probably beat black belts in any discipline, even if they had no martial arts training. I dont think bruce lee would fair any better against multiple opponents than the current UFC/pride champions.

Dont get me wrong, martial arts are effective and will help people in any fight situation if they have learnt well. but the guys in pride and UFC have learnt from the best schools of their disciplines and are damn tough. The reason that it seems basic is that lots of martial arts are based on moves your opponents makes that allow you an advantage. These guys know these things (some more than others) and thats why they dont go for the moves that put them at risk (well they do sometimes). Lets remember that all these fighters KNOW more than what the rules allow them to do (just like top martial artsists), but are limited by the rules. They arent going to be in a street fight and think `oh wait, cant go for the eyes/cheek/face stomp because its against the rules`. Hell, there are still disqualifications because fighters have used these banned moves.
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