Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Official Thread

Im the same, playing on veteran is fustrating me a bit. TO be honest though I am getting through it at an ok pace. Best thing I have found is to stop and come back later if you can't get past a bit.

I am now trying to get from the barn with airstrikes to the the LZ. Damn hard! This is where veteran is annoying, the sheer amount of men firing at you means you are relying on luck more than skill to get past them.

Thats the bit I'm stuck on too

On a positive note, the MP side is brill, apart from glitches/bugs with regards to getting a party of 8 or so all into a room, and the "host ended game" as soon as the game loads lol
man, the g3 is a joy to use with the red sight, its just so damn accurate... couple it with stopping power and deep impact and bandolier ( i tend to get go on a few streaks per game so i need the ammo) and its great! :)
Where for the love of god is the 2nd checkpoint on the war room! That part with the boxes and a path through the middle is testing my sanity. I've tread you have to get through there within 5 minutes but I can't find where it checkpoints.
The checkpoint is at the end off the path, just past the boxes. I found that part quite easy, just stick to the right side ducking next to the boxes taking the old one out that's hiding round the corner
The checkpoint is at the end off the path, just past the boxes. I found that part quite easy, just stick to the right side ducking next to the boxes taking the old one out that's hiding round the corner

Cheers, so as I exit the room that you can go down either side or through the middle it should CP?
is anyone having problems with MP atm? my xbox keeps signing me out of xbox live (am on a wireless adapter) plus i can only stay in some games for one round then get dropped.????

anyone else having these problems?

is anyone having problems with MP atm? my xbox keeps signing me out of xbox live (am on a wireless adapter) plus i can only stay in some games for one round then get dropped.????

anyone else having these problems?


Was doing that to me all last night
i only just got this last night, and what a game :cool: the gfx are amazing even on my 19'' sd tv, i started on hardend as thats what i was recomended and although it gets difficult, im loving it :).
Took the plunge and bought this yesterday. Played 5/6 missions now and i'm totally ingrossed. Been PC gaming for about 6 years and am struggling to think of anything as good as this. Also played on live expecting me to be pretty poor as I am having a bit of trouble with aiming as i'm new to Xbox FPS's and it really improved me. Have made rank 4 in about 15 minutes and felt like I was progression well.

well i got bored of dieing over and over on the level with the ferris wheel :mad: so many sware words lol, and my pad almost ended in peices .

im gona have to try it on normal lol.
im on the level where you start of in a chopper (not the night vision type one) the after you protect the tank

i die in the first 5 seconds in Vet.... lol - any tips
Is that the one where you have to blow up the tanks and rpg's on the roof? If it is I had trouble too. Just make sure you hit everything in order right to left, it soon checkpoints then it's easy past that bit.
Is that the one where you have to blow up the tanks and rpg's on the roof? If it is I had trouble too. Just make sure you hit everything in order right to left, it soon checkpoints then it's easy past that bit.

thats the one, ill try that then - in fairness i only tried twice then went back to an online game :)
I'm stuck on the mission where you get nine minutes to make it somewhere. It never bloody checkpoints so I have to start way from the beginning everytime. I can't believe how annoying it is!
WOW just completed it and what a game.

Game of the year is this I think...

/EDIT - OMG there is more?! wow , dont turn off the Xbox during the credits, there is a little bit more action :D
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I'm stuck on the mission where you get nine minutes to make it somewhere. It never bloody checkpoints so I have to start way from the beginning everytime. I can't believe how annoying it is!

You need to get to the stairs in 7.30 minutes. Grenade launcher is your friend. The next CP is after the box room, you have to clear that by 5minutes. You then have to get to the doors by 3 minutes.

If you dont make it, it wont checkpoint.
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Ah right thanks danny, I'll give it another go tomorrow and see how I get on. I've been stuck on this bit longer than any other so far. I obviously need to be a bit more run and gun on this bit than previously.
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