Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Official Thread

18 Oct 2002
Finished it earlier tonight on veteran but damn I'm having a hard time doing 'mile high'.

I get owned as soon as I enter the second room upstairs, just before where the hostage is.

I've watched a few youtube vids but none seem to be helping me, has anyone else got any tips?

I did manage to make it to the hostage once, but I shot him/her? in the head instead of the terrorist! Gutted. :(

should have shot for the leg first then :)
18 Dec 2004
NE England
The only thing that really annoys me is the Online Multiplayer perk 'martyrdom'. Really, what's the point in this? Why would someone be able to pull the pin from their grenades when they're already dead? It's the most infuriating thing in the game, as you can be doing really well, knife someone, then not be able to get out of the way of the grenade fast enough!

Last stand I don't mind, as it still relies on the player's skill to actually aim and shoot at you fast enough to make a difference. But dropping a grenade just ruins the flow of the game when you're running through an enemy-occupied building after managing to get behind them all :\
18 Oct 2002
The only thing that really annoys me is the Online Multiplayer perk 'martyrdom'. Really, what's the point in this? Why would someone be able to pull the pin from their grenades when they're already dead? It's the most infuriating thing in the game, as you can be doing really well, knife someone, then not be able to get out of the way of the grenade fast enough!

Last stand I don't mind, as it still relies on the player's skill to actually aim and shoot at you fast enough to make a difference. But dropping a grenade just ruins the flow of the game when you're running through an enemy-occupied building after managing to get behind them all :\

yeah that ****** me off as well. especially with knife kills. often there is no where to run and moving backwards away from other kills should not be an option. i still find my self running over people i have just shot only to get blown up time and time again. throwing back never works either.

i also cant wait for them to fix the online issues with game lobby
18 Oct 2002
what weapon do you guys all use? i am dying to get the g36 at lvl 37.

i use the auto m4 atm and have all challenges with it, but i think its underpowered. time and time again i have shot people over an dover with it, only for them to keep running, and yet when i get shot its one shot one kill from other guns!
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Liverpool, UK
what weapon do you guys all use? i am dying to get the g36 at lvl 37.

i use the auto m4 atm and have all challenges with it, but i think its underpowered. time and time again i have shot people over an dover with it, only for them to keep running, and yet when i get shot its one shot one kill from other guns!
I have two favourite weapons so far, the M16A4, and the M249SAW.

The M16 is a great weapon and very accurate, and it's 3 shot burst is often enough to take people down if you aim at their chest (the recoil often takes the third bullet to head height). The SAW is fast becoming my favourite weapon as it's got a great rate of fire, is accurate at long range (I've headshotted snipers from half a map away on Overgrown using it), and the large ammo belt means reloads aren't needed often unless you spray and pray.

The G3 is another I really liked, great for getting headshots, but the lack of an auto firing mode meant I was often outgunned unless I took people out quickly with a headshot.
26 Mar 2007
I have just moved onto the G3 and after initially struggling with it I think it is superb. I have wracked up a few 300 plus points on TDM with it. I had a mental block on the AK47 for some reason and never wanted to use it, but after I got over that it turned out to be a superb weapon, escpecially when I got the red dot sight.
18 Oct 2002
I have just moved onto the G3 and after initially struggling with it I think it is superb. I have wracked up a few 300 plus points on TDM with it. I had a mental block on the AK47 for some reason and never wanted to use it, but after I got over that it turned out to be a superb weapon, especially when I got the red dot sight.

the single shot got me with the g3, which is why i am looking forward to the g36c (or something) only a few levels to go + 25 kills until red dot sight.
5 May 2006
I use the M16 with red dot, great accuracy and range, can't get on with any other gun, single shot just means I die by the time I put one bullet into them :D



20 Oct 2003
Just finished (not on Veteran yet).

What a ******* fantastic game!!! Definately as good as COD2. Feels like you're in a film.

Explosion (the BIG one) was awesome, and ending as touching as hell.

Brilliant. Enjoyed every second of it.
21 Jun 2005
Anyone provide me with some tips.

I'm stuck in the Silo bit, immediately after you run down the stairs, on veteran it's a nightmare.
That's the hardest part of the campaign imo, even worse than 'one shot one kill'.

No doubt you already know that a lot of luck and patience is involved, but it's very doable if you stick with it.

What I did was throw a flashbang and then a nade down each one of the two tunnels (flashbang left, flashbang right, nade left, nade right) and preyed that I got lucky in killing the two guards.

I then made my way down the the tunnel on the left and blasted the two guys that come running out (with my shotgun) which brought me to the long corridor with the guys who use wallhacks/who are obsurdly accurate and kill you with one shot, even when just peeping your head out!

At this point I switched to the silenced gun (the one that you start the level with?) and crept and crept until I could just barely see an elbow or kneecap and then shot and quickly moved out of the way.

After taking the first guy out (he's out of view - just to the right) two more will come running so stay put and blast them too. They'll still be one guy left at the bottom, and one or two to the left of the tunnel at the bottom but they arn't to much hassle to take out when compared to the prior enemies. As long as you make it to the silo doors with three minutes remaining you'll get another checkpoint, and it'll be easy sailing from there on in. GL.

ps this video helped me a little bit, dunno if you've seen it already?

Edit: lol, I've just noticed that you're stuck in a different place to where I have explained. :) The bit I'm talking about is a checkpoint after where you're stuck so the above may still be of some help to you.
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