Canon 7D mk2 Thread

I have to decide on 7d mkii, 70d or keep my 60D this coming end of year

I am thinking the 70d as I am a bit disappointed in the new 7d
Disappointed in the 7d2? why?

4x price of my 60D
No swivel screen
No use for GPS
I Think only benefit would be better AF
The 70d is 3rd of price estimate and is probably over half way to it

Or, depending on what you shoot, full frame?

I can't think of any real worth while benefits of full frame tbh.
Particularly for distance from target on macro insects and birds
4x price of my 60D
No swivel screen
No use for GPS
I Think only benefit would be better AF
The 70d is 3rd of price estimate and is probably over half way to it

I can't think of any real worth while benefits of full frame tbh.
Particularly for distance from target on macro insects and birds

For macro and birds FF is almost entirely a disadvantage.
For macro and birds FF is almost entirely a disadvantage.

Agreed, there is no need for one for me. Too many drawbacks.
It would be good for buildings, but it is turning out that I don't get this opportunity much
4x price of my 60D
No swivel screen
No use for GPS
I Think only benefit would be better AF
The 70d is 3rd of price estimate and is probably over half way to it

I can't think of any real worth while benefits of full frame tbh.
Particularly for distance from target on macro insects and birds

I was hoping they'd find a way to make the swivel screen tough and weatherproofed but they didn't but other than that, I don't see any other drawbacks.

No use for GPS but tbh I never use my wireless on my 70d either. It's just another minor feature, icing on the cake etc.

70d is cheaper but then again it's already a year old. It was priced at £1079 body only. Unless you want to upgrade in the next few months then you could well pick up the 7d2 for much less. Either way, it was never going to be a cheap camera! If anything the price is cheaper than many people anticipated.

The AF should be a massive benefit even compared to the 70d. The weatherproofing is another plus, especially if you want to be outdoors doing wildlife. 10 fps vs 5 fps to get the shots you want of birds or even insects in macro.

The sensor might also work out a bit better with higher ISOs but until people can edit RAWs then this is hard to say.

I've got the 70d and I'd definitely upgrade immediately given the choice. As it is I'll need to wait a little bit for money ;) but I still want it lol
Yeah I don't think I need those features.
WiFi/GPS are just nonsense to me
I'm not going to transfer any photos over WiFi (I think that is what it is for?)
And I certainly know where my photos were taken. Adobe bridge renames the files easily.
Plus the battery drain.
The weather proofing probably isn't needed. Never needed it yet
The burst rate is never a bad thing but I don't think it's a crippler

The AF is the only question. But is it worth 3x the cost?
And the the screen is a negative
I don't think iq is going to be that amazing maybe about the same

So for me those reasons above mean 70d may actually be better!
Yep, sounds like the 70D is the tool for you.

The best feature WiFi brings is the remote software that allows you to trigger the camera remotely.
Yep, sounds like the 70D is the tool for you.

The best feature WiFi brings is the remote software that allows you to trigger the camera remotely.

Yeah I think so.
And hopefully there will be a load of cheap used year old 70ds too with not much use

The screen tilt is so useful. 60D was my first slr and I probably wouldn't have known had I got the 7d mki
If WiFi is used for that I see it as more useful than GPS! I have a wireless remote shutter release but if it is really good on the canon I could sell it (probably won't)

Obviously I will wait for comparison. But I just don't hold out for IQ improvement.
But the burst is only 7 to 10 for 70d vs 7dmkii. And I'm no pro.
Big draw for the 70d is the micro adjustment (vs my 60D)
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One thing the 70d may give me is having two bodies.
If the 70d is 400 and something used I wouldn't need to sell my 60D.
This would allow me to have two cameras and primes would be more viable

Just been reading what the 70d WiFi can do. I have to say. If it works well it looks 100x more useful than GPS
GPS only looks useful if you travel a lot or have some professional application for it, maybe trainspotting lol? I really can't see the benefit. I know where monuments are. I know where I went bird spotting.

Whoops, thought I clicked edit
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WIFI pwns battery whereas GPS apparently does not if what I read is to be believed. Personally I would find the GPS more useful than the WIFI because the WIFI is useless :P Event if GPS only gets 1 out of 100 for usefulness, it's still one more than WIFI lol

I tried remote shooting with the wireless on a laptop and the range is crap but the main issue is the delay.

As for AF, that's the reason I went from a 650d to a 70d and it'll be the reason I go to the 7d2 I think. Being able to hit moving targets in more difficult conditions is a massive plus for me.
Pro or no, getting that perfect shot is priceless :D

That is the sole temptation. But I have to weigh up that how often will I need that. That's 1000 that could go on a lens. That's a 24-70mm or most of a 24-70mm f2.8or 70-200mm F2.8 or a very nice prime or macro flash and normal flash
That is the sole temptation. But I have to weigh up that how often will I need that. That's 1000 that could go on a lens. That's a 24-70mm or most of a 24-70mm f2.8or 70-200mm F2.8 or a very nice prime or macro flash and normal flash

Aye, it's a hell of a premium to pay for a better AF if that's the only thing you want from the features. I've only been doing this for 2+ years now and the more I do it, the more I realise how important good AF is. Still life, landscapes and portraits etc can do with any kind of AF or even manual focus but when it comes to hitting things that move, AF is obviously rather important :D

Track birds in flight against a plain sky is pretty easy but things get more difficult when there's some kind of closer background like trees or people. This AF should do wonders for that... Hopefully :D
- I'd rather have weather proofing than not. Crucially you said 'yet'.
- 7 -> 10 is noticeable.
- If it's in the same ball park as the 1DX, yes. More cross points, will have better tracking, better low light shooting.

The weather proofing probably isn't needed. Never needed it yet
The burst rate is never a bad thing but I don't think it's a crippler
The AF is the only question. But is it worth 3x the cost?
- I'd rather have weather proofing than not. Crucially you said 'yet'.
- 7 -> 10 is noticeable.
- If it's in the same ball park as the 1DX, yes. More cross points, will have better tracking, better low light shooting.

I dunno if I'd ever risk being out in bad weather with a camera even if it was weather proof!
7 to 10 is noticeable but I doubt taking 3 more pictures is going to give me much

How much would I pay for the AF alone and no swivel screen?
Not 1k
I dunno if I'd ever risk being out in bad weather with a camera even if it was weather proof!
7 to 10 is noticeable but I doubt taking 3 more pictures is going to give me much

How much would I pay for the AF alone and no swivel screen?
Not 1k

the AF alone is worth more than 1k in dev/research.

You think its cheap and simple to make a very intelligent AF?
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