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Check Your 4090's 12vhpwr Connectors To Make Sure They are in Pristine Condition

Theres no click on the fe either but you should able to do a visual inspection
Mine does make a slight click but I can feel it more than I can hear it if you know what I mean.
Any right-angled adapters available yet, out of interest?
I registered my interest with Cablemod but I haven`t had anything back yet, there were four versions depending in the direction and 90 degree or 180 degree and also the the thickness of the card so I suppose they`re gauging interest to see if it`s viable or not.
That Reddit guy proceeds to post photos showing that he didn't insert the cable properly, lmao

That's exactly what it is, you see it in the photo from the Reddit link
hmm . which means the 70 eur placebo didn't actually solve the problem lmao..

That was exactly the major cause for adapter failures as well...

Buying an opaque case was the best decision i ever made
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My adapter that came with my card did not "click" but it sure as hell doesn't seem to go any further into the connector... is it possible that some don't actually make this clicking noise and mine is fine? I mean, if I push it any harder I am afraid of breaking something...
It shouldn't matter to you since your card is only running at 1A per hour lol.
On a serious note just like @brostradamus pointed out visually check if the "catch" on the connector is properly attached and there is no gap between the adapter and connector on the card.
This is why people recommend to connect the adapter to the card before installing the card in the case so it is easy to inspect and make sure all is ok.
The adapter that came with my card had no feedback (tactile or audible) and required way too much force before it couldn't be pulled/ wiggled back out.

The adapter that came with my card was just begging for "user error".

The Cable Mod cable just plugged in as a connector should. It slid in easy with a click that could be both felt and heard. The plastic cover can be used to pull on the connector without pulling on the wires themselvs to test that it's fully seated as well.
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Ordered my cablemod one day to late before the Dec cut off due to factory upgrade so now have to wait till after the 6th Feb.
Mine arrived yesterday after going awol for 8 days at Heathrow, looks decent and I`ll put it on tonight an see what the connection feels like. I don`t know about the second batch but mine is from China and I think I could have got equal quality for a lot less money.
the adapter that came with my 4090 fe from mid december slid in easily and made an audible click.

cablemod i ordered to replace the octopus did not go in easy or make an audible click
the adapter that came with my 4090 fe from mid december slid in easily and made an audible click.

cablemod i ordered to replace the octopus did not go in easy or make an audible click
My cablemod cable makes an audible click and you can feel it and as Twinz says the plastic cover is great for pulling the connector out.
My cablemod cable makes an audible click and you can feel it and as Twinz says the plastic cover is great for pulling the connector out.
yeah mine didnt click and had to remove that plastic cover they add on cause it was making it harder to plug in as it kept coming off
Because it overcomplicates something simple like a cable. The failure rate on this thing will be way higher than the failure rate on a cable, and probably way more catastrophic too.

It’s useful when space is a limiting factor though? Better than having the cable bent surely.
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