Cities Skylines 2 is Official!

Seems to be a literal tonne of new CS2 video's from the various "content creators" (god I hate that term) this week, game looks really good, been holding off getting back into CS1 as I think I'd rather wait and get started with the new one now.
Yup, the NDA lifted after their second live stream so the next round of promo videos dropped.

I’m sure I’m another week or two there will be another to the next progression milestone.
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Still gutted no mac.

Just bought an M2 MBP too (for other reasons) but was slightly hoping to put it to use with this game. Can't be bothered with the faff of Parallels etc
They've just announced a change in the specs, its now recommended 3080 GPU or equivalent for 1080p

Not sure if it matters but they have changed from the naming of an AMD GPU to just "AMD equivalent". Seems a little vague, when previously a particular model was stated.
They've just announced a change in the specs, its now recommended 3080 GPU or equivalent for 1080p

A 3080 for 1080p, are they having a laugh?

This is bad news for optimisation and mods/assets.

It's also delayed to 2024 for consoles.
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Is it just me or are the second half of games this year feeling like gaming days of yesteryear, graphics and technologies actually pushing GPUs and games starting to look noticeably "better" e.g. CS2, CS2 and Starfield?

Obviously it's not the same as 15-20 years ago because GPUs are eye wateringly expensive, but maybe this could be the push needed for Nvidia/AMD/Intel to actually do something unique in the middle of the market instead of just putting out amazing top tier GPUs and meh middle tier ones?

Haven't been following this super close since the other CS2 beta was released a few months ago, but have seen some negativity around some things, so glad that I haven't pre-ordered and will play the first few months on GamePass for my first vanilla city :)
The latest Xbox and PlayStation been out a couple of years now and that’s how long game development takes as a minimum these days.

Like it or not games are build around consoles and mobile these days.
3080 for CS2? blimey it ain't even Starfield...much less Crysis lol
You say that but I had a 5860 CPU and a 980ti and the original game would bog down once it got a big city going never mind a modded out one. That PC was no slouch in its day.

It’s worth adding that’s the recommended, not the minimum. It will run on less hardware, just not with all the eye candy, 20,000 custom assets etc.
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You say that but I had a 5860 CPU and a 980ti and the original game would bog down once it got a big city going never mind a modded out one. That PC was no slouch in its day.
i know that feeling :cry:

here's my city on CSL mapview
885k pop, 84% traffic

I do consider myself to be fortunate in not being near the minimum spec for this game, then again that generally applies for so many other titles. Heck, even the recommended spec can often seem lacking at times.
When I first bought CS, at release, running on nine tiles and not a great deal of mods or assets it seemed fine, but I was beyond the recommended spec at that point. Add 25 tiles or so, and the workshop as it built up, and the RAM requirements increased, with assets, and certain mods impacted on the performance.
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