Cities Skylines 2 is Official!

Forgot about todays video and came here to read everyones comments after watching it on YT, and theres nothing?? :D

I've never really cared for the natural disaster stuff, pretty sure i always ended up disabling it in the old SimCity games, but the seasons and realistic climates is a nice touch. Thinking about it, its a pretty important addition, its just so easy to accept the concept of winter being Dec/Jan in summer is Jun/Jul etc. So much of global culture is led by an European/American ruleset of sorts.
Beyond that though, just being able to have weather which roughly matches the location you've decided to build in is going to help with authenticity, you'd imagine some places very rarely see snow, while others it might snow heavily for months. Not something i'd consider game changing, but its lots of little important things like this that all add up to a better experience.
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Do you think you can get one big sandbox, access to everything and just build and aesthetic city?

I used to love chilling out to Cities XXL and just building infrastructure etc in a sandbox. All about design, not about sustaining stuff.
Been a long time since I've been on Cities:Skylines, but I'm pretty sure that feature was in the original, cant see why it wouldn't be carried over
I think it's now time to uninstall Cities Skylines. Got BG3 & Starfield occupying time and a fresh city builder that doesn't require mods to make advanced road networks etc.. will be nice, that's not to say I don't expect to fill it with mod eventually.
Do you think you can get one big sandbox, access to everything and just build and aesthetic city?

I used to love chilling out to Cities XXL and just building infrastructure etc in a sandbox. All about design, not about sustaining stuff.
There was an unlimited money and everything unlocked option in CS1. I can’t remember if it was a mod or built into the game.

I have very high confidence that both options will be available in CS2. Whether the option comes built in or as a mod is yet to be seen.
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I've uninstalled Cities Skylines. Next city builder... CS2. Will initially play on game pass but I'll end up having to buy it for mods.
Unlikely, just like CS1 on game pass. The steam workshop is essential. Unless they have a separate facility this time.
Paradox will be having their own mod repository but even so getting it on Steam will still be the safest option when it comes to mods, thats why I've already preordered it on Steam (£25 from cdkeys)
Do you think you can get one big sandbox, access to everything and just build and aesthetic city?

I used to love chilling out to Cities XXL and just building infrastructure etc in a sandbox. All about design, not about sustaining stuff.

Yep, money cheat will either be available immediately or will be a mod by the end of the first day.
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