Cities Skylines 2 is Official!

It seems to run better with the suggested changes even at 4k but no matter what the textures are terrible when zoomed in and flickering shadows. This is with starting with the High settings


lmao, what on earth are those graphics considering the game runs like ass.
I'm making money hand over fist exporting electricity from a geo-thermal power station. I'm only at 5k pop and have over 3 million already.
They've messed up here it seems, it's not really the game people buy big spec machines for either.

I doubt it'll be optimised much and more q game that becomes good in 3-4 years when today's top end is mid range then.

My game seems bugged no matter what changes to taxes or funding Im losing C4000 an hour
As mentioned, it has been reported that there is a bug. I havent seen a green arrow yet, but it feels like the money received for hitting milestones basically make this irrelevant.

I'm making money hand over fist exporting electricity from a geo-thermal power station. I'm only at 5k pop and have over 3 million already.
Just like this :D Its seems very easy to gain money, even while making a loss.

The Spiffing Brit did a video during pre-release where he did nothing but build wind turbines and export the power. He filled tiles with the things, and then build a city with everything people could possibly need, and then built 1 house for 1 person, and was still making an obscene amount of money.

If anything, i think the management side of the game isnt particularly balanced to be a challenge to those who want that aspect. Right now, its a pretty city builder that requires excessive GPU power.
I’m not sure what population I’m up to but I’ve just unlocked high density.

In terms of the performance, I’ve turned off depth of field and motion blue but otherwise left the settings as is.

The game seems to run fine at 3440x1440 on my 3080/5900x/32gb combo. Sure it’s not the 160fps my monitor can do but it’s running smoothly and I’ve not noted any stuttering.

The performance issues seem to be a bit overblown.
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I’m not sure what population I’m up to but I’ve just unlocked high density.

In terms of the performance, I’ve turned off depth of field and motion blue but otherwise left the settings as is.

The game seems to run fine at 3440x1440 on my 3080/5900x/32gb combo. Sure it’s not the 160 for my monitor can do but it’s running smoothly and I’ve not noted any stuttering.

Yeah I think I've just got to the same point, seems to be running OK with my 6900XT/5800x3d/64GB setup with most things at High.
Its barely taxing the CPU, sitting at about 20%, GPU fairly static at 80% usage, started getting a few slowdowns but will get a chance to play more with the settings tomorrow.
If you're not getting any stuttering, just double check that you've got auto-save enabled, cos thats when i tend to see it.
Aaaand ive got 3.67GB worth of save files :D Maybe 2min autosave & unlimited saves needs a rethink ;) 5min & 50 saves should be reasonable (would prefer 25 i think, cos 1hr paused might use 12 saves. Not sure.)
~40mb per file, and the 100k population file is 66mb, so bare that in mind if you've set autosave. When you look at the save screen, it only shows the city name and just 1 file per map. However if you go to load, it shows the autosaves there.

Anyone got anything they fancy showing off yet? I've only got to 'Tiny Town' aka Tier 5 so far using an ugly grid layout to build progress, and have now started terraforming and laying out in the surrounding area and will bulldoze the old zone to transition over (will move the utilities/services over).

Dont suppose anyone knows where footpaths are? Edit: WTF are they doing in the Terraforming panel??

Oh, I also saw that theres 8 free "Region Packs" coming - Japan, UK, East US, West-US, China, France, East-EU & Germany. They showed early versions of a couple of models towards the end of todays stream. Im not sure if these are the same as the EU & NA themes, or just individual monuments, but it'd be very odd if they were just monuments considering that was the pre-order bonus. I'd love to see them do a Mediterranean theme, the light walls & bright terracotta tiles, and then throw in some warmer climate trees & eventually beaches.
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I have my auto save set to every 30 mins, that seems like a sensible compromise for this kind of game, particularly early in where I’m likely to bin my initial city and start again at some point soon.

I’ve started on the island map, there isn’t a lot of buildable space which is going to make it quite interesting. I’m already spamming low density across a lot of the main Island to get the unlocks going.

Has anyone found that is you use the grid tool, if you then go to extend the grid, the game doesn’t automatically like up the roads and you end up drawing them in manually again?
Game is now live on GeforceNOW so I'm going to try with my virtual 4080 as I think my 3090 may struggle at 4k.
Just tried to reduce certain settings and resolution from 4k to 1080p. Has anyone found a way to reduce the size of the in-game UI...? I see that the text can be scaled up, but the UI etc can't seem to be scaled down to make it smaller...?
The Spiffing Brit did a video during pre-release where he did nothing but build wind turbines and export the power. He filled tiles with the things, and then build a city with everything people could possibly need, and then built 1 house for 1 person, and was still making an obscene amount of money.
his one with the trams and underground i was literally couldnt stop laughing
I had a quick hour or so last night on this. Disabled Depth of Field and Motion Blur as I usually would, settings mixed between medium and high at 1440p. 13600k/32GB DDR5/RTX 4070.

I didn't monitor FPS but it was certainly very playable, didn't feel like low FPS. Caveat that is it's still a low population play, no doubt that will change with higher pops. Some textures look pretty funky/flashy when zoomed in as others have pointed out.

I'll keep playing and see how it goes.
Well my first city didn't go too well, I've seen it said a few times about money being easy and with the bonuses for the levels do give plenty. But I went a little too ham and ended up around -50k, I started to recover but I was making so little money I decided to start again.

Second city is going a little better but I'm reminded that I don't think I'll build any pretty cities :D

Performance has been done to death but so far my only real niggle is the pre-built junctions. They're nice to have but trying to upgrade them seems to always mess up the roads. Maybe I just need to mess with them some more and there is a technique to use them.
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