Cities Skylines 2 is Official!

Game is absolutely playable for now, spec in sig and resolution 3440x1440. GPU is running hot at around 80% utilisation and CPU is around 20%. Done the recommended tweaks, disable dof etc.
I do miss holding the right mouse button to pan the camera around, hopefully there is a mod soon.
Where can I see the cash I'm generating for exporting electricity?
I have my auto save set to every 30 mins, that seems like a sensible compromise for this kind of game, particularly early in where I’m likely to bin my initial city and start again at some point soon.

I’ve started on the island map, there isn’t a lot of buildable space which is going to make it quite interesting. I’m already spamming low density across a lot of the main Island to get the unlocks going.

Has anyone found that is you use the grid tool, if you then go to extend the grid, the game doesn’t automatically like up the roads and you end up drawing them in manually again?
If the game had undo, then i'd be fine with less frequent saves, but i've found myself using good old F5 (quick save) & F9 (quick load) when trying to adjust something fiddly that im not quite happy with. Most recently it was trying to build a curved road up a hillside with the barrier walls on both sides, at a consistent incline etc.

Is that the first map in the menu? Archipelago Haven. I started with River Delta, its got plenty of islands but still has a large mainland to start on and then populate islands later.
The land gradient are a little bit frustrating. Flattening sections of land results in cliff faces around the edge where you stop terraforming, and the height between coastline and sea always feels way too high.
Game is absolutely playable for now, spec in sig and resolution 3440x1440. GPU is running hot at around 80% utilisation and CPU is around 20%. Done the recommended tweaks, disable dof etc.
I do miss holding the right mouse button to pan the camera around, hopefully there is a mod soon.
Where can I see the cash I'm generating for exporting electricity?
Its in the Economy screen (the cash icon), then Services > Electricity. Should see the export revenue in there.
You can also increase the cost of Electricity & Water in the 'Service Fee', dont think it changes export income.
Yet another new game that has complete dog **** performance whilst looking no/marginally better than what has come before...

Is there a competency crisis in game development or something ? Or shall I put my tin foil hat on and assume that there is some money behind the back going on, and they are just trying to push GPU sales due to them being so poor at the moment...
I suspect this and possibly other games released in a similar state are from instructions from the money men to start getting some revenue back. The big issue is it could kill the player base completely and may not recover, I don't think this will be like that but it may take longer to build up confidence for people to purchase it
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Yet another new game that has complete dog **** performance whilst looking no/marginally better than what has come before...

Is there a competency crisis in game development or something ? Or shall I put my tin foil hat on and assume that there is some money behind the back going on, and they are just trying to push GPU sales due to them being so poor at the moment...

It's just the result of money men being money men, and gamers being gullible gamers and pre-ordering...

Gamers have decided that because they enjoyed CS1 so much that CS2 couldn't possibly be anything oither than a triumph.

The gaming industry is just extremely cynical.

Essentially games aren't made by devs, they're made by the suits and for example with CA and TW, they're lead by Brand Management. Not by a creative dept.
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It's just the result of money men being money men, and gamers being gullible gamers and pre-ordering...

Gamers have decided that because they enjoyed CS1 so much that CS2 couldn't possibly be anything oither than a triumph.

The gaming industry is just extremely cynical.

Essentially games aren't made by devs, they're made by the suits and for example with CA and TW, they're lead by Brand Management. Not by a creative dept.

I'm a firm believer that up until consoles became "mainstream" in the mid-late 2000's, games were still made as art by people who had a vision that wanted it realised.

With the dawn of online console gaming, and Call of Duty/FIFA and other yearly releases, the suits realised how much of a cash cow the gaming industry could be, and now we are where we are.

Back then you had to make a quality game for it to sell, and if you could it would be a lucrative way to make money. These days it seems people just pre-order any old rubbish and peoples attention spans are so short that we all just keep getting slapped in the face but keep pre-ordering/forgetting that we're just dollar signs.
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Getting a perfectly playable, 30-40 fps at 1200p with 12,000 population, with only a 6600XT, 11900F and 32gb and only DOF, motion blur and dynamic resolution switched off. Enjoying it so far - a slower pace than CS1, however the grid breaks too easily, even if everything is snapped correctly.
Anyone else tried this on ROG Ally?

Also controller support seems borked? I can move the camera around but no cursor or anyway to selecting all the things on the bottom bar ?
It's just the result of money men being money men, and gamers being gullible gamers and pre-ordering...
As its a game that is on gamepass, there isnt really a need for most people to preorder it. Really if they were aiming to try and bring in money via preorders they should have only had it on steam where people would have then been even more inclined to pay.
Spec in sig. Fired up the game just for a quick look and popped everything on Medium at 1440P. Disabled DoF and Motion Blur. On a new bare city build, looking like I'm averaging just over 50FPS atm. That'll do nicely if maintained.
Running these settings

totally playable - no issues 7.5k population at 1440p

3070FE/5800X3D/32gb ram

Start with a High Preset and then Use "Fullscreen Windowed" or disable VSync
Disable "Depth of Field Mode"
Reduce "Volumetrics Quality" to Low
Disable "Global Illumination"
Reduce the "Level of Detail" to Low (or Medium if you don't need the extra FPS)
Disable "Motion Blur" (This is a preference, if you want it, keep it on Low)
In the advanced tab, scroll to the Shadows section and disable "Terrain Casts Shadows" (Its about 80% down the page)
If you want to squeeze a bit more performance, Disable "Fog Quality", though I personally prefer to keep it enabled
I've actually locked my FPS at 30 in the nvidia control panel. Honestly cant see the difference between this and 60.

Spent about 5hrs trying to get my city into shape, 4hrs of that was going nowhere, very little progression and just a steady loss of income. Tried tweaking service %s and taxes, and it didnt seem to make any positive difference, i'd just get complaints about high crime etc.
I think part of the issue was my stubbornness to continue building low density houses, mostly because theres not much easy sprawl i can do beyond what ive already unlocked.

I got to the point where i had 100k in the bank, was less than half way towards the next milestone, and there were issues in part due to reducing services payments. I ended up taking out a 500k loan, to make sure i didnt go under, I built a couple of things (basic mail setup, and minor RCI expansions) and increased the services payments, and after a while i noticed that my balance was steadily going up each update/tick (still said it was negative ~3k/hr) but the main thing was people were flooding in all of a sudden, so i was getting population XP as well as happiness. I ended up paying off the loan just before hitting the milestone.

Havent had the funds to do any public transport yet, and next step is going to be to expand to somewhere with a bit more space. Not quite at 10k (3h in-game should do it) and currently at milestone 8 (Big Town). That said, im tempted to restart on a different map, or at least take a look at each of them and see what i want to do. I'd like something a little flatter if possible. I know i can terraform everything but its just a PITA.

One thing ive noticed is that the Economy window shows you the income for exporting electricity & water, but i dont see anywhere that shows exported resources. Im exporting a lot of timber & ore, and the closest i can find is taxation of goods, but i cant tell if the businesses have increased earnings by exporting, so higher tax payments.
Had a go at 1080P with my 5800X 3D and 4080 and it was at 120fps all settings max with DOF/Motion Blur turned off. Really really hope this will be better optimised in the future so I can play it on good quality graphical settings with my ROG Ally.

The road placement tool seems a bit tricky, at least with controller, and I really wish you could place ploppables right next to each other, and no Quays why no Quays we need quays, looks a bit ugly.
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had a quick fire up this morning before work and all i can say is ffs its poor,

will get some more time over the weekend and optimise settings but i shouldnt need to

AMD 7600x 32gb ram and 3080ti at 4k should absolutely stomp this at any settings.

maybe an excuse for an upgrade :D:D:D
@233 It's definitely not an excuse for an update unless you bin the game and just play everything else, because at 4k even with a 4090 and a 13900K you're still going to be lagging.
Had a go at 1080P with my 5800X 3D and 4080 and it was at 120fps all settings max with DOF/Motion Blur turned off. Really really hope this will be better optimised in the future so I can play it on good quality graphical settings with my ROG Ally.

The road placement tool seems a bit tricky, at least with controller, and I really wish you could place ploppables right next to each other, and no Quays why no Quays we need quays, looks a bit ugly.

Games like these are always poor with a controller surely?
Games like these are always poor with a controller surely?
I don't see any reason they should be with proper support built in? Just like navigating Windows isn't poor with a controller with Controller Companion, or on the Ally its built in support.

I might just have to create a M/KB profile for the controller in CS2 like I did with one, just I expected to not have to faff with that as it's supposed to support controller.
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