Apparently the Game Pass version is still awaiting the patch, coming "as soon as possible".
Still on 1.0.9f here.
Started my second city last night and running in to some of the same problems as the first - most importantly is seemingly unable to start making a profit and the gaps between levelling up become such that I'm heading towards bankruptcy again. Watching a few guides, it seems people are resorting to some in depth pop manipulation by, for example, going through the whole commercial district and bulldozing business with educated staff to get them into the industries that can better make money.
I expect some of it is my inexperience with CS as I have, at max, probably only 100 hours in CS1. Maybe a loan is the answer like
@PaulC2K to try and build up to a more profitable city. Though I'm thinking I might have to start some more in depth tweaks to get through the early levels.
@b0rn2sk8 Yes, cities look nice at night but it's almost impossible to try and build anything. I do wish there was a darkness slider rather straight up disabling the day/night cycle.
It seems like education is important to try and get going, but at the same time its an expensive service to provide. In my save i only built the elementary for quite a while, and it took quite a while before i caved and built the high school and college. I'd imagine it was a coincidence that a while after this things took a turn for the better (dont think they'd have graduated to make a difference). I think its more likely that i started building specialised industry like forestry and stone mining. I was being stubborn because where i had some suitable forestry spots they were closer to my building area than i'd have liked, so i want to hold off. Same kinda story with mining. In the end i built them close, because i had industrial demand and didnt want to continue pilling on basic industry (factories).
I think that may well have been what saved me. It makes sense too, because you're creating a lot of jobs and more people will want to move into the area, so you're gaining tax income from more people, but businesses importing these resources, to exporting them, should make them more profitable, so presumably theres more to tax.
Comparing 2 saves, 5mo apart, Population 4.6k vs 9.6k (2x), Ind Tax: 29.6k vs 137k (3.5x), Off Tax: 2.4k vs 32.6k (13.5x).
So maybe my education had kicked in as those office numbers have exploded. I had been having a steady DROP of office buildings, and i think maybe only 2 at one point, then after the upturn they're all full including those i'd placed but never got built.
Also, someone asked about disabling the day/night option - its in Options > Gameplay > Day/Night visuals (untick etc)
Yea as much as I want to cave and get stuck in, I'm going to give it a while, 6 months, a year maybe and hope it'll be in a better state.
Honestly, unless your impatient like most of us here, waiting isnt a bad thing. Theres games where if you dont get in early then storyline can be spoilt for you, or multiplayer games where you need to follow the meta to stand a chance etc. CS is just a chill game and it'll likely take a few months before many of the highly popular mods from CS1 are introduced.
I can't seem to make money on this game, no matter how many residential zones I create! I'm down 300k a month atm
Good lord

As above, industry seems to be quite important for your economy.
Over producing electricity is something ive heard people talk about, but im not sure how profitable it is. Citizens do pay for their electricity, as does exporting it, so presumably something costing say 1m/mo to run must make more than 1m/mo at 100% rates (whether sold locally or exported).
I've mentioned it before, but in pre-release a YT'er known for showcasing daft successful ways to play games, built a city with thousands of wind turbines, 1 house, 1 of every service, and was rolling in money. I'd imaging its been rebalanced if its considered broken, but it should be profitable.
Have you got your industry up and running? I wasn't making money until I managed to get food and ore production up and running. I then how to build out the industry zones to process the raw materials into goods.
Also don't spam too many services, they are really expensive.
I nearly went bankwupt but I'm now making about 2000/month but a lot of services are switched off. I built a massive landfill that costs 30,000/month to run
Very nice. What milestone are you up to, and what population?