Cities Skylines 2 is Official!

I just ignored the low density housing demand. Seems to work out well.

I’ve got loads of high density now and the traffic and parking chaos is real. I’ve got about 2000 parking spaces on this tiny high density island I made, I whacked up the price to $50 (from $10) and they keep on coming :p
Hi all

Downloaded this yesterday and spent a couple of hours going through the tutorial. Other than the maps and the better piping (!) what’s a stand out feature to use or try versus the original, which I played a lot.

Hi all

Downloaded this yesterday and spent a couple of hours going through the tutorial. Other than the maps and the better piping (!) what’s a stand out feature to use or try versus the original, which I played a lot.

Fundamentally, it’s a city building game and the core game play hasn’t changed since Sim City in 1989.

Now compared to CS1 I’d say there is a lot more depth to the simulation if you want it. It’s all a LOT easier to go bankrupt in the early part of the game. The game seems to want you to redevelop existing areas more often and the way city services work is completely different.
Fundamentally, it’s a city building game and the core game play hasn’t changed since Sim City in 1989.

Now compared to CS1 I’d say there is a lot more depth to the simulation if you want it. It’s all a LOT easier to go bankrupt in the early part of the game. The game seems to want you to redevelop existing areas more often and the way city services work is completely different.
I managed to bankrupt my city by moving my fire station three times.. Whoops
I moved a fully upgraded waste incinerator, recycling centre and the industrial waste processor… twice…. each…

Must have spent 10 million doing it. FML.
I’ve got loads of high density now and the traffic and parking chaos is real. I’ve got about 2000 parking spaces on this tiny high density island I made, I whacked up the price to $50 (from $10) and they keep on coming :p
$50 Parking is a known thing, can’t imagine it’s intended to be like that though. You can do the same with roadside parking through district policies.

I managed to save my city from moronic water physics shortly after posting last night. I think fixing the damage cost me 10k pop in a 30k city, and most of that has been recovered.

I built a large stadium & sport complex with a few large car parks and put a retail park on the other side. The surrounded it with a huge low density housing suburb and high-rises on the other side. The stadium’s are just parks so people don’t flock there, and I found that retail parks don’t seem successful unless you have a lot of houses nearby, so it needed the housing to avoid it being dead. Looks pretty good though, but needs an arena DLC to function properly.
Erm... Houston we have a problem...

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So legit, does this game run as bad as reviewers and nay sayers say it does? Im kinda tempted to buy it
As someone who played CS1 a lot, here's my comments on my first game (specifically versus the first game), about 6 hours or so:

* You need way more low density houses than before, demand never really seems to be quenched
* I found it easier than before to avoid the debt death spiral, I think this is because it appears to be more realistically wieghted between housing quantity and industry quantity
* Traffic management is so much easier than before
* I didn't realise for a while than unlocks were awarded via points and you have to activate them rather than them just being awarded
* Those roads with pipes are so much easier than separate pipes
* I removed FOV (as I read it somewhere) and found zero performance problems

Some images of city number one...



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I have held off a little from playing, quite into some other games as yet, as I am hopeful much of the early releases issues will be resolved, or improved.
For those who have played this do concerns like this one posted over at Steam seem valid...?


it was that aspect of detailed animation etc that seemed to give life to a city. If much of the animations, and lack of play areas etc are somewhat abandoned, I can only imagine that this is how it will remain, otherwise the performance would probably be compromised even more.

I have noted a few posts mention that there also seems to be much less traffic on the roads to manage compared to that of CS1...?
I would love to get into this game, but truth be told, I would be crap at it.

Same lol, i played one of the originals on PS one back in the day. Loved building up a city only for a tornado to destroy it or watch an alien set everything on fire lol!
So legit, does this game run as bad as reviewers and nay sayers say it does? Im kinda tempted to buy it

It certainly runs worse or at lower settings than you’d expect given whatever hardware you benchmark. But with most recent hardware you can get playable fps.

CPP video is a little out of date as there’s been another patch that improves performance a little but should still give an idea of performance at any given hardware level.

I wasted my opt-in for yesterday's Quidco £10 bonus for a £20+ spend at various game stores including CDkeys, thought about getting Skylines 2 for better half as she periodically gets obsessed about Skylines 1 (also thought about buying Bloodbowl 3; EA WRC; Hot Wheels Unleashed 2; Forza Motorsport '23 for me), but a little concerned at how our i5-6660k 16GB RX 580 system would cope plus besides playing Rocket League "Rumble" I'm struggling to enjoy gaming as much as I used to.
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