The regional pack was announced on launch day, i mentioned it at the time

I guess there was too much blabla from people who probably wouldnt have played it anyway coming in to moan about performance, and people who were playing it saying performance is actually reasonably playable, and nobody noticed.
I've been spending a fair amount of time play this each evening, and putting effort into laying things out nicely, and then at the end of the evening zooming out and just being utterly underwhelmed by it. Its these damn content creators who are to blame

I need to stop watching CPP and Infra! Everything they do seems organised and full (in a nice way, not cramped). Mine just seem to be little blocks of city. Ive tried not to min-max and allow grass to exist etc, but typically it ends up looking like a bunch of different people doodling cities in different parts of the same map. It doesnt come together in a cohesive manner. Once the money issues came together, and i could start mass-plopping trees down, and gave them chance to fill out a bit, some areas look much better, but now i need to do this everywhere it seems.
Im kinda tempted to stick one of their videos on from Ep1, and literally copy them, and understand it that way. I wont get much satisfaction from replicating their city, but hopefully you'd understand their decisions and be able to replicate it for yourself.
Anyway, the main reason i've come to the topic is because ive been working on my city, building a water purification area and fixing my full trash dump, and then noticed im sitting on $128m, which is fantastic, but i knew i should have had ~10m! Looking at the saves it goes like this:
19:57 10.0m
19:59 19.7m
20:18 19.4m
20:20 57.6m
20:26 59.8m
20:28 89.5m
20:30 126.9m
I know i hit milestone 12 in this timeframe (3.2m) but thats it. The saves are every 2min, and the ones ive missed out have minimal changes, ive just listed the one before and the one after a windfall comes my way. How the heck do you magically make 15m/min?? I wouldnt mind, but most of that time the game would have been paused!
I also found a 2 exploits while trying to address my garbage issues. As mentioned, my landfill was full, so i destroyed a couple of water pumps i no longer needed and the road they were connected to, and extended the landfill boundary as far as i could take it, up against a river.
Exploit #1: You can expand the boundary into the water. Free land.
Exploit #2: Who needs free land, when you can simply relocate the landfill, and lose all the trash! I think it cost $26k, which isnt that much, and even less when you're somehow making 15m/min.
Still playing on the launch version too. I wouldnt mind, but i noticed the repackers had 1.0.11f available that evening. Gotta love a paid service giving you a worse experience than piracy.