Civilization VI

I like many things and will undoubtedly play this a lot like civ5.

However, some things annoy me:

- General UI and display of information. Why on earth can't I for example sort my cities by production, but without typing a whole page, the UI is in many ways disfunctional or inefficient at displaying the info you want. Civilopedia wasn't too clear either eg. that the same (eg. great engineers) great people differ in effects per GE. Also the ''luxures/anemeties'' system is badly explained. Also in replay, I can't compare GPT, Hammers per turn, and Food per turn, why?
- Why such a punishment for building wide, upgoing district costs are really retarded.
- Mentally impaired AI, even on Deity, you can win a war with 6 units vs an ai with 30+.
- WHERE IS TERRA? I miss my fav. map type. Fractal is the only ''interesting'' map choice atm. Continents are just boring blobs, even worse than in previous games imo.
- Religion, please give me numbers (eg. religious pressure)
- Bugs, I had to alt f4 when I did diplomacy in the AI's turns, also why can't you disable the boring leader movies/animations? Various other minor bugs liek seeing a movie of a leader who denouces you, but you're seeing your own leader... Or being able to make war pacts against people you haven't met, or create embassies to someone you're at war with (because war pacts before meeting em). Vague ''broken promise'' penalties, or getting ''armies at my borders'' from my automated exploring units.
- Why can't I micromanage (citizens or production queue) while the AI's are taking their turns?
- General slowness of play, in civ 5 I did about 3-4 hrs per game on normal speed, here ~7 hrs.
- Lack of builder automation, yes even with expendable builders, late game (or even mid game, from 10 cities) I don't give 2 ****s about what they're doing, as long as they're improving stuff.
- Construction queue

I've only played about 20 hrs atm (finished 2, almost 3 games) but I don't feel such an urge to play like in civ 5 or 4.

I like the unit coupling, new culture system, combining into armies and fleets, boosts, and the new builders. Definitely improves the late game tiresome unit clutter.

Fix the bloody UI so information is easier available and gameplay is faster.
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I like many things and will undoubtedly play this a lot like civ5.

However, some things annoy me:

- General UI and display of information. Why on earth can't I for example sort my cities by production, but without typing a whole page, the UI is in many ways disfunctional or inefficient at displaying the info you want. Civilopedia wasn't too clear either eg. that the same (eg. great engineers) great people differ in effects per GE. Also the ''luxures/anemeties'' system is badly explained. Also in replay, I can't compare GPT, Hammers per turn, and Food per turn, why?
- Why such a punishment for building wide, upgoing district costs are really retarded.
- Mentally impaired AI, even on Deity, you can win a war with 6 units vs an ai with 30+.
- WHERE IS TERRA? I miss my fav. map type. Fractal is the only ''interesting'' map choice atm. Continents are just boring blobs, even worse than in previous games imo.
- Religion, please give me numbers (eg. religious pressure)
- Bugs, I had to alt f4 when I did diplomacy in the AI's turns, also why can't you disable the boring leader movies/animations? Various other minor bugs liek seeing a movie of a leader who denouces you, but you're seeing your own leader... Or being able to make war pacts against people you haven't met, or create embassies to someone you're at war with (because war pacts before meeting em). Vague ''broken promise'' penalties, or getting ''armies at my borders'' from my automated exploring units.
- Why can't I micromanage (citizens or production queue) while the AI's are taking their turns?
- General slowness of play, in civ 5 I did about 3-4 hrs per game on normal speed, here ~7 hrs.
- Lack of builder automation, yes even with expendable builders, late game (or even mid game, from 10 cities) I don't give 2 ****s about what they're doing, as long as they're improving stuff.
- Construction queue

I've only played about 20 hrs atm (finished 2, almost 3 games) but I don't feel such an urge to play like in civ 5 or 4.

I like the unit coupling, new culture system, combining into armies and fleets, boosts, and the new builders. Definitely improves the late game tiresome unit clutter.

Fix the bloody UI so information is easier available and gameplay is faster.

Thanks for this post, as I said earlier in this thread I'm waiting for 6-12 months before considering this release. I've felt the draw more than ever with this new Civ game, its been very strong with this one since for the most part its been the lest broken Civ launch in a long while.

But there seems to be a tons of bugs, inconsistencies and some missing crucial options such as restart map when looking for a good start for a game which I use a hell of a lot.

My Civ 5 modded loads has so many mods that for me to reload each time with a modded Civ 6.... yeah nope not going to happen.

Here's hoping they sort this stuff out.
I hope the diplomacy with the AI in multiplayer is better than it was in Civ V (non-existent). The AI never initiated diplomacy in multiplayer games, so we continued playing Civ IV because the games felt silent and empty without it.

Has anybody tested this yet - playing multiplayer with AI, and does the AI contact the human players via diplomacy? I've found a single comment on Reddit saying it's available again after it's removal in V, but nothing else.
I keep posting here and whining but im really disappointed with civ 6 now.

Its on par with the let down i felt for Beyond earth after 50h or so played.

I have faith it will be very good in the future but right now its just so meh.

The initial first game of learning was the best, districts are a nice change, but that is really the only thing that feels different to this and civ 5.

Its very pretty but its, for now, average.. Great for a new civ player but a hardened vet give it a year and it will probably surpass civ5

Hmm. That's a bit of a disappointing analysis.

I've been a massive fan of the entire series ever since playing Civ1 about 20 years ago. I've enjoyed every iteration since then up to Civ4 (I even thought Civ3 was pretty good), but I found Civ5 a bit of a let down. It wasn't "bad" per sé, but whereas I could barely put a game of Civ4 down, and kept coming back to it time and time again, Civ5 just didn't have the same effect. And although it brought in some great new features, like better ranged attacks and stuff, the removal of unit stacking made it frustrating to engage in one of my favourite parts of the game - combat. I know they did it to remove the "stacks of doom", but even just limiting stacking would have been enough I think. Oh, and the AI seemed to be a bit useless at times.

So I was optimistically looking forward to Civ6, but if it's more of the same of 5, then I'm not sure I'll be partaking :(
As someone that is completely new to the game, I thought I'd weigh in with my views so far (about 15 hours, mostly multiplayer). I'm not new to RTS games by the way, just never been attracted to Civ - I bought it for multiplayer with mates and some singleplayer time-killing.

I started off with the tutorial once it was downloaded. Fairly simple stuff, teaches you the basics, nothing too much to worry about. But from there it went downhill. After about 10 to 15 minutes of the tutorial, it kind of just "dumped" me into the game without direction. It ended up taking me well over an hour to finish that tutorial scenario. But, happy with it finished, off I waltzed to multiplayer to join my mates!

I don't know what the heck I'm doing. As a new player to the series, I have no idea on the benefits of building my first city by the coast, or next to a river etc. It has the "suggested" locations show up, so I just pick one of those none-the-wiser. The tutorial does nothing, to my recollection, of explaining where you should pick. I then start the process of exploring with my Warriors and begin construction of a Builder to get some city improvements going! Here is where I feel I got let off lightly. I have read numerous times about the early onslaught of Barbarians, and one of my mates was on the receiving end of this - I think I just got lucky and didn't have much Barbarian interaction.

And so starts the progress towards my Civilization. I begin researching things without really knowing what or why. The same can be said for the Civic Charters. I feel like I'm making some ground, fending off a few Barbarians and finding some villages, meet a free City State, make contact with another civilization; all is quite grand.

And then I'm made aware that after a certain amount of time, I seem to be really lagging behind in every aspect of the game... My military status is weak with not many units fielded and those that are available are sub-par. My technology research was definitely slack compared to those I had encountered. This whole culture thing baffles me and I don't understand it, all I know is I somehow obtained a person that can write a book? That must be progress! In short, I'm not really doing that well! Heck, I still only have one city compared to the three or four that other people have!

So I think "Well, I'm doing pretty poor at what everyone else is doing, so what can I do that they aren't interested in?" The answer? Religion! Fantastic, I think to myself, I'll play the religious game and slowly spread across the land like the plague it really is! But alas, there are no Great Prophets left, and thus I cannot found a religion. Sigh.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying playing it - it's good fun, it looks pretty enough, the music isn't bad - but for someone new to the game, it's a bit of a mind****!

9/10 would rate again.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying playing it - it's good fun, it looks pretty enough, the music isn't bad - but for someone new to the game, it's a bit of a mind****!

This is how I feel trying to learn Civ V. The tutorial in V isn't much of a hand holder. I guess they mostly expect you to read a lot of the built in encyclopedia . I've read much of the encyclopedia and watched people on YT but I'm still very noob.

Guessing VI isn't any easier than V?
Yeah I can imagine its a but overwhelming if you've not played any Civ games before, then again its given you the basics and you're learning the rest gradually, even if its partly through making mistakes, maybe that's all part of the fun. :)
I had over 1000 hours in V after mucking about and just learning as I went and reading guides etc. In the end I ended up making my own maps hehe.....
Hmm. That's a bit of a disappointing analysis.

I've been a massive fan of the entire series ever since playing Civ1 about 20 years ago. I've enjoyed every iteration since then up to Civ4 (I even thought Civ3 was pretty good), but I found Civ5 a bit of a let down. It wasn't "bad" per sé, but whereas I could barely put a game of Civ4 down, and kept coming back to it time and time again, Civ5 just didn't have the same effect. And although it brought in some great new features, like better ranged attacks and stuff, the removal of unit stacking made it frustrating to engage in one of my favourite parts of the game - combat. I know they did it to remove the "stacks of doom", but even just limiting stacking would have been enough I think. Oh, and the AI seemed to be a bit useless at times.

So I was optimistically looking forward to Civ6, but if it's more of the same of 5, then I'm not sure I'll be partaking :(
Civ 6 feels like Civ 5 after the first expansion pack so I think Civ 6 is ahead of Civ 5 was at release. It is a different game to BE. It has a lot more depth than other Civ games had at release which is a good thing. It also has unit stacking. I'm enjoying it over Civ 5 for sure and can't wait for the expansions.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying playing it - it's good fun, it looks pretty enough, the music isn't bad - but for someone new to the game, it's a bit of a mind****!

9/10 would rate again.

Bit late now but... for the hell of explaining. It's one of those games that you play a... full "game" over a day or 2, learn from mistakes and improve. The tutorial is pretty much purely to get you pointed at where to look and the uber basics. If you want to be playing fairly well, you'll need to roll through a few games. It's got quite a bit of depth and, some of the scenario's are... pretty beastly (you can generally play an open map or a scenario). The missus plays it habitually and has only just beaten the Mongol invasion scenario (from Civ 5) on Deity difficulty now... like... years after purchase :)
Bit late now but... for the hell of explaining. It's one of those games that you play a... full "game" over a day or 2, learn from mistakes and improve. The tutorial is pretty much purely to get you pointed at where to look and the uber basics. If you want to be playing fairly well, you'll need to roll through a few games. It's got quite a bit of depth and, some of the scenario's are... pretty beastly (you can generally play an open map or a scenario). The missus plays it habitually and has only just beaten the Mongol invasion scenario (from Civ 5) on Deity difficulty now... like... years after purchase :)

I agree, its a bit like chess, I can show you how the pieces move but its only by playing games that you pick up the strategies involved
What is peoples experience with strategic resources?

Finished my 2nd game yesterday and on both games I didn't have any strategic resources around my cities, so couldn't get anything without venturing out further and attacking. Okay I hadn't spread out my empire by very much, but in Civ V I'd still expect to have several of the strategic resources.
What is peoples experience with strategic resources?

Finished my 2nd game yesterday and on both games I didn't have any strategic resources around my cities, so couldn't get anything without venturing out further and attacking. Okay I hadn't spread out my empire by very much, but in Civ V I'd still expect to have several of the strategic resources.

I haven't played to many games so my view may not be accurate, but from what I have experienced strategic resources are fewer and further between than V. In the games I have played things like iron and oil were in undesirable locations like tundra. Uranium and coal were apparently random around the map and aluminium was practically non existent.

But as I said these were observations made from limited game time so it might differ considerably from map to map.
What is peoples experience with strategic resources?

Finished my 2nd game yesterday and on both games I didn't have any strategic resources around my cities, so couldn't get anything without venturing out further and attacking. Okay I hadn't spread out my empire by very much, but in Civ V I'd still expect to have several of the strategic resources.

I've found them sparsely present and difficult to obtain. More so than Civ V. There are alternative setup options that are supposed to ensure access but I find that the default option makes special units even better because they lack the strategic resource requirements of normal units and getting the strategic resources is hard.
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