1) Go to the players folder for Call of Duty: Black Ops. For Steam, it's located here:
Steam>steamapps>common>call of duty black ops>players>config_mp.cfg
2) Open config_mp.cfg and make the following changes:
seta r_glow_allowed "1" to seta r_glow_allowed "0"
seta r_gfxopt_dynamic_foliage "1" to seta r_gfxopt_dynamic_foliage "0"
Another thing you can do is this.
While ingame alt tab out. bring up your task manager by holding Ctrl + Alt and pressing Delete and opening the Task Manager. When you in there click on the processes Tab. Now look for the Steam.exe process right click it and set the priority to Low. Next find Blackops.exe or something and right click and set the priority to High. After that right click it again and set the affinity to 1 CPU.
Another thing you could do is to go into your steam library, right click properties > updates and uncheck the box that says "Enable steam cloud".
Next up if you open your black ops and go into a game open the console by pressing ` , then type /cl_maxpackets 100. Once you have done this restart your game.
Now you have done that once you have reloaded the game go back into the game and open console once again and then enter in the following commands into it. MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS PUT A / Before the command or else it wont input it .
/rate 25000
/cg_brass - set this to "0" to help decrease lag
/r_blur_allowed - set this to "0" to help decrease lag
/r_cachemodellighting - set this to "1" to help decrease lag
/r_cacheSmodellighting - set this to "1" to help decrease lag
/r_distortion - set this to "0" to help decrease lag
/r_dof_enable - set this to "0" to help decrease lag
/r_glow_allowed - set this to "0" to help decrease lag
/r_multiGpu - set this to "0" if you don't use a more than one graphics card.
r_specular - set this to "0" to help decrease lag
Hopefully this helps a lot of you sort your lag issues out as I know its helped mine, I now have next to no lag issues at all .
Also if anyone else has anymore fixes that I haven't posted please reply to this post and add them thanks