COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Just played some SP missions. My friend let me use his steam log in to try it out to help decide whether to buy it, and it seemed very buggy - perhaps even more than MW2 on release. MW2 runs pretty well on my PC at 1680x1050, sure there is some slow down but in Black Ops I can't even aim with my mouse without getting weird jerky stuttering.

There just seems to be a certain feel about the whole thing I can't quite put my finger on. I don't really care for MP that much, but the SP just doesn't seem very polished for a finished product. It feels more like a test beta than a final game product, to me anyway.
I need some help guys.

I join my server but can only stay in for 10-20seconds before i get this error
'Server disconnected - Steam connect failure'

Do i need ports forwarded? Or is there a different reason?

shameless bump
Is that Steam stat reliable - that only 70,000 people are playing this on PC compared to the (currently) 2.4 million on Xbox? Seems a bit low.
Is that Steam stat reliable - that only 70,000 people are playing this on PC compared to the (currently) 2.4 million on Xbox? Seems a bit low.

2.4 million unique players, playing simultaneously? Or the cumulative total who played it at some point? The latter surely.
MW2 runs pretty well on my PC at 1680x1050, sure there is some slow down but in Black Ops I can't even aim with my mouse without getting weird jerky stuttering.

That's my exact problem. Ran MW2 fine on high, now I play BO and I get all this jerky crap when moving my mouse. It makes the game unplayable and I wish I didn't buy/bind it to my account!
If it really is 70,000 versus 2,400,000 then that is astonishing to say the least. I know the PC market is smaller but not by that much is it? :eek:

Exactly. I'm shocked. As far as I know, all copies of Black Ops have to be running through Steam.

Current Players    Peak Today	 	Game
50,700               77,609	 	Call of Duty Black Ops - Multiplayer
28,419               64,267	 	Call of Duty Black Ops
Its not bad, could have done better with the sound of the guns, the MP is not bad, no COD4 but what is!
Better than COD:WAW by a long shot, maps are good on MP as well.
The zombie mode is so so

I love dedicated servers :)
Black Ops peak players on Steam so far today was 77,609

Edit: Too slow

Does explain why most publishers don't give a fig about PC gamers.

And also raises the question of why Valve bother being so good to such a relatively small audience.
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Enjoying it so far, havent played much of the sp. My main gripe is the sound, the weapons, explosions etc all sound pretty poor, particularly compared to the sound in moh, it's 10 x better.
Its fantastic fun been playing a good few hours online. Few bad points the stuttering lag is pretty bad at points but once fixed will be great.

There is no lobby for you and your mates to join at once and remain on the same team.
Zombies doesn't appear to work at all except private games.
Black Ops peak players on Steam so far today was 77,609

Edit: Too slow

Does explain why most publishers don't give a fig about PC gamers.

And also raises the question of why Valve bother being so good to such a relatively small audience.

Yes, Steam have been 'so good' today, what with the widespread server problems and people not being able to play a game, even though they actually have the disc.

just wondering, how many people can play zombie mode together ? hoping its not limited to 4 again.

Any more than that and it's not a challenge, at all. I always preferred playing with 2 people, made it frantic trying to survive.
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