COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

That's epic, the best kill cam I had was with my tomahawk ;/

Can't wait to get my crossbow though, going up the ranks, think i'm 27 at the moment, shame my K/D ratio sucks, Search and destroy seems to also destroy my ratio, good for exp though :p Popped in to TDM and upped it by 0.09 within 2 rounds, so will be heading there again to see if I can get up to my normal standard of 1.7-2.0
Well, I got this cause the usual crowd I play with were all getting excited about it. I thought it looked crummy from the pre-release media.

We even had our server ready to go.

Played the campaign through - so unbelievably retarded and unful-filling.

Multiplayer was just as crap. None of my mates who convinced me to join them are at all happy with it either.

£32 down the drain.
The lag isn't that bad now, not compared to what it started off as, barely lag in any games now, nor does anyone else I see, just the occasional spike. The only things which really look like you're lagging at the kill cams.
Well, I got this cause the usual crowd I play with were all getting excited about it. I thought it looked crummy from the pre-release media.

We even had our server ready to go.

Played the campaign through - so unbelievably retarded and unful-filling.

Multiplayer was just as crap. None of my mates who convinced me to join them are at all happy with it either.

£32 down the drain.

Have you played previous call of duty single players.

Also whats so bad about multiplayer? The bit of lag, server browser / login problems or actually something else?
quite enjoyed my 4 hours mp session. only had 1 issue where my gun would stop firing this went on for around 30 mins.

Much prefer having server lists etc. While it is still arcadey it doesnt feel as arcadey as mw2 did but its probably because i am still ****.
I need some help guys.

I join my server but can only stay in for 10-20seconds before i get this error
'Server disconnected - Steam connect failure'

Do i need ports forwarded? Or is there a different reason?
shameless bump

I've had this too, I'm not sure whether it is related but Windows Firewall was blocking Steam when I quit. Manually allowed it, and haven't had problems since...?
well I just quickly jumped on and had a quick blast of the MP and it all worked fine. Server list came up in seconds and was in a game in about half a minute. No stuttering, lag or anything at all.

I maybe got lucky :rolleyes:
Just finished my session and wow im still lagged to hell... I even watched one of my recorded games and it was lagged.

I know my ISP is having issues with traffic shaping and gaming, but MW2 was solid. I try this and even tho i am pinging at <40ms (usually the lowest on the server) its horrific.

Ive tried a few fixes, disabling SLI/XFIRE and enablign dual cores in the mpconfig but frankly it did very little /cl_maxpackets 100 also too.. again very little if anything...

Im still suprised how crap it looks compared to mw2 ... it looks like a reskinned game with some of the mw2 stuff built in...

One thing driving me nuts is the 0 down time between map swaps, you cant customize a bloody thing in the swap time, which is bugging me, i loved the little smack talk session and gun perk tweaks you would do in mw2.

I really hope this all works out and they fix it soon im so dissapoint right now.
going to cry myself to sleep.
I just completed it. Not a patch on either of the Modern Warfare games, but moderately enjoyable. It wasn't as pretty as MW2, the storyline wasn't as good, the characters weren't as good, a lot of the animation wasn't good (bar some of Ed Harris' stuff), Black Ops was more buggy, the music wasn't as good as MW2 and it just wasn't as enjoyable.

I haven't played anything online, though.
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I have to say from reading all the reviews on it i was not looking forward to playing online. But when i did, all is not as bad as most people make out! I'm hardly experiencing any lagg (although there is a noticeable difference versus the smoothness of MW2) which hopefully there will be a patch out soon anyway, and i am generally loving the game!
for those who cant change your name just open your multiplayer config and alter with textpad or whatever you want ot use. takes like 10 secs then done.also do field of view and fps while there .

lol at ballistic knifes ive had so much fun with them tonight :D
I guess if they fix that random 1 second lag that randomly happens exactly when I don't wan't it, then the game is all good to go. Would like L4D style groups though, though killing your friends is just as fun.
I just completed it. Not a patch on either of the Modern Warfare games, but moderately enjoyable. It wasn't as pretty as MW2, the storyline wasn't as good, the characters weren't as good, a lot of the animation wasn't good (bar some of Ed Harris' stuff), Black Ops was more buggy, the music wasn't as good as MW2 and it just wasn't as enjoyable.
Not as good as MW then. :D :p
Well, just played a bit of the SP there, pretty good so far :D and I am not having any issues with lag/stuttering at all, FPS ranging from around 58-83FPS, lowest I seen it drop to so far is 46FPS iirc which was near the start with the house being bombed, smoke, blur, explosions, shaking and all.

Everything on the highest settings including AA and AAA with this setup:

- I5 750
- HIS 4850 TURBO iceQ4 512MB
- 1280x1024
- W7 64 bit

Everything at stock/no overclocking.

So far though not better than COD4, about the same as MW2, need to play this one a bit more tbh before I can compare it to MW2.
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SP runs fine on my system too, and it's getting on a bit now..

8800GTS 512
4Gb Ram

All on max, 1440x900, 4x AA i average 40-60fps :)
SP runs fine on my system too, and it's getting on a bit now..

8800GTS 512
4Gb Ram

All on max, 1440x900, 4x AA i average 40-60fps :)

Same cpu as me and yours runs fine with a gts 512 ? think i will put my old 8800 gts back in and dump the gtx 460 :D

To be honest since i have had the gtx 460 this is the second game that runs like poo f1 2010 is the first and still runs crap with the patch it's better but not how it should be.
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Hmmm, wonder why some people are having issues :confused:

Oh, forgot to mention I am on W7 64 bit, if that makes a difference at all.

Has everyone got the latest drivers installed?

Same cpu as me and yours runs fine with a gts 512 ? think i will put my old 8800 gts back in and dump the gtx 460 :D

To be honest since i have had the gtx 460 this is the second game that runs like poo f1 2010 is the first and still runs crap with the patch it's better but not how it should be.

Lol :p

You have problems with that game as well :eek:, I can play that game on max settings as well averaging around 45-65FPS iirc (lowest FPS was about 35FPS iirc) although I think have the AA and AAA turned down a bit to like 4x and 8x or 2x 4x or something like that :p (does it have that AAA option? Can't remember exactly, as I haven't played it for ages now, got bored of it :p)
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