I got that from the transcript as a total layman so the question is: when forward speed is unreadable but you have a stall warning and also can see a descent in altitude despite nose up to climb this would indicate a vertical drop from the stall, why did they being experienced air crew not see this?
The stall warning could have been a false positive due to the unreadable air-speed but combined with a drop in altitude should have prompted immediate action to recover from the stall?
Because the co-pilot panicked. He actually had all the necessary data to fly the plane properly. However, in panicking he thinks he is in TOGA and can climb away to safety. The pilots are used to doing most of their hand-flying at low altitude and, being disorientated, the co-pilot reverted to flying the plane like it was nearer the ground, when at 37,000 feet the air is much thinner and the wings give less lift.
IIRC though I'd have to check that Airbus had suffered Air France's usual and not been upgraded to the linked control package.
the linked system simply goes for a "mid point" i'e one poulling up one pushign down both fully it will do nothing.
but it cannot provide force feedback as the joy stick is solid and immoveable.
The joysticks move, not sure where you are getting they are fixed from.
Hmm right.
Any this is a boeing 777 in the pacific, any chance we can keep air france to its own thread.
This isn't about how much he cares about the incident, its about how you manage to trivialize the deaths of more than 200 people by pointing out that its going to improve your TV viewing enjoyment.
For an aircraft to just vanish off radar like this has with no mayday call or radio communications you would first go with a catastrophic airframe failure, pressure bulkhead maybe or a very high possibility of a bomb or missile strike. I don't know if the aircraft had any AHM system in use, if it had then someone already knows a lot more than we do right now!
the pilot was incompetent that's all there is too it really.
seriously s small child who's been allowed to play any flight game for a few minutes would have understood the issue.
and no the stall warning isn't affected by the pitot tubes we have sensors in the wings as well that help detect stalls.
Air France is a horrific air line though for cutting corners, taking huge risks terrible attitude to safety in general. if the french government didn't protect them so much they'd have been in court many times with most of the bosses in prison by now.
thier fuel calculations are so penny pinching and worked out by the same type of number crunchers that did jimmy Carr'stax return that pilots have usually no choice but to fly in a straight line, no option for deviation around storms etc.
About to book our tickets to the UK, wife is of course now a little nervous.
Strange how something like the size of an airplane just disappears, even with all the technology.
Weather was absolutely fine apparently, even the winds at the altitude were checked and all reports stating completely calm.
Nothing can be ruled out just yet.
If your wife is nervous she needs to get a grip of reality. Your chance of dying in a car crash is 1000x time a plane. Should she not drive? Walk on the pavement? Ect tell her to grow up, if she's nervous, she needs to lock herself in a room and not move, but even then she has a greater chance of dying as a result of a myocardial infarction or the roof collapsing
nah usually its that the pilots don't realise they're in danger til lit's too late.
To be fair that is the only recorded incident in history where that has happened. Other incidents of planes landing on water have resulted in their complete destruction.
So when you hear about 50 people dying in an Afghanistan bomb or Bono killing a hundred Africans because the ****er won't stop clicking his fingers, do you immediately collapse with grief and rush to the internet to express your anguish?
This one as well...
A few people survived that one.
Aren't you something .