Cooking with Daveyboy - Live Crab

Are you sure about that? said:
Killing Lobsters.
It appears that there are many different ideas on the way a Lobster should be dispatched, from drowning in fresh water to dropping them into boiling water. Many of the ideas have a certain merit since a Lobster is a cold blooded creature with no brain as we understand it, except for its nervous system with two processing centres, and body fluids which are pumped around it's system by muscle movement. It is not possible to kill it, in the normal meaning of the word. I believe the RSPCA suggests two hours in the freezer, however since we have a cold room which operates at 0 C to -1 C we simply put them in there for 4 to 5 hours where they cool slowly. This slows down their metabolism to such a low level that they peacefully sink into oblivion, then they are cooked without even knowing. There is some research being done on an electrical stunning system which is is intended to be more a more humane system.
Incidentally never remove the bands on it's claws, they were put there to prevent them eating each other as they are carnivorous, and they are very fast and strong at room temperature. Our tanks are maintained at below 6 C to slow them down but they will still have a go at me when I put my hand in.


Good thread. yet again shows how many hippies are on this forum.. They wouldn't lasta month fending for themselfs.

How silly.

I wouldn't go out of my way to go and shoot my own duck, get my own lobster, and personally kill the thing and cook it myself no.

But if I had to, and many other had to, then yes.
I would put more faith in your science if it actually proved anything other than that the "brain" is a processing unit which is more of a move,feed,swim system.

The links you both posted are about the size of this processing unit not the affect in the increased size (i.e. affect this has on memory recall, advantages/disadvantages).

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