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Core 9000 series

12 Mar 2008
You're deflecting for the most part here... we're not talking about a kettle or a TV, we're talking about a CPU (or we should be), which has a very specific set of functions and performance metrics which you don't seem interested in, instead choosing to imbue it with an EMOTIONAL response and nothing else. It's worrying that you don't see a problem with this.

You are solely focused on this 'want' and 'excitement' angle... as though that is the only criteria for buying anything. Really? You genuinely think we should all make purchasing decisions based on pure emotion and nothing else? That said, I don't disagree that this is what a lot of people do, and all speaks to the mess society is in regards mass consumerism, zombie culture, new shiny shiny and masses of debt, but still, it's a serious problem and not healthy.

Along with many other people, you've simply fallen in to the trap that marketeers and advertisers have designed for you, and this is EXACTLY what they want you to feel. God forbid that you actually think about a purchase sensibly... they WANT you to buy on emotion. I'd say you were 'free' to do that, which you are of course, but freedom doesn't really come in to it given the manipulation.

Why is value a "crutch"? It doesn't need to be the ONLY consideration, but it shouldn't be thrown out the window solely in favour of emotional response! What's worse here is that you seem completely oblivious to what's going, not even questioning why something like the 9900K "excites" you, and you then compiund that by saying you hope most people make purchasing decisions based on emotion. WHAT?! We're intelligent adults, not mindless childlike autmotons driven purely by our emotions!

I'm not sure what else to say to you.

I've spent a number of posts now stating I understand people making a purchasing decision on other factors and then you say something like "EMOTIONAL response and nothing else" when I said "made MOSTLY on emotion". You then say "You are solely focused on this 'want' and 'excitement' angle... as though that is the only criteria for buying anything" when I have clearly said I understand people making purchasing decisions on other factors. Cost, budget, use, work, all stuff that is, well, I thought obvious. To me this is a hobby though and fun so you will excuse me my excitement. I even said to you it's a toss up between a 9900k and Threadripper which seems clear that other forces are at work.

The brainwashing thing again by marketing companies is quite frankly nonsense. It's a weak argument used by someone running out of ideas. The 9900k marketing for example has been laughable and if I was basing it on that I wouldn't buy it. It must be pretty dull not making purchases based on excitement though. Where's the fun in that right.

I'll be blunt. You are one of those posters who picks out what they want and ignores the rest just so you are right. It also feels as though you are one of those people who just argues until the other person gets bored and gives up, which I am. Good day sir.
24 Feb 2013
East Midlands
Where exactly do you think the older B350/450 and X370/470 boards will struggle?

I don't think they'll struggle. But I'd question if they will work at the same overclocks giving the same performance and offer the same support and stability for overclocked ram. They'll work stock exactly as intended I'm sure, but that's not what people here are really interested in. There's quite a difference between being supported and offering the best of. Perhaps I'm miss informed, but I can't honestly see say the x470 hero receiving the same bios and driver updates once zen 2 is out compared to the x570 revision.

Just as an example, the x370 hero bios was regularly updated earlier on in the year. Every 2 months or so. Since June this year, nothing official released direct on website. The x470 hero has just had another update.

Not knocking AMD as it's great that the support is at least there, but something to consider possibly when buying boards.
18 Oct 2002
West Midlands
I don't think they'll struggle. But I'd question if they will work at the same overclocks giving the same performance and offer the same support and stability for overclocked ram. They'll work stock exactly as intended I'm sure, but that's not what people here are really interested in. There's quite a difference between being supported and offering the best of. Perhaps I'm miss informed, but I can't honestly see say the x470 hero receiving the same bios and driver updates once zen 2 is out compared to the x570 revision.

Just as an example, the x370 hero bios was regularly updated earlier on in the year. Every 2 months or so. Since June this year, nothing official released direct on website. The x470 hero has just had another update.

Well unless there is any actual headroom in the CPU's in the next gen and DDR4 RAM becomes different that it is now, I honestly don't think there will be any issues at all. AGESA is independent of the motherboard manufacturers, and that is the main changes to the board for better CPU/RAM support. Other than that all of the board optimisations should have been done during the lifecycle of the actual board, unless there are very specific issues identified with very specific hardware configs.

Anyhow, only time will tell. :)
31 Dec 2006
I'm not sure what else to say to you.

I've spent a number of posts now stating I understand people making a purchasing decision on other factors and then you say something like "EMOTIONAL response and nothing else" when I said "made MOSTLY on emotion". You then say "You are solely focused on this 'want' and 'excitement' angle... as though that is the only criteria for buying anything" when I have clearly said I understand people making purchasing decisions on other factors. Cost, budget, use, work, all stuff that is, well, I thought obvious. To me this is a hobby though and fun so you will excuse me my excitement. I even said to you it's a toss up between a 9900k and Threadripper which seems clear that other forces are at work.

The brainwashing thing again by marketing companies is quite frankly nonsense. It's a weak argument used by someone running out of ideas. The 9900k marketing for example has been laughable and if I was basing it on that I wouldn't buy it. It must be pretty dull not making purchases based on excitement though. Where's the fun in that right.

I'll be blunt. You are one of those posters who picks out what they want and ignores the rest just so you are right. It also feels as though you are one of those people who just argues until the other person gets bored and gives up, which I am. Good day sir.

You've not highlighted a single factor beyond emotion, want and excitement for your purchase, which I didn't say weren't factors, but it's all you've talked about, nothing actually specific. You're only proving my point. I suggest you do some research in to psychology and social sciences, Edward Bernays etc. You're misinformed if you think my referencing that is "running out of ideas" lol! That topic is worthy of an entire forum of its own!

Buying something for amazing value can also be exciting you know. Some people would actually enjoy having an extra £300 in their pocket which could then be spent on all manner of things that would provide even more excitement... so double excitement!

Of course, the elephant in the room here is that for 99% of people there IS no justification for a 9900K purchase beyond 'want'. That's the only way Intel are going to sell them! I'm well aware you haven't made an argument for it on any other grounds because you can't. Few people actually seem willing to admit this. What irks me is you don't even seem to care or think buying something for no reason other than emotion is a problem. Saying you understand other people will make purchasing decisions based on other factors is irrelevant... I've not picked out anything, I've only referenced what YOU said, and your position seems entirely one of "I wanted it because it excited me", with nothing of any substance beyond that. I find that all rather peculiar is all, but clearly we disagree on that.
1 Dec 2015
This thread has lost it's way somewhat...

One of the switch points was altered by some vandals, so the tracks were pointing the wrong way. Once we get to the next station we'll be fine. :)

its okay , I can always change the title - or lock people up that don't confirm to pure 9000 series talk in Xinjiang .... *tumble weed*

my advice is, if your going to buy the 9000 series, buy before brexit at least , not sure if @Gibbo secures distribution form UK or EU, guessing EU but should prove a little interesting in hardware for a little bit :)
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Anyone know /@Gibbo when retail is available?

9900K maybe in about a weeks time, I found some stock at a grey distributor at not a price above our website cost, so have ordered it all, but its a grey distributor so deliveries are never 100%, but if all goes well they should land mid to end next week, but we shall see.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
9900K maybe in about a weeks time, I found some stock at a grey distributor at not a price above our website cost, so have ordered it all, but its a grey distributor so deliveries are never 100%, but if all goes well they should land mid to end next week, but we shall see.

Would a grey part have full uk warranty as per the retail? I have come unstuck in the past due to grey goods and warranty so just wondering where we stand on this. Again thanks for the info dude :)
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27 Feb 2015
You also can't say 'budget' and '9700k/9900k' in the same sentence, a fact you seem to be repeatedly ignoring. The point is that you can build an amazing gaming system with AMD, saving significant money in the process, and unless you're frame chasing for the sake of it or benchmarking for e-peen waving, this will more than satisfy anyone.

You're posting in the 9000 series thread, which is NOT a CPU for gamers at 1080p unless they have more money than sense. Go spout your Intel fanboy cries in the budget build threads where you can extol the virtues of their last gen i5 CPUs, although as you've pointed out, for anyone interested in tasks other than gaming, AMD is going to be the preferred route there by far.

Pixel count typically doesnt affect cpu usage in games tho, and you more likely to be cpu bound at lower resolution.
27 Feb 2015
I see that Caseking have their delidded 9900K CPU's up now.

€779 for 4.8GHz
€799 for 4.9GHz
€849 for 5.0GHz
€929 for 5.1GHz

Utter bargains in my eyes, especially the €779 4.8GHz variant, a whole 100MHz faster than stock-all-core-overclock. :p

As usual the issue is with these deals is that the low clock versions are guaranteed bad binned chips, would be good if they had say an 800 euro chip that was full silicon lottery and the premium is simply for the delid.
27 Feb 2015
So if I understand it, the video reviewers are now stating that if you don't have a high VRM mobo, Turbo mode only kicks in for 30 seconds then ramps down, but if you have a higher VRM mobo & better cooling it can stay that way longer/indefinately?

Fair enough, but christ it means you need to spend EVEN MORE on high end motherboards :/

Bear in mind they talking full on stress/bench modes tho, if you playing a typical game say gta5 that wont happen.

I posted a screenshot not that long ago showing on my rig my 8600k was barely 50 watts in game overclocked all cores. Same game a 9900k would maybe be 70-100 watts or so.
30 Aug 2018
As usual the issue is with these deals is that the low clock versions are guaranteed bad binned chips, would be good if they had say an 800 euro chip that was full silicon lottery and the premium is simply for the delid.

I can't see the chips on the website. Does the delid include sanding down the die, or just delid and removal of the indium?
31 Dec 2006
Pixel count typically doesnt affect cpu usage in games tho, and you more likely to be cpu bound at lower resolution.

Well the benchmarks speak for themselves. Clearly the 9900k is winning out at 1080p, but as you increase res that lead diminishes significantly, and by the time you get to 4K it's practically non-existent.
15 Jun 2005
My retail 9700K import arrived today. Two day delivery from the US is quite impressive (they are out of stock though now). Don’t think I will get chance to build until the weekend.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Would a grey part have full uk warranty as per the retail? I have come unstuck in the past due to grey goods and warranty so just wondering where we stand on this. Again thanks for the info dude :)

Still 3yr warranty, but it seems their supplier has let them down anyway, so not looking good now.
17 Dec 2004
£600 for the CPU and maybe £275-£300+ for the MOBO and that's before factoring in ram etc. So close to a grand for 2 components. Cha ching!
£200+ motherboard to run the 9900k, really?... I know that ppl say that 9900k cpus runs best with x390 boards, but surely there's some cheaper x390 boards about... I am only using a £130 board with my 8086k, and its chugging away perfectly happy at 4.9.

Like me and printers, I have had more success with cheaper printers then I have had with the expensive ones.
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18 Oct 2002
Why do everyone want highend motherboards all the time, but £200+ to run the 9900k, really?... I know that ppl say that 9900k cpus runs best with x390 boards, but surely theres some cheaper x390 boards about... I am only using a £130 board with my 8086k, and its chugging away perfectly happy at 4.9.

Mentions above that the cheaper boards won't boost for long because their vrm's are too weak.
14 Aug 2018
After my X79 Sabretooth, never again will I buy a board with a 40mm VRM fan.

Thankfully the VRM on the ASUS CH6 is damn cool!
Same here. It was not long after I got it that unplugged it (and also the chipset fan); those small fans can give off an annoying high pitched whir. I just made sure I have a 'proper' fan cooling those area.

As much as I'd prefer staying with Intel (we are, of course, creatures of habit) it looks black friday I'll be looking for AMD deals. These prices and issues seem to be taking the pee akin to a certain Saudia Arabian regime.
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