Dark Souls 2 - Thread

it's not just fans that say spoonfed, dark/demon souls has always been approached this way, it's one of the reasons it got a big cult following in the first place - why change it because a few would prefer a different method?

i'd hate it if everything well spelled out, I want to search/discover for myself, pick up on subtle hints and if it takes me 70 hours to explore every aspect in a first playthrough then so be it.

You have the choice to use wikis or guides if you want to simplify everything and tell you what build works.
You really must install a graphical mod

errrrm no. Game looks ok sure not great but good enough, it is the gameplay where this game shines. If you think you NEED a graphics mod to play a game that looks like this then I guess you will miss a ton of games that are amazing just because they do not look like crysis, more fool you.
A couple of questions for those that have played this a fair bit:

- Is it worth investing in armour upgrades? I've got a decent set up to +5, which has increased my defence stats by a load but I'm still taking a load of damage.

- Is melee viable later in the game or should I start adding stats to Int/Faith? Is casting OP?
A couple of questions for those that have played this a fair bit:

- Is it worth investing in armour upgrades? I've got a decent set up to +5, which has increased my defence stats by a load but I'm still taking a load of damage.

- Is melee viable later in the game or should I start adding stats to Int/Faith? Is casting OP?

i personally would only upgrade the armour that you plan on using end game.
and yes you take a lot of damage if you get hit, but you shouldn't get hit or block attacks, while still having enough HP to survive the odd hit.

melee is just as viable later on as is casting. :)
A couple of questions for those that have played this a fair bit:

- Is it worth investing in armour upgrades? I've got a decent set up to +5, which has increased my defence stats by a load but I'm still taking a load of damage.

- Is melee viable later in the game or should I start adding stats to Int/Faith? Is casting OP?

- Armor doesn't really seem to do much to be honest, hence people going for fashion over function. Save your upgrade mats for weapons and just find something to wear that makes you look pretty.

- Melee is viable, but casting is undoubtedly OP for PvE.
If you prefer melee, it is entirely possible, in some situations ranged offers a significant advantage - in this case, find yourself a decent bow and load up on fire/poison arrows then you won't have any trouble.
A couple of questions for those that have played this a fair bit:

- Is it worth investing in armour upgrades? I've got a decent set up to +5, which has increased my defence stats by a load but I'm still taking a load of damage.

- Is melee viable later in the game or should I start adding stats to Int/Faith? Is casting OP?

Armour does matter, it's often the difference between dying in 2 shots and dying in 3 shots. This effect is even more noticeable when blocking with shields that have less than 100% damage reduction. That being said, you benefit more from investing materials in several weapons first and foremost because that gives you invalueble flexibility. Once your weapons are fully upgraded, focus on armour sets.
As for armour upgrades, pick a set that you like and upgrade that - dont spend to much time fretting about whats the best...etc... as its been said, in some situations it really doesnt make that much of a difference - always prioritise weapon upgrades first though
The reason I asked whether armour is worth it is because I invested a lot of souls in vitality to increase my carry weight plus the souls and mats to upgrade. It sounds like I may have been better investing souls in another stat or in my weapon. I might respec tonight.
The reason I asked whether armour is worth it is because I invested a lot of souls in vitality to increase my carry weight plus the souls and mats to upgrade. It sounds like I may have been better investing souls in another stat or in my weapon. I might respec tonight.

Your vitality will help you to keep below whichever % threshold you wanna play at.
A couple of questions for those that have played this a fair bit:

- Is it worth investing in armour upgrades? I've got a decent set up to +5, which has increased my defence stats by a load but I'm still taking a load of damage.

- Is melee viable later in the game or should I start adding stats to Int/Faith? Is casting OP?

note - small spoilers.

Depends on how you are playing. Do you care how your character looks? Do you want to use all of the same set? turtling? or ninja? If the armour you are upgrading only needs normal titanite then yeah upgrade it no worries...its much easier to get these armours upgraded quicker than the ones which need twinkling titanite.

Turtle tank? Then smelter/havels/looking glass knight/iron clad/ etc armour sets
with a decent greatshield that has 100% physical resistance. e.g. old stone greatshield.

I would say early to mid game the Drangelic Armour set is very good including the shield. You can still do decent enough rolls with this set. (ie if you like dodging instead of turtling)

I would also actually say that this game (unlike DS and DS1) the power wielding of mahoosive weapons like large club.. mlgs.. gs etc is not as effective.
Firstly because its slow. Secondly you will be doing a ton of damage when you hit and it will be fine for pve but most people in pvp will be able to dodge the heavy slow hitting weapons. Another problem i found with using the big heavy hitting weapons is the lock on was poor...i mean you would lock on and r1 and you would somehow miss and anytime you miss when you are using a slow ass weapon means you have so much time where you are exposed to getting destroyed whilst you try to recover. Perhaps this is not a problem in the pc version i dunno.

Personally i went for the Santiers Spear but thats because im doing a mundane build. I also like the DPS (good for poison, bleed buildup etc) and the moveset of it.

Also what rings do you have? I sometimes use the ring of steel prot +1 if i want to up my armour.

Do you have in mind a particular build? Also bare in mind the some bosses are a ton easier if you are using range attack so if you're not using spells/pyro then i assume you will be going archer?
If you're worried about it being easy but like using spells then just use bonfire ascetics. (mid late game as you dont get many before then) Good way to farm some stuff, can get decent new items and makes game harder as well = win.
Why wouldn't I use something that gives me an advantage?

Nvm, thought you were moaning that it made it too easy.

Getting fed up of Dark Souls fans meeting any criticism with pre-prepared terms like 'spoon-fed' 'hand-fed' etc. Dark Souls has very interesting lore, which is told through poor mechanisms such as Item descriptions and Wikipedia. I don't want loads of cutscenes, or even the story made clearer necessarily, but their method of portraying the lore is poor, and is a step backwards in terms of story telling in games, which has improved massively over the years.

Story telling if anything has gotten worse, games are either 70% cutscenes or full of QTEs to tell the story. The Souls series tells its story in the way it does to make it more interesting, what would you propose they do instead?
The Souls series tells its story in the way it does to make it more interesting, what would you propose they do instead?

Going in to a menu and selecting an item is more interesting than what?

What would I propose they do instead of story through item descriptions?...anything! an NPC, you could simply find lore books in the world, anything would be more immersive than that. I am not complaining about the lore, which is great when you get in to it, but the delivery of it is a step backwards.
It does leave a bit to be desired but i think the way the story telling is sort of fits in with the game. I would still prefer a better way of doing it but then i wonder would it change the experience for the worse?
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