***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

marker your server screwed at moment so much lag and desyncs.

i ran in a building in churno opened a door and went through it to another location on map :confused::p thats some Narnia ****. also those who in churno big group logging tut tut ;)

yeah me and bubblz also had this about an hour-90 mins ago on markers server
If anybody got a €25 gift code from Bohemia Interactive when they had problems with the store on release of ArmA 3 supporters edition then you get can DayZ standalone for £1.09.
I still totally disagree about the price Dg - As I said in my post a page or two ago there are almost no games in existence that have successfully increased in price over time (except minecraft, which we all know was a crazy runaway success, and started out under £10)

It might hold its price... in the same way that games from a series like COD that are just so ridiculously popular at launch and the publishers don't want to allow the old games to be cheap alternatives to the newer ones if they can (because secretly they know every game in the series is an incremental change from the last at best)... But DayZ doesn't strike me as the same sort of game (i.e. no monster frat-boy captive audience and guaranteed sales)

With that in mind surely once the initial wave of those who were big fans of the mod have paid and it's been out for ages you don't think there's even a slight chance they might allow it into a Steam sale?

I could no longer stay strong, LET'S GET IT ON!
Played a couple of hours on this upto now and I have to say it runs Pretty smoothly and looks decent on mid settings. However, I don't think I've encountered a more boring tedious game in my life.

I will keep trying until I'm well armed and had a few gun fights and then I'll reevaluate.

Edited to add.....I believe now I called it right on Rocket's narcissistic tendencies. The horrible cretin has made sure his name is up there on the game's homepage. I've never ever seen that before.....Bohemia Interactive a game created by Dean Hall or something like that.
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ha ha i tried to recreate that guys vid who posted earler. Seen a guy in the balota barracks, started punching the wall, he hears gunfire but doesnt combat log :(

He came outside and beat me to death with his axe :) ah well YOLO
Thought i would do a quick post of my last 30 minutes on day-z and how frustrating combat logging is. Spawned at the docks in Cherno, Picked up a pistol with 30 ammo at the fire station and headed for Balota.

On my way i got the jump on a fully geared player in one of the small houses along the road, I managed to empty a clip into him before he shot at me and as I went to claim my prize he logged and his body disappeared.

I then proceeded along the road hiding in the bushes, i spotted another armed player with weapon drawn running up right in the middle of the road. Again I got the jump on him and managed to kill him with the pistol. I Went to collect my reward and low and behold he logged out, so no body again.

Made it to the far east of the air strip and noticed a geared player camping in the tree line on the hills. I was frustrated at this point so I thought I would just run straight up at him, zig zagging and hoping to get in pistol range.

I managed to make it all the way up the hill dodging all his m4 shots, I flanked round the back of him and managed to catch him as he ran off. I got 1 shot on him because i could see the bleeding. He ran into the tree line and combat logged instantly before i could finish him.

As soon as this happened I began getting fired on by someone else. I done the usual zig zagging and he must have empty a full mag on me without a hit. I hid behind a tree to bait him out because i only had like 4 bullets left. This trick worked and he ran straight past me. I managed to clip him with 1 of my bullets then ran straight at him with my fists. I would have loved to see the panic on his face in real life because the moment i hit my first punch he combat logged.

Sorry for the log post but i am just massively frustrated with this combat logging crap in the game.
What settings does everyone have this on visually(7970) it seems blurry to me and also is anyone else using a ****box pad? my buttons seem to do nothing....?
I was just teleported somewhere in the middle of a field lol!

Server needs a restart, it's badly desynced

yeah markers is desyncing like a biatch. i had it earlier open a door in a house in churno ended up in electro as i went through it :D narnia.
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