Dell 24 incher (NO RULE BREAKING)

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Paul Spiteri said:
I'm not adjusting anything in my radeon properties...didn't really know you could. It's not the kind of thing I'd ever do....After all, the default's for the radeon is the only thing you KNOW is how it should be.
Sorry - I'm obviously being stupid.

Where are the brightness settings then? Picture settings? Color settings? I know you can change the RGB values - is this what you mean? Everything on image settings (sharpness, etc) is disabled because I'm using the DVI-D cable (i.e. its doing it via Auto Adjust - which is fine because it works perfectly)

Sorry to be pedantic - as I said this is my first TFT and first time I've used a DVI cable, need to make sure I've got this all working properly.

Do you mean this screen?

Toekiller said:
Good to see we're getting shafted in the uk again.

Some in the US are getting it for 950 us and less.

That works out at £500 and that includes tax.
You're right of course, we always get shafted on prices over here.

Funny (?) story a mate of mine told me about - recently he went on holiday to Las Vegas and while at the airport in the UK stopped into a shop and noticed a UK-manufactured scarf for sale at £12. By some fluke he went into a shop in the States and saw the exact same scarf, manufactured by the same UK company, for sale at $9. So basically this UK company makes these scarfs, ships them over to the States at however much it costs, then sells it cheaper than they do in their home country. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic, but it does basically sum out how we're totally shafted on prices.
Nice one! Let us know your thoughts!

Dell (Samsung) seem to really have the manufacturing process nailed down - I had no dead pixels/subpixels at all, backlighting appears to be uniform and bright, etc. Makes my CRT at work look positively dire in terms of picture quality.
I thought it was supported by the latest drivers. Has he updated them?

One quick question, could someone please give me the dimensions of the visible screen? Damn, why cant dell do a 20% off offer when i want something :rolleyes:
It's not dark at the moment :) Last night I was quite tired and the high brightness really does take some adjusting to...i'm sure there aren't many monitors with that 500cd2 brightness measurement

I've only tried half-life 2, though i might put some other stuff on in a bit.
I don't have any consoles unfortunately. Sky digital through s-video is the closest comparison, and didn't look great to be honest. Hardly the monitor's fault...the input is just too low res i guess.

I'd like to try it though a Tv tuner + dscaler though.

edit: by the way, yes i'm still very impressed with the screen. It's fundamentally my ideal monitor.
Paul Spiteri said:
:p so what value have you settled on?
i'm home again now, and i've put it onto 25% brightness right now.
Not home yet, I'll reset my ATi gamma settings back to default and have a play with the monitor brightness as soon as I do :)
Can someone with the montitor purchased from Dell uk do me a favour, could you read the part no. it's on the back, the one with the bar code through it, it should start something like GB-012345-?????-?????-??, all i want is the 6 digit number after the letters, this isn't your serial no. just the part no, i don't want the rest of numbers.

austinpowers said:
Can someone with the montitor purchased from Dell uk do me a favour, could you read the part no. it's on the back, the one with the bar code through it, it should start something like GB-012345-?????-?????-??, all i want is the 6 digit number after the letters, this isn't your serial no. just the part no, i don't want the rest of numbers.


Made in China
Rev. A01
Inosanto said:
I can't believe this, Dell have lost my monitor!!!

They have shipped a kettle lead to me but no monitor to power it with!!!


Deja vu. Both of mine apparently got damaged in transit first, then lost. Some monitors *without* kettle leads are apparently on their way to me today :D
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